Passageway Into A Strange New World
Stardrops December 9, 2024
Stardrops A Passageway
December 9 2024
Welcome to yet another weird and jam packed Stardrops.
My synopsis – At least two forces are moving rapidly in our world impacting humanity. One, a force which has been building for a long time, attempting to trigger war, disruption and an ever increasing discomfort within life – and Two, a Force, which operates above Earth rules, observes the hearts of people, and is also rapidly releasing unknown grace and phenomenon, (magical energies) to assist many with their evolving into a higher way of life, in every single way you could imagine, including awareness, intelligence and attainment. This Force, has the ability to circumvent and intercede dark agendas, in numerous ways, and leaves symbols, clues for some to catch.
I see the world events as a huge mess, yet there is an intelligence moving, threading in between dramatic events, unknown to many, but guided by the few.
It is leading up to many years of securing our Higher Role and Vision for humanity and the Earth, ultimately unifying all people from every political position, to move against the true unwelcome consciousness who also sees the Earth as their own.
Removing these visitors from the earth, will be truly, the most crucial and incredible thing we have ever done. You can only imagine, what it will take to do this.
For now, we are entering the phase of war, which will demand a greater sharpness, face a greater volatile nature – exposures are full on – rapid decisions and changes are going to continue being made by those in leadership positions, which change the social norm.
Again, please watch a variety of news sources on the internet, rather than just one or two, on cable, or you will miss it all.
We could witness unconventional conflicts everywhere, altercations which just don’t make any sense. Even those who know, don’t know right now, who is who, and what the heck is going on.
Everything and almost every creature, human and other, could be engaged. Mars is the instigator, as it has now reached its peak power, December 2 – 7, as it turned retro, conjoined the U.S. Uranus and continues from November 3, to oppose Pluto, the planet of mysterious and deep core power – deep state, angelic, nuclear, cosmic rays, depending on which angle you look, there is a confrontation, a polarization between core powers. Some have been remaining invisible, some now wide open. Everything is on.
We have been giving powerful affirmations, visualizations and pro-active stance in order to calm down this Mars’ transit, for many months now. I believe it has been very effective. However, as I observed the escalation of global movement as Mars moved into its peak position, December 3 -6, I sat there and took many deep breaths, saying to myself…. “Here it comes, it’s begun..”
Stabilizing and securing your life is more important now than ever, yes, because of the aggressive Mars energies released up through next June 2025, but because partially, the sign it moves through, (Cancer) is all about territorial issues, security, food, energy, safety and nation’s well being. The protection of populations. Mars ALWAYS activates an angst with whatever sign it is in, (Cancer, economy currency, security, safety and all things which provide the necessities of living, including land, home, family, food, etc…) (In Leo, quality of life, issues over children, trafficking, leadership, courage and confidence, practical competent decision with people in control). Mars, addition to fighting or striving for these qualities above, adds positive energy, motivation to strive for the qualities of that sign for yourself and loved one. The creation of the overviews of transiting Mars impacting your own Natal Zodiac Sign (below)…and transiting through your Natal Houses where you have Cancer/Leo might add an additional help for understanding your next months ahead.
In addition to Mars…..An interesting phase has been happening since mid – November. The Saturn in Pisces, Mercury in Sag, retro and Jupiter in Gemini theme continues —
The T-Square
.. This Mercury retro cycle has been telling us to think positively, yet move forward with cautious responsible expansion and progress. Can you think of some guidance you may have strongly felt, mostly since August, definitely since Mid November, prompting you to trust and take one step at a time in a particular path?
All the while this expansive Mercury has been guiding us to nurture our idealistic goals, firmly set…and in addition, we have the ever escalating continuing drama of Mars in the background. They are two separate activities occurring simultaneously. Soon we’ll add a third, Venus.
Everyday, another aggressive, potentially threatening event is taking place on our planet – as Mars continues to reveal greater altercations, regime changes, posturing and threats, and now, unknown civilian interference from space.
While Mars escalates these movements, we are also all quite motivated, to push through our own drama and overwhelm, some, positive with what we are accomplishing – and yet, for many, worry and challenges, organizing life in general. Yet, it has been this way for sometime now -however, it has reached a trigger moment. I recognize the dangers increasing all over the world….
Yet I like to give credit to the productive Mars and other planetary energies for supporting our own lives in a stepped up fashion now, while at the same time, understand its problematic nature. Mars contains the lower electronic belt records of past epic technologically advanced wars, which devastated its surface, making it uninhabitable, so this Martian energy which remains, always has to be transmuted and contained, so we can utilize the pure higher quality of this planet for industrious purposes.
This is why sometimes, I am creating Affirmations with Mars included, (or other dubious planetary positions).
There are also key movements from our planet of Love (Venus) at 0* Aquarius this past weekend, conjoin Pluto and connecting to the social trends Node (and Moon) a new energy opened up recently, giving us a bit of relief from all the intensity of the world and our own personal lives. Some may have experienced it, and others may have dealt with a chaotic escalation with the people who are in your life. Light pours down on us, from many positive planetary alignments, especially when Venus is in a powerful position. Yes, light is pouring into humanity, the earth and everything that lives here, yet at the same time, it can cause a reaction, a disruption in some. Is one force of activity in counteraction towards another activity? Or are they both increasing their presence, the light and the crazy…is it just a coincidence? Or is one escalating because of the presence of the other at this time?
Venus Conjoins Pluto At 0* Aquarius
Dec 7 – 8 2024 Venus conjoins Pluto in Aquarius sextile Node ( and Dec 9) Moon in Aries
0* degrees is a critical degree, denoting a unique blueprint just starting to open up for many. it has its own potency of power, in the sign of Aquarius, a star of revolutionary love.
A high inspirational weekend December 7, where a release of love from the heart of Venus, the causal body of Venus, is known for its ability to release light into our world, for very specific purposes. You can see this action sometimes with the special movements of Venus in the sky.
Here is the Chart for that moment of December 7
Venus’ rotation
Venus orbit
Venus is a special planet. It has been associated with Magdalene, Jesus, and the Divine Virgin. It has been detailed in books such as Phylos the Thibetan
Sometimes the technical astrological moment of a transiting planet’s position etc…does not seem that significant – but, this Venus moment, to me, was important.
Several other meaningful events also transpired that I became aware of the very same date, December 7 and 8th. The fact it was also conjoin Pluto, sextile the node, and late Sunday/Monday, the Moon joined, made it important to me.
Many times, if you go beyond the planets and cycles on paper, the planets can show you something beyond, a synthesis of the meaning of that planet’s position but typically it will be an outer event, which grabs my attention and has me pondering, and then you begin pulling threads together, forming a new pattern. It was Venus’ position and what I know of this planets’ influence in the earth, which got me going. Venus is always a softer more subtle energy of beauty and relief for us to experience.
We are about to enter a brand new Venus retrograde cycle from February through May. It is going to be Epic. The December 7 Venus event was just a precursor to what is coming. I suspect an intercession of some kind is coming, where numerous layers of events will be released into our world. From the most practical to the unbelievably, magical.
I saw this past weekends’ moment of Venus, conjoin Pluto, sextile the Node and Moon, as a sign of a door opening we have been waiting for. I have been experiencing this past few weeks or more as a sort of in-between state and now there is finally movement. One state leaving, (I blamed Saturn!) and now we walk through a door, enter a Passageway, into the world that is waiting for us.
The symbolic trigger was stumbling on the livestream of the re-opening of Notre Dame. Something happened at that moment, and it is as if the Heart of the divine mother, or great being, opened a passageway, ensuring, safe entre into this New World.
Primary Theme #1 Where we have been, what we have all walked through prior to this moment, has been far from easy. This new passageway and entre into the new, will require sacrifices, and living from our hearts, facing the ultimate truth as to what has truly been happening on planet earth, kept from us. Yet it will be a far better place to be. It might take time to establish our equilibrium, but the past of secrets and ignorance, slavery and being misled is over, and we can never go back there again. Many have passed through a fire, but now can be restored.
I look forward to more Venus journeys, as we move into January – April, 2025!
December 7 Sun in Sagittarius trine Chiron and exactly opposes Jupiter
Even though this day has passed, you may have experienced December 7, 8, a different kind of weekend, one where you were inspired to break out of limitation in some way. Many were exposed or offered a very different experience…being exposed to something they needed to learn. Without paying attention to this aspect, I found myself launching into a re-designing of my main floor. Along with the design and moving furniture came a strong need to really take in what vibration or energy I needed to set up I wanted to live in. Have any of you experienced some change of your outlook, in the past few days? This aspect enhanced Venus’ position in the sky. Seeing something not really experienced before.
In addition to this personal expansion, I have always seen Jupiter oppositions as an open door we walk through, (again, another layer of passageway we are journeying on) into a foreign world) providing an opportunity for expansion from one familiar world to a new world, not known before. Along with the Venus conjunction above, this Jupiter oppose Sun was the other most significant moment of expansion, adding to the experience of our Mercury in Sagittarius retro oppose Jupiter expansion theme (and the August/September, and December Jupiter square Saturn) we have been building on, for several months now… The hope and dream of walking through murky veils, transitions in-between two worlds into a brighter world of truth and greater opportunity for the future.
I feel symbolically, this weekend, marked a Venusian moment of a light descending upon Earth, where Venus can merge a little bit more of its radiation into our lives now, with the Jupiter opposition readying us for the journey. (Venus is a special planet, some say, in another frequency, a higher civilization lives there.) Below, is the video filmed on December 7, of the opening ceremony for Notre Dame.
Dec 11-13 Venus in Aquarius oppose Mars
A moment of having to stretch yourself in some way. Some challenges over accommodating people, things or events into an already tight or challenging situation. It’s difficult to make plans, make decisions or tune into exactly what is to be done or to plan during this period, as something just feels up in the air, it’s not fitting quite right. As we approach the 13 – 16th (below) it will finally shift, our feelings will be much more energized, and the way becomes clear
Dec 13 – 16 Mercury Stationary Direct (coming out of Retrograde) sextile Venus in Aquarius
Now we have an intellectual planet added to the Venus experience, making it more real, informative and conscious. Mercury helps us communicate or articulate what we are experiencing. It shares facts, information which is of great importance, globally, for the world to be updated as to the new world we’re moving into.
it is a most positive date for planning, sharing ideas, and talking with others in a most energized and productive conversation. Decisions are being made which are fairly spot on. The refined expansive thinking, focusing upon ideals and perfection to some degree, and the specific visionary Mercury, concentrating upon precision with our work, a design or how you see something manifesting, is perfect now for execution.
Primary Theme #2
Dec 4 – Dec 26 Mercury stationary retro/direct (16* Sagittarius Dec 4 and 13* Sagittarius Dec 26 ) in an opposition with Jupiter …. it began mid- November.
We’ve all been trying to remain optimistic as we want to expand, move forward with our lives, believe in the best all the while forced to be incredibly realistic. I personally believe it is the right thing, to pursue this expansion, with caution and common sense now.
The December 26 date, marks the finish of this somewhat challenging period we’ve been in since mid-November. I see the theme as a time where we have wanted to capture the vision of what really matters for us right now, banking on it, yet as we said, be very realistic, practical and adjusting to a somewhat messy situation.
It’s not too terribly awful and uncontrollably messy, however, we are in a mess. Try to not get caught up in the petty negatives of your life situation (and the state of the world) as we are ((remember?) moving rapidly into a new life, a potentially new world in a way, and we’ve been moving through the in-between passageway. Saturn, as the funnel of this t-square, between Mercury and Jupiter, is causing high stakes, high standards and high expectations of what we now need to face, address and deal with in order to build that new world.
Primary theme #3
Saturn in Pisces at 13-14* square the Mercury retro/direct at 13-14* Sagittarius, from December 6 – 27.
As we mentioned above, Saturn is at the tip of the T-Square between Jupiter oppose Mercury retro, both square Saturn in Pisces. This alone, creates a sort of stuck, slow stationary moment in time from mid-November to the end of the year, All the while I suspect, something else is growing and building in the background of our world, globally. Many feel suspended with their life situations right now, almost waiting for something to break through.
This theme demands answers to hard questions, it wants reality, facts, conversations where we can count on someone’s word. It need security and structure, reliability and positive changes made.
This square also forces issues which might be fragile, frail, vulnerable and even messed up, forces us to face it – and address it! It’s a perfect time, to create an affirmation to speak outloud, which brings change into the world, your world, such as ….
“I AM easily holding the vision for the ideal outcome and moving swiftly into our new world of the realization of the ideal workable situation. I AM learning to handle several concepts, realities and situations and yet continue to move forward and expand myself, grow and achieve Piscean Mastery during this transition period we are living through.”
The third theme, Jupiter square Saturn – actually began in August – peaks again December 24, and finishes on June 15. So this one has been going on already for a while, very strong in August – and the Mercury retrograde, slipped into it, aligned with it, in November – December. The Mercury added a more conscious decision making pressure upon all of us, for the things we were already committed to. And, you could apply this also to global decisions and events.
August – December, Saturn in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini, brings that tension between our future potential, and the 3-D reality we are in right now.
People are going through this, the world is going through this.
As we approach the June 2025 square, Saturn will have moved into Aries, and Jupiter moves into Cancer. The theme will be the same, yet have a sharper edginess to it. Now, it will have an impatient dynamic urge to act, to achieve solutions, regain control over our security – what security? Earth? That’s what I think it is ultimately running through some individuals thoughts.
Lesser activities, hopefully would just be about the economy, money, one’s career and practical living, it could be a slightly challenging end to this expansive Jupiter period which began as just an idea – a vision, August 2024. Now, the challenge will be to protect the ideals, what we all stand for, what Earth stand for. The requirement to utilize what we have set in motion so far, what resources we have acquired or done so far. Taking stock in what you’ve already done, learned or accomplished would be very good, so you can see just how much you have done!
Some unknown facts about Pisces, Saturn’s escalation in the sign Pisces, and the t-square – pointing to Saturn as the funnel or release point, for a release of something in the world.
Pisces is ruled by Neptune and its house is #12. They all deal with the mysterious, veiled secrets, the unknown, psychological complexities, the subconscious, and energies from the past we can not quite recall, but have strong triggers from some memories.
Pisces, Neptune has many beautiful energies, it is the loftiest of all signs and planets, connecting us with the higher realms. It also rules over UFO’s, phenomenon, nightmares and the astral plane. Neptune and Pluto both rule the inter-dimensional world of beings and energies, the darker psychic and possessing super unreal powers, the unknown, where Uranus governs over the tech part of spacecraft and their devices….Neptune governs over their ability of their consciousness manipulating the Tech.
We have been experiencing a strong focal point towards Saturn in Pisces recently as we have been diving into the Mercury retro in Sag, oppose Jupiter in Gemini, both square Saturn in Pisces, right…so this could be another focal point, exposure at a more profound level, of these phenomenon. Neptune, which also rules Pisces is about to conjoin the Node, as Jupiter has been in opposition to Mercury opening up information and knowledge, many have never considered before. Possibly, Venus’ symbolic moment on December 7, 8 was to offer a passageway higher, up and out of this potential fantasmagoria which is globally, only growing in size daily. For sure, this Mercury retro opposition has forced many to expand their understanding, open up their minds to a foreign world.
Example in the first 5 minutes of video.
Dec 14-15 Sun in Sagittarius inconjunct Uranus
A few days of obligations and adjustments to your day, regarding your original ideas, independence and unique approach you are taking. Some part of you is of course, confident as to how you see things unfolding,yet it might run up against a committee or friends who are not organized or able to accommodate.
Dec 17 – 18 Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune
These two days can bring a slight apprehensive heavy feeling of a loss, or sadness. Try to remain clear, positive and up beat as we go through some confusion. Deception may be in the air, a growing sense of dread, uneasiness – certain global issues are NOT making any sense at all.
Dec 19 Venus at 14* Aquarius trine Jupiter Use this day for art, music, design or beauty – use this day for love, friendships and positive solutions, out of the blue, fortuitous events and experiences! Purchases, financial blessings, gifts, celebrations and time spent with loved ones, is quite positive and a relief.
December 20 – 30, in addition to the two above themes of Mercury oppose Jupiter, and Saturn square Jupiter, December 24 and December 27, has a most helpful Pluto sextile the Node.
Pluto will be at 1* Aquarius sextile the North Node at 1* Aries, December 15- January 15, 2025. This is a strong energy, a better energy than the challenging Pluto square the Nodes which occurred July 28 – August 10, 2023! As we spoke about, at the beginning of this Stardrops, Venus has begun this conjunction of Pluto, on December, 7 and 8th and sextile to the Node, while It creates positive opportunities for several events- business, social expansion, reaching out and celebration with our friends and family. it increases our hearts’ gratitude, our sharing and melting hardness of feelings. It is positive for money, business, finance and all things regarding our social unity throughout the world. it also, has an underlying power of transparency and ultimate truth about events, people and the circumstances we have all traveled out from, from the past world. A unity of knowing and humanitarian bonding, can now begin.
We have a more congenial message shared among those in leadership positions among each other for the most part. There is a change in the air, for some, of modifying and upgrading a financial position – and possibly a willingness to make concessions.
The past Pluto square, we were concerned of a direct attack economically in some forced social situation, to yield to an abuse of control, a show of force, to impose a threat or new system unwillingly upon society – Nodes= financial, society, the people’s r=trends, their present lifestyle preferences and needs)
Now, there seems to be an exchange of conversation, even with those who hold the big guns. A negotiation and deal is being made. I think this is a big deal, and I wish I could list all the possibilities of where, who, how and why all these new collaborations are playing out.
Mars Retrograde in Cancer/Leo, September 2024 – June 2025, setting the stage for much drama, urgency, changes and concern for Earth’ ultimate safety.
Primary Theme #4
The final piece of today’s Stardrops is once again, a reminder, we are officially in the volatile and restless drama of the Mars in Leo retro, as of December 6, 2024.
Part 1 takes Mars through the signs Aries through Capricorn, Part 2, explores Mars impacting the signs Aquarius and Pisces.
Part 3, (coming) Mars impacting your natal chart, what house is Mars triggering now through June, is in the works and should be out in a few days.
We have been going over and over the energies of this Mars, (links here) so there is no need to recap this now, however, these videos explain how Mars could be impacting your Sun Sign, and how it might be inspiring and motivating you, as Mars also moves through one or two of your own houses (areas of your life) in your own birth chart. Enjoy! Hum…have I missed anything?
OH YES! The December 15, 2024 FULL MOON IN GEMINI
Our Full Moon on December 15, 2024 will be a mental culmination for getting (realizing) something important. Personal and global.
We can no longer guess, deny it, we take it in, accept it.
It brings us to a culmination of Gemini knowledge, but not far out ideas, we accept the science, the psychological reality of a situation or people, what can not be denied… where as before maybe we guessed, maybe we didn’t trust ourselves. Now we really really get it, we understand someone’s nature, or situation or behavior, like never before.
Now, we have the facts, real time experiences. Now we have seen with our own eyes, what is really happening, yet, are we really sure? Again, this might be personal for you, or it might be in the news, global awareness of something being reported, whatever it is, a full moon simply means a magnification of (Gemini) media, information or first hand facts)….a culmination of something, spilling out all over the place, uncontained, unable to unsee or un-know something.
Neptune square the Moon is not good, as it creates much fear, anxiety and confusion. It relates to mysteries, really intense curiosity about certain subjects (as we explained earlier under our Saturn and Neptune/Pisces segment on phenomenon and the unknown).
Our personal emotional stability surely is challenged under a Full Moon square Neptune! Ground yourself on December 10 – 18 peaking on December 15, as this cycle can erupt in a weird set of events maximizing now, disturbing the public.
Sometimes, short distance trips and visits are involved with a Gemini Full Moon. Sometimes there is a final culmination of a big decision we need to make. Sometimes, there is an incredibly strong need, and/or reason one would feel like escaping from all the stress and confusion.
Information, mental challenges and absorbing facts, science, statistics, are all involved. In the professional world, a new contract, sale, or a new plan for advertising, marketing, networking or media is involved, and this may have been mulling around your mind, building for the past few weeks. It now all reaches a moment of getting it!
This Full Moon is the fullness of something, and in Gemini, it’s facts and information. The square to Neptune could make it tricky, as some pieces of information are not available. Things related to moving, security, home and money might be stressing you out. The Moon rules Cancer, and we also have an aggressive Mars moving in and out of the sign, Cancer for the next eight months, so we don’t need a challenged full moon event right now on top of the other cycles.
In addition, some people might be in full saturation mode, as to what our brains and emotional nature are analyzing going on in the world. Mental overload and overwhelm can happen, along with nervous exhaustion. This is about all I want to say about the Full Moon, my impression is that is just another trigger for difficult information we have to take in, and still leaving many with questions unanswered!
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