Important Planetary Cycles

Where you find ongoing astrological themes. Mercury, Venus, Mars Retrogrades – Pluto’s position in the sky and how it effects us – What is Saturn doing in 2022 – Uranus’ impact on all things material, businesses and financial, and more.

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Interesting articles we want to share with you from a variety of our own research, and also sent by Starfires followers. Enjoy!

This Month’s Planetary Positions

May 2022

May Ephemeris (Planets’ Positions)

Solar Eclipse April 30, 2022

Solar Eclipse is on April 30, and has a unique function – one of the most important themes is that it brings to us a situation which we can not ignore.

It elevates an incident, circumstance or situation in our lives as top priority NOW, and all other activities pale in the light of this One Thing we’re now aware of.

Solar Eclipses have been known to highlight global events, which change the world scene, in some way, our history, humanity’s course on planet earth.

Get ready, as this theme lasts for approx.5 months out beginning April 30, 2022, as a new issue in our life emerges,. Read More about Solar Eclipse Here

May 10
Mercury Retrograde in Gemini at 4 Degrees

Every Mercury retrograde helps us discover one idea in our minds, that just won’t let us go. To have a solar eclipse and a Mercury retro just within a few weeks of each other, could be confusing. The solar eclipse above, is about empowerment and personal development.

Starting as soon as April 20, we should all be looking out for the new Mercury retro theme in Gemini, which peaks exact on May 10 (see article on the right column)…directing our thinking, planning and inspiration which comes seemingly out of nowhere, as ideas dropped into our mind, thoughts and specifically very strong promptings to take care of something, research some thing or plan, do, or learn about some thing which is on our minds to get straight. Watch for it building up to May 10, and trust your inner process of figuring out what is next to handle in your every day life.

The Mercury retrogrades’ guidance would be something specific, a detail or something you might want to write, paperwork you need to file and organize, or a schedule you would want to create. It might be finding a coach, or reading a special book, being inspired to take a class or hold that important meeting or interview. This Mercury Retro in Gemini is all about intellectual brain/mind logistics, learning or applying something in a new way – and it is in a square to the Moon in Virgo, which tends to amplify being sick and tired of the way something has been in your life. So the Mercury guides you by plopping a thought, impulse or idea to go do something, in order to solve the irritating situation once and for all.

You can see how a Mercury retro could help by inspiring us to get a handle on something now, that is a specific thing, where the solar eclipse is a much bigger concept for your own empowerment.

Mercury Retro May 10, 2022

Great Reset vs Great Alternatives?

May 1 – 5, transitioning into July 26 – August 10,

2022.Uranus/Sun/North Node, beginning May 1 – 5, launches a new trend which we all can observe playing out for the next four months.

This combination of planets position beginning actually on the solar eclipse April 30, segue into May 1- 1-5 Sun conjoin Uranus, then on July26, Uranus conjoin Node, then lastly, Mars conjoin Node, and Mars conjoin Uranus, July 26 – August 10.

This is a new sub-trend which began on the solar eclipse date, April 30. On April 30, the Sun and Moon conjoined together in the sign of Taurus. …As this cycle moves into the next important phase, Uranus conjoin Node on July 26th, then the 3rd phase, Mars conjoin Node and Uranus from July 26 – August 10, if there ever was going to be a global reset, or, an alternative financial transformation solutions, it would be now up through August 10, peaking exact July 26th.

Expect the escalation of economic transitions to occur bit by bit increasingly becoming more obvious as we lead up to the July 26 date. The July 26 date is the exact date it culminates. Read more

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May 15 Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio

Lunar eclipses compel us to react impulsively, become triggered, or become easily swayed or talked into things during the few days before and after May 15.. Sometimes it can even last for a few weeks after the exact date, if something dramatic occurring. in our life situation at the time …. Read Entire Post…

Pluto in Capricorn

Have we all been Gaslighted by Pluto in Capricorn…

The ultimate sociopathic cycle, which attempts to diminish your internal power? What does Capricorn represent? Think of Government, think of CEO, think corporations, and the ones in charge –Think of the two signs which naturally radiate Authority – Leo and Capricorn. Leo senses the innate entitlement of their position, their right to rule, where Capricorn has worked hard to get where they are and are more interested in being in control at the top. Imagine, we all have a Capricorn quality somewhere in our charts, even if you are not a Capricorn.
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America Astrology

Many layers are occurring at the same time impacting the U.S. Astrology…

The most important concept to grasp, is America is a consciousness on planet earth, not a place. It’s the ideal represented by the drive for love, freedom and personal progress and so many other ideals, and so the cycles we’ve been covering over the past 20 years or so, are also being mirrored all over the entire world. Here is the most recent update, April 2021, as to what has been going on astrologically in the U.S chart….

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Saturn in Aquarius

Saturn in Aquarius and how it is impacting your own world, and globally …

The new theme, personally and globally is the necessity to remain diligent in preserving our organic and divine existence against bouts of extreme technological invasive. It is the clashing of two planets, one, the consternation of Saturn, and second, unconventional liberating and sometimes technological and unruly Uranus.

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