A Warning of Deception Afoot

Stardrops September 15 2024


As mentioned in a few articles back, I researched all posts from December 2023 to the present in order to stay on top of those KEY Planetary Events we have uncovered so far this year, yet are still active and ongoing. Many are active throughout 2025. Rather than including the same transits over and over again in each Stardrops, I’ve posted most of them in the Planetary Trends page HERE, the larger Planetary Themes page found HERE and the America Cycles found HERE.

The cycles which I’m the most concerned about are the Hades conjoin the U.S. 1776 Sun in Cancer and Sirius, and the transit of Pluto oppose the U.S. Natal 1789 Uranus. Both are ongoing well into 2025. The Hades conjunction, has an energy of a darkness at work, attempting to shut out the light of the very meaning and purpose of Earths’ highest potential. The timing of this cycle, would be the open window in time for it to attempt to do its deed, and our own light is the antithesis to this vibration, resisting not only the U.S. degeneration, not only the earth’s continual degeneration, but even within our own feeling world and attitudes each day, we work to keep ourselves positive and up and not succumb to this heaviness.

I’m happy to say however, in these excerpts I posted in the links above, many hopeful powerful and long lasting new planetary energies are finally beginning. I remember in 1998 being commissioned to give a lecture on the meaning of 2012, and when will the Golden Age come, I saw the start of planetary breakthroughs bringing us out of the darkness beginning 2025 – 2030 and on, and remembering how it was so far into the future, in those days. Well, we’re almost there. As these positive liberating and renewing energies begin, it’s important to keep in mind, forces see these higher magnetic frequencies coming also, and are desperate to implement their own agendas as quickly as possible, before the new energies higher energies arrive. Once higher frequencies release their influence on us, it’s going to be harder for disruptive darker consciousness to find a way to continue to degrade.

So every challenging astrology cycle we experience now, is to be considered more serious, where as before, we pick and choose, prioritize the worst over the least, as to not make so much fuss over every single little thing. Now I can see, some of the faster and least worrisome squares and other challenging transits, can be the carriers of an incident which shouldn’t have triggered much in the past. This is why I chose to elaborate on the potential trouble with the upcoming Lunar Eclipse below, versus my usual casual warnings. With that said, let’s venture into the next few weeks’ cycles!

Planetary Daily Trends

September 12-15 Mars at 5* Cancer square Nodes.

The challenge we might be immersed in, puzzle solving and needing closure or resolution regarding our money – income, job or other Cancerian Security needs. This can be a bit of an emotional time.

September 14 -15 Sun inconjunct Chiron

During these days, it would be a good idea to back up and refrain from the mind getting overly stressed and revolving over negative issues. With an inconjunct, you can’t second guess what is wrong, how to fix something, or making sense of some situation. We could feel off, tired and worn out. Eat well, sleep, drink your water and take your vitamins! Practice your positive empowering affirmations regardless of how you feel, and time for some beautiful music.

September 14 -15 Venus trine Jupiter at 20* Gemini

Ether at the end of all this fuss, or interspersed throughout the 14 – 15th, Venus comes to our rescue and helps us see the positive side of things. There is goodwill, protection, and positive action taken in order to advance in our steps towards progress and harmony again. Venus rules our friendships, our money and social happiness, so popularity or at least being invited or welcomed for meetings, discussions with good outcomes can be experienced during these days.

Sept 16 Venus oppose Chiron

Facing our own identity crisis, questioning ourselves being very aware of our weaknesses could pop up now. This cycle could lend to over promising, and finding our commitment is either in conflict with other things we would rather be doing, or it’s more than we expected.

Sept 17 – 19 Mercury at 15* Virgo oppose Saturn in Pisces 15*

This opposition is one of my least favorites. Let’s get through these three days successfully. Things to watch out for: Stressful conversations or meetings where you suddenly experience a lack of confidence, a sense of inadequacy, brain fog or mental limitations of the answers, information you are to provide.

  • Overworked, long hours, challenging projects, difficult uncooperative or challenging people with whom you must deal.
  • Seriousness with presenting yourself in a positive competent manner.
  • Seriousness with contracts, budgets, finances, expenditures, commitments.
  • Karmic responsibilities with another surfaces on these days.
  • The sudden reality which hits us, when we discover all the information, the facts and the details as to what we have to do, pay for or face.

Sept 19 Sun trine Uranus

A day for breaking free from negative situations. The Divine power of your Higher Self which is limitless, infinite solutions, resources, intelligence and love, works through us and our life situations if we call it down to assist and take command of it. We are ultimately free. This is a cycle of overcoming the illusion of limitation and lack.

It helps with getting along with others in a truthful progressive way. Be yourself, invoke that innate power, and watch things turn around!

Sept 20 Venus inconjunct Uranus

Our social life and close relationships, our events, parties, get-togethers or chats, are a bit out of sync with what we either expected, or the feelings are a bit strained. Maybe tread carefully with certain people on this day. Try not to overextend yourself!

September 20 Sun Oppose Neptune

A time for surrendering, let go – to be too attached to certain outcomes, or responses, feedback or resolutions. You might not get your needs met today if you see this out.

Sept 21 Mercury square Jupiter at 20* Gemini

There are several aspects happening on this day. The first is a warning to not always trust what someone else is saying. Be a bit more scrutinizing and over analyzing someone’s message or opinion. Refrain from repeating things without really knowing your facts. Don’t overextend yourself, work too hard, over commit or exhaust yourself. Don’t overspend or be cavalier with your finances either.

Sept 21 Venus inconjunct Neptune

This cycle causes a bit of disconnect and emotional frustration – confusion over people, plans, what you thought was a mutually agreed plan or mutually agreed priority and instead, disappointment.

Sept 21 Mercury inconjunct Chiron
This added on to the rest, causes us to either be frustrated with ourselves, blame ourselves or blame and be critical towards another. September 20 and 21 are mildly annoying off and on.

Sept 21 Sun Trine Pluto
Today is good for hard work, productivity and engaging our will and determination to reach a goal we’ve set. Go ahead and plan, pull others into your plan, discuss, negotiate, collaborate and feel the surge of positiveness where we’re all in this together and can make something great today!

Sept 22 – Oct 21 Sun enters Libra
The Sun’s emanations are now directed into beauty, love, financial abundance, income, building new friendships, new relationships and interacting with others. It is focused upon reaching out to others and being supportive, listening, sharing, giving feedback, and taking in feedback!

Sept 22 Venus square Pluto

Typically, all Pluto squares cause some emotional harshness of facing a hard truth, a difficult personality, someone who could be in conflict with how we operate, what we value and deem important versus what their priorities actually are. It’s a difficult day for being able to wrap our mind around someone’s needs without reacting or feeling hurt. Expenses are challenging a bit, something might cost too much!

Sept 24 Mercury trine Uranus

A liberated, unconventional creative mind – a mind geared towards the new, something different, dynamic, exciting. Original ideas, materials and work. Suddenly a group of people, a community or friends include you and you can be immersed with highly interesting conversations.

Sept 25 Mercury oppose Neptune

Not good for trustworthy plans decisions, contracts or agreements at this time.

Mercury trine Pluto, however on the same day, is excellent for getting down to the brass tacks of what is going on , exposure of the whole story, all the details.

Sept 30 Sun/Mercury conjoin South Node

An odd day – reviewing the month, reviewing where we are now at and how to move forward. This is a day however of reflection – sizing up what’s gotten done, taken care of in our lives, where do we sit. It puts our mind upon the past for a good reason. We’re pondering in hindsight, the big picture, the reality of something, such as leadership, authority, people who were in our lives, past important people, relationships we have had with others, or how far it’s gone. Not always the best times to launch something new, even though the Sun/Mercury are positive for intelligent analysis, reading a situation, being smart and clear, because it is on the South Node, rather than the North Node, there is something pulling you backwards, holding you back or a symbol of digression.

The Lunar Eclipse September 17 2024

The Lunar Eclipse has the potential for intensifying the more challenging energies found within the Full Moon. As we have mentioned many times, avoiding important decisions, planning significant events, purchases or commitments during a Lunar Eclipse would be a good idea as they are riddled with future problems.

This Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon is the fullness or culmination of all the hard work since at least, the first of September so far. On a positive note, new facts and conversations, or an awareness of information coming to you, or something positive which has come to you could uplift your spirits quite a bit. It can be a strong healthy dose of honest yet idealistic discussion, with plans for positive outcomes, and commitments made to move forward on exciting goals.

We can see the outcomes from our investment of energy, put into a project or situation, this far.

I don’t want to make a huge deal over the Lunar Eclipses or Full Moons…

…however, you know me and Lunar Eclipses, I have to bring up the elephant in the room, there are weird things going on within this Lunar Eclipse cycle on or around September 17, which cause me to wonder, what new problem, turn of events is lurking behind the curtains upcoming week?

The potential issues global or local, could trigger:

  • Disruption of events in a clandestine deceptive manner leaked into the information circuit spreading disturbing information out into the world.
  • The potential for crisis with toxins, poison, gases, water crisis, or interference with our sources of drinking water.
  • A fair amount of investing of time/energy or money into a project, a problematic issue which has drained us in some way, a job or an ideal, and have some part of it feel as if it was not the best use of time, or one wasted a lot of their time but it was a sacrifice.
  • Confrontations with another where there is a sense of injustice, confusion, in the expectations.
  • Either a need to escape, take a break or hide – or, there can be some sort of disappointment in general, but not for everyone. It could be a public situation.
  • The urge to reclaim an ideal belief in something magical, purposeful as we look around at our present situation and want change.
  • The potential for mysterious illnesses globally, sickness with loved ones or pets to escalate. The possibility many are dealing with invalid situations, worsening medical conditions with loved ones or infections, immune system issues, pain or simply fatigue and low energy.
  • The temptation to be critical, pick things apart, mentally revolving, worry, and feel compelled to change or shift others out of a condition, how have been thinking or moving in a particular direction, serves little purpose and could be going nowhere. Trying to re-direct others who are in magical thinking and not practical.
  • Loss, letting go, giving up and moving on emotionally, or physically from some sort of idea or attachment.

In a nutshell, this Lunar Eclipse creates a T-Square, to Jupiter in Gemini. Because it is a lunar eclipse, there will be an energy of warning, heads up and shaking one out of impractical thinking.

This is because the Moon conjoin Neptune, conjoin Saturn and square Jupiter. Pisces is very idealistic, fantasizing an ideal outcome which could be a great ultimate goal, a grand, perfection in a perfect world – yet the conjunction holds the capacity for missing the most important priorities to be considered, where the squares to Jupiter cause overall, a lack of good judgment.

For those who are in a moment in their lives of needing to achieve something, just keep strategizing it out with numbers, facts, logical steps. Discuss your plans with others if you like, who give practical feedback.

This would be a good time to do this kind of examination of one’s ideas.

The Saturn opposing Mercury, as we said in the daily planetary aspects above, isn’t much fun – it forces one to do the hard work during this week and get more into the details in order to reach that higher ideal and goal.

For anyone who is Virgo/Pisces/Gemini or Sagittarius, you are on what we call the Yellow Cross of mental, mind, wisdom and communication. This Lunar Eclipse is triggering strongly some of these ideal expectations, within yourself or you are dealing with it in others. It might stimulate lots of great ideas or you are working with others who are filled with visions of magical outcomes or at least impractical plans. Let it settle for a few days before acting on them as I don’t trust Lunar Eclipses. And the further away you get from the 17th, the clearer things become. Answers will come and issues which are off base will get exposed.

Your plan could be great, it’s just not the best timing. It might even have to do with others you are relying upon, as you discover later it might not end up according to plans.

During these times we have put much analysis and logistics from the influence of Gemini Jupiter and Mars, into our future plans.

Our positive energy and concentration revolves around those detailed discussions, editing, analyzing from the 2nd of September up to the 17th.

It includes the projects we have thrown ourselves into recently, even deciding to move forward on them, from August’s first Mars conjoin Jupiter square Saturn period. It’s simply a time to reflect and see how things are coming along, but usually, it completes or brings us to an ultimate maximization of the big picture. During the Full Moon. It’s our halfway point from the New Moon to the next New Moon when we naturally begin anew, but this time, the halfway point is a lunar eclipse which tempts us to commit to a possible waste of time, effort, money or fantasy.

Are you dealing with certain people who simply do not want to face reality? Are in denial? Clueless or disconnected from the things that really matter right now?

Is the world of people evolving ever higher, having to separate, once again, from deluded people, liars, individuals in self-deception or avoiding reality?

Conversations, News exposure, independent reports, confrontations, fact checking, logic and common sense along with a history of documentation, research on past recommendations or other factual enlightened pieces of information expose the dysfunction as a Light penetrates and strips away all the Neptunian illusions, agendas and shallow presentations which are not part of the highest grand plan.

This Full Moon conjoin Neptune, could trigger some events involving loss, sadness, grieving over the culmination of some hard situation which you or another has endured for a while.

The Moon will be in Pisces, conjoin Neptune and Saturn in Pisces. Unfortunately, they are all still square to Jupiter in Gemini, which even though the full moon is positively bringing us some ideal results with what we have been working hard on, the square has problems with unfinished pieces which will still require some sacrifice in order to complete, and potentially more expenses or time invested in them. With Saturn also opposing Mercury in this Full Moon, we’ve got a dash of serious scrutiny from somewhere, forcing an accountability to one’s plans, or others’ agendas, situations, or condition… and that always means one thing, MORE WORK and concentration on tedious corrections and getting it right!

The Full Moon conjoin Neptune also has dangers. The overly idealistic confidence in our attitude, “let’s just go for it, and it will all work out, what the heck” doesn’t work out, especially since it is creating a Lunar Eclipse! We’re avoiding the reality and practicality of all the details, people, schedule, and/or money thinking it will all be fine. We want to keep a level head now, as we move through these two weeks up to September 17, and not end up freaked out that something important has run amok from over confidence, impractical guidance and advice or delusions. Maintain some semblance of practicality and responsibility! Stay on top of issues, and don’t let others get carried away either!

With Pluto at 29* Capricorn sextile Moon and Neptune in Pisces however, it all seems very negotiable, workable, and cooperative with others. In other words, we can get help making certain parts of the plan work.

The main idea with this September 17 Full Moon, is to use it as an end date for addressing mistakes, miscalculations, misunderstandings, or to get everyone back on track with important things to be finished, to wrap up.

This would be the date to use for finally having some clarity, relief as to which way to now move forward. One more piece of your mission put into place. But only because something flawed has been exposed with the plan which may have been in the works for a few months now.

Let me know your thoughts, and we’ll keep a lookout for suspicious activity, a slight of hand, or deceptive intrigue developing in the next few weeks in the world, for sure!

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1 thought on “A Warning of Deception Afoot

  1. Carlton Newman says:

    Re: September 15 attempted assassination of Pres Trump

    “Trump’s assassin (Ryan Routh) has strong ties to Ukraine’s military

    Was he working for someone from Ukraine?


    The war machine wants blood and profits at any cost and Trump is about to stop them

    They have every incentive to take him out.”

    Then there is this from

    Charlie Kirk


    “What are the odds that this shooter (Ryan Routh), who spent months fighting in Ukraine, has zero links to anyone in US military or intelligence circles?”


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