A Full Moon in Gemini’s Undermining
December 15 2024
The world drama is increasing to a new level of difficult events.
Let’s jump right into it.
Planetary Cycles
Full Moon in Gemini December 15, 2024
December 15 – 18 Sun and Moon at 24 – 27* Sagittarius/Gemini square Neptune at 27* Pisces (Full Moon in Gemini)
Let’s dive right into the strange and weird world of Neptune in Pisces and the challenges it brings. This cycle beginning December 15, for two weeks, which launches two interesting planetary cycles, is The Full Moon square Neptune, and the Sun in Sagittarius inconjunct Uranus. Both aspects escalate a theme which cause people to become seriously concerned, confused and questioning a situation, and whether a situation should be left alone, or be challenged and confronted, even if it means by a show of force. People will demand Truth about the situation so they can change the direction of how things are going, badly.
Events will speed up, change course with mostly erroneous conclusions and misinformation. Out of nowhere, a new truthful release of information may leak, increasing an even greater worrisome state into our world in some fashion. Yet, the people are ready and can handle it. They simply commanded Truth and it begins to trickle out. This is from the energies of Uranus inconjunct the Sun.
As the Sun continues to square Neptune, it also inconjuncts Uranus, and this is the unexpected transparency and accuracy of new information element within this Full Moon phase. At the same time, because of the nature of Full Moons, especially square Neptune, powers that be could call out a false narrative and declare a state of national emergency, which then leads to a cascading of several unfortunate and unnecessary outcomes.
The escalation of events would be requiring a major adjustment to the plans, our plans. There could be frustrations over disconnects with truth and transparency, lies and deception. Yet a different group or activity is throwing a curve ball into the mix. A reveal. A massive adjustment, a disruption occurs as a result of this truth and unconventional approach. This group feels it is now time, a necessity to reveal what is actually happening.
Within our own personal lives, the importance of truth and honesty towards people would be highlighted for the rest of December.
Refraining from any conversation which could be negative or hint at hurtful judgment, criticism would be crucial, as Neptune squaring the talkative Moon in Gemini, creates the wrong impression, slanting towards gossip, and damages relationships. There might also be the necessity to accommodate a person or situation. It might disrupt our idea of a perfect time, forcing us to change some plans.
This also is happening in the world, a disruption of certain groups’ plans, and also the events in the world, might also be part of the interference with our plans.
The Full Moon in Gemini on December 15 lasts up to the New Moon on December 31. This is when something huge is about to be revealed, and dramatic decisions are made which impact our lives, in some way.
December 15 up to December 30, 2024.
December 15 The Full Moon in Gemini rules information. The Sun inconjunct Uranus within this Full Moon Theme, would be people suddenly requiring to adjust their view of reality as they’ve known it.
The Full Moon in Gemini brings events to a culmination, a full awareness regarding some situation in our lives.
Secrets on several levels are playing out. Neptune’s involvement with the Gemini, could ramp up fear, confusion. (Full Moon square Neptune)
The Full Moon brings us to a culmination of Gemini knowledge, what cannot be denied. The need to confront the vague behavior, misleading double speak or fuzzy talk finally begins to take place rapidly.
A full moon simply means a magnification of (Gemini) media, information or first hand facts … a culmination of something, spilling out all over the place, uncontained, which is disturbing – because the Full Moon squares Neptune.
Neptune square creates fear, anxiety and confusion because the Sun in Sagittarius which governs over wisdom, knowledge is muddled, along with the Moon in Gemini which governs over facts, statistics, science and ability to make smart decisions, are compromised. This square relates to mysteries, intense curiosity about certain subjects (as we explained earlier in last weeks’ Stardrops from our Saturn and Neptune/Pisces segment on phenomenon and the unknown).
Our personal emotional stability surely is challenged under a Full Moon square Neptune! Ground yourself on December 10 – 18 peaking on December 15, as this cycle can erupt in a weird set of events maximizing now, disturbing the public.
Here are a short list of important activities –
- Highlighted short distance trips, important errands must be handled and strategic crucial planning as if to prepare for something. Sudden unexpected change of plans regarding travel plans, potentially disruptive, possibly in some situations, unable to travel, or unsafe to travel.
- A guidance towards a final decision needs to be made.
- A feeling like escaping from the stress and overwhelm, the reveal of facts/information and dawning of a crucial reality of a situation.
- A greater clarity put towards our life – something is going to happen suddenly – alters in some way our way of life, our priorities.
- A long cycle of frustration finally leading up to an important decision made to confront a problem.
- Global events involving strange phenomenon where not just one group would be antagonistic towards a people…and not even two groups or activities polarizing against each other, involved in the mysterious confusion, but also a third factor, a third type of group, unexpectedly entering the situation. We have three groups (activities) sides, involved in the drone/UAP situation going on, and hence, the tangled confusion.
This Full Moon could release official difficult information our way as it squares to Neptune. Then there are others where It could be tricky, as certain consistent representatives, refuse to reveal the truth. Things related to moving, security needs, our home or our money might be stressing us a bit personally. The Moon rules Cancer, we have securing our lives on our minds. At the same time, don’t forget, we also have an aggressive Mars moving in and out of the sign, Cancer the sign of security, for the next eight months, so we don’t need any more challenging events compounding our security.
Commanding Truth, It’s time.
Whenever I see squares to Neptune, I know the challenge of it is to confront, challenge and command the deception to leave and for full truth to be revealed.
The Sun in Sagittarius oppose Moon and Jupiter in Gemini (the full moon) both square Saturn in Pisces and Neptune ( the planetary ruler of Pisces) in Pisces. This t-square is the way out of the confusion, addressing the Piscean Neptunian layers of secrets, layers upon layers of hidden history, which must come out. The focal point is upon these two planets for resolution, the revealing of the mysteries, the secrets which have caused such a Gemini/Sagittarius split in the psyche of mankind.
For some, you might be saying, “What on earth is she talking about?” We just need to keep doing what we’ve been doing now, for over four years or longer. Maintain that confident mastery, which gets up each day, and does our best at what we do. Commanding Truth and Transparency, and being that amazing confident presence in the world you are, that’s what we keep doing.
More Planetary Themes
Dec 19 Venus at 14* Aquarius trine Jupiter Use this day for art, music, design or beauty – use this day for love, friendships and positive solutions, out of the blue, fortuitous events and experiences! Purchases, financial blessings, gifts, celebrations and time spent with loved ones, is quite positive and a relief.
December 20 – 30 exact. Pluto will be at 1* Aquarius sextile the North Node at 1* Aries, The cycle can last up to four weeks, from December 15- January 15, 2025.
This is a strong energy, a better energy than the challenging Pluto square the Nodes which occurred July 28 – August 10, 2023! As we spoke about, at the beginning of this Stardrops, Venus has begun this conjunction of Pluto, on December, 7 and 8th and sextile to the Node, while It creates positive opportunities for moving forward with a global leadership plan, meetings, collaborations and a greater unified alignment. A greater congenial message shared among those in leadership out of necessity.
December 31 – January 5 Mars returns in an opposition to Pluto
An escalation of serious confrontations, posturing among two or more powerful activities, groups or individuals take place. A show of force, a demand for some to stand down. The possibility of a step up of more Martian aggression would be a threat.
For our personal cycles, it’s a good idea to know where Mars is transiting and activating your own personal life (in your birth chart, what area it is moving through) and how it is impacting your own Sun Sign. This is all explained with the new Mars Retrograde Videos.
For learning about this epic eight month cycle, now up through June 2025, I invite you to venture over to the Mars Retrograde through the Houses New Videos.
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