Sunburst rays

A Deeper Love-Solar Eclipse in Leo

June 22, 2017

A Deeper Love 

The Total Solar Eclipse in Leo ~  August 21, 2017

How can this August’s’ Solar Eclipse inspire you to become happier and more fulfilled?



Approximately July 20 leading up to August 21, 2017, the Solar Eclipse in Leo will potentially inspire you to be a better leader, master a position of authority, confidence and empowerment.

It creates an influence which inspires you to make a decision. It can compel you to take action with a situation which you know is important to you and others. It could eventually  add an incredible quality to your life and happiness. It is like a strong guidance that leads to a meaningful experience. If we have trust in this deep guidance, it could provide a feeling of satisfaction to yourself and to others.

“How does a Solar Eclipse have anything to do with me personally?

We know Solar Eclipses can trigger earthquakes, major global and political activities which make a permanent mark on history, but how does a Solar Eclipse actually impact your own personal world?

My study of Solar Eclipses over the years has shown that it plays a personal role in our lives. It will stimulate a situation to come about that can not be ignored. There will be a sort of urgency in the air to handle something, to decide something or commit to some kind of person, event or project which builds in pressure weeks before the actual Solar Eclipse date, and this one is August 21, 2017. How it will unfold is determined by the sign the eclipse is in. This one is in Leo. Solar Eclipses tend to eclipse our normal everyday routines and environment, highlighting one thing in HIGH FOCUS so we can no longer IGNORE it. This is how a Solar Eclipse effects our lives personally. It helps us concentrate on a particular priority we might otherwise dismiss. Not only will we benefit from this HIGH FOCUS, but many times others are depending upon us to take care of the thing that has popped up.

Leo qualities will pour into your world, inspiring your heart to open up wide and beautifully for a particular purpose. It will be a major breakthrough happening to you in order to reach  your potential in a particular area of your life. You can excel now; simply concentrate on it, love it, pray for it – this breakthrough for a wonderful thing to be accomplished that will occur in some form. Try not to be frustrated if it isn’t as perfect as you wanted. We work on outpicturing the vision of this Eclipse for five months, but it will be the strongest inspiration August 21, 2017.

It could inspire you to concentrate upon a child like never before, because of a certain event which is happening in their life. This child needs your increased attention and guidance. It could cause you to become suddenly aware of a problem or need at home, with family, or with a work project which requires your powerful attunument. Others are depending upon you to steer the group back on the right path to success, or, steer your own life back to one of greater freedom and satisfaction. ( Solar Eclipse in Leo trine Uranus in Aries qualities)

It isn’t a typical everyday display of helpfulness, but a powerful courageous and inspiring moment of expansion, creativity, confidence and leadership that launches something or brings something amazing to life! And remember, it’s amazing to you. It might motivate you to create an artistic piece, or agree to take on a theatrical or musical performance of some kind, either as a performer or director, which otherwise you would not consider. We listen to what the Eclipse has to say, because behind its radiant message, is an intuition, a strong compelling feeling, that this insight it is presenting is part of our responsibility or destiny in some way. It is a knowing.

  • Allowing love to be in your life no matter what, is a sign the Leo eclipse is working on you.
  • Having a baby, organizing a special event, stepping up in a more prominent way within your career is a Leo eclipse impact. Taking care of your finances once and for all would be a Leo Eclipse motivation.
  • Falling in love, taking a special vacation is all Leo Eclipse this August 2017.
  • Managing investments would definitely fit, along with real estate, self education and empowering self to become more effective in some area. Also managing your energy, such as what you invest your energy in,  is a Leo Eclipse focus.

Even if it is an emergency calling you to task, the eclipse is saying, “You are needed now – rely upon your skills, your talents and love to bring order, functionality, success into this situation.”

The main theme with this cycle from July 20-August 21 and thereafter, is about a decision to act upon an important situation requiring your confidence, guidance and maturity.

You recognize the need for a more beautiful quality of life so something must be taken care of. It is the initiating of an event, a duty, a project, a relationship, creating a baby, showing a deeper love and guidance with a friend, a child. This will happen n a much more hands on manner than normal. The thing you are creating is from your heart. It is from the very essence of your soul that must create or life is missing that special something.

The event or situation now requires a decision, a conviction to carry it through –  how are you going to move forward and take action maturely and confidently? Take charge of the situation? It demands planning, patience and requires you to love something or someone so responsibly it transforms your heart. Imagine if this situation could show you an inner gold within yourself you did not know existed?  Allow yourself to shine brightly now. Radiant Life is what we desire and radiant life is what you can achieve!

This is the beauty of this August’s Solar Eclipse in Leo.

Christine Barrere    June 22, 2017


All 12 Zodiac Sign Reports 2017-2019









Copyright © 2017 by Christine Barrere














