New Moon in Cancer

Stardrops June 26 And The New Moon In Cancer

Stardrops June 26, 2022 New Moon In Cancer


June 27 Mars at 24* Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius

The dynamic energy of Mars, instigates all forms of helpful collaboration so we can make improvements with any thing in our life right now. Whether we are inspired to upgrade, increase our service, fix things which are either broken, requires updating, improving, or is up for discussion for changes made for our future. This astrology cycle can assist us with helpful people, ideas and support, even if it be someone’s small contribution or insight which might make all the difference, you never know.

June 28 Mercury semi-sextile Uranus in Taurus

Our minds are open to higher possibilities. We ponder why things are the way they are and have a tendency to think bigger, broader, that all situations are truly moving towards certain pathways towards a dynamically charged positive outcome. We want to be open, learn, understand, and track the progress which sometimes is difficult to notice. Possibly, a hint of something higher that is beyond people’s control is sensed during this time. It might be what we could call, a destiny which goes beyond our reasoning logical mind at times. It’s in the air, something is stirring, that’s not quite tangible yet, but you’re moving with it every day.


June 28 Sun and Moon ( the New Moon) in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries

The New Moon is for a new start, a beginning period, to launch something meaningful. As the Full Moon holds the power for the completion or fullness of something already begun weeks prior, the New Moon brings us a refreshing chance to get some new thing going. It might be physical, such as a project you have been waiting to launch. Or an idea, or a meeting with someone. It could be a discussion which has been on hold for a while. It could be intention placed upon what brings you security, comfort now, since it is in the emotionally charged sign of Cancer.

Be careful with this New Moon, as it is in square with a touchy ego centered Jupiter in Aries. Several types of tests can emerge out of this New Moon. (No offense meant to all those who have Jupiter in Aries!)

This New Moon in a square could magnify emotional issues – The Sun/Moon square Jupiter, could cause disruptions in our lives involving our own or others’…

  • Poor judgment
  • Over or underestimating the ease or complexity of something, …the expense of something, the extent of work involved in something, or,
  • The attitude or position someone is taking that was not realized before.
  • Moral conflicts and arguments over preservation of one’s identity or self image.
  • Feeling not in control.
  • Humanly feeling a lot is riding on pulling something off
  • Overly optimistic regarding the positive outcome of things
  • Sloppiness
  • Over extending ones’ efforts for something which could have been a simple thing
  • Laziness and unable to prioritize tasks or move
  • Conflicts between ideal desire for some outcome versus the reality of a situation.
  • Overlooking details, consequences or not inclined to face responsibilities
  • Fear and panic of losing control
  • Ego survival in conflict with others’ feelings and need for reassurance
  • Bad assessment of a situation.

This theme will continue long past June 28, as it is tied to the New Moon. *(See Below, the pattern of Sun/Moon in Cancer, in an exact Square to Jupiter in Aries.)

Simply maintain integrity, realism, objective seeing all parts of a situation and the people involved. Keep up with your positive outlook no matter what.

Is there a positive side to this New Moon?

The Sun/Moon in Cancer also conjoins the Black Moon at 8* Cancer. This puts more power in our hands to launch a new cycle for our security and stability than the concern over the overwhelming Jupiter square problems.

My sense as to what this truly means, is that with the concentration upon the Sun, Moon, Black Moon conjunction at 8 and 9 degrees Cancer, we look at this conjunction as a purpose, a place of focus. That focus would be about Soul Protection.

Where do I get his from? Cancer and the 4th house, hold the power of protecting not only our physical life, as it rules, houses, shelter, in a way money in order to eat, pay bills and thrive, but it is also ruling the 4th house in astrology, which is the esoteric house of the Soul.

It is the White Ray, the base chakra ( according to the highest colors of the chakra system without world contamination as opposed to what you see in the masses chakra colors online).

All this leads to the White Purity of the Souls’ Ultimate concern for its protection and wholeness.

This cycle of the New Moon might just be drawing us into a higher level of Soul Retrieval moment, calling all the pieces of our shattered emotions and traumas which still require healing and magnetizing back home (Cancer) to our center of being. This is done by what works for each person in order to remain at peace, centered and empowered.

This would make sense to me since the cycles are accelerating.and there is an enormous number of individuals who are all moving together towards a clear and wonderful destination,where life evolves into a higher awareness, love and perfection. A greater world of love and freedom, but it takes work on our part to get there. We have to work at it, maintaining our harmony, faith, vision and still physically take care of business every day. This is no easy task, as we are bombarded daily with fearful, negative projections on our need to physically make it for one reason or another. The soul, our presence here in the physical, must survive through these projections, resist going under from the hard energies.

And so we resist theJupiter in Aries’ tendency to succumb to the immediate Aries reacting and triggers, whatever takes us out of that place of poise in the world and look at this the New Moon configuration as a test. We would be then, standing on the point of the New Moon and Black Moon, walking through an eye of a needle, as we face the square. We would be resisting the conflict with that part of of the Jupiter in Aries, that could keep us outside of our peace. That place of distraction, which tries to keep us reacting, reacting reacting all day long.

This is what I really believe the New Moon in Cancer this July 28 means.

Since Cancer also deals with the public, what makes them feel good, such as food, comforts, security and shelter, along with women, family and security, this Black Moon holds a blueprint released beginning this cycle of June 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 build up for certain things to take place in the world which align with a higher plan of ultimate security, if one should accept or allow it to happen. It’s a cosmic security released to us from a higher intelligence as to what is best for our progress. Just a thought.

This cycle also comes closely after the planetary alignment which occurred on June 24. This alignment was not a conjunction, but the planets did line up from the Sun in magnificent display for all on earth to see. Video on Alignment Again, with this alignment, another release or boon of light may very well have been pouring down upon humanity compelling us to change, once again. Desiring our lives to progress, to keep moving forward with new abilities released to us for insured success.

The combo of these events means we’re in a strong period of time where focused intention will truly reap great rewards for our future. So plan, visualize and invest your energies into these goals, no mater how challenging life might seem now. However, proceed with caution and keep an eye out for taking chances without clear facts before you, or not using common sense, any poor judgement or taking others’ opinions and advice without discernment.

Never the less, we should move forward, confident, with the knowing, that something strongly supporting our ultimate purpose is assisting us. My sense is we’re preparing for the next movement upwards, this July 26 – August 3rd. Uranus conjoin the North Node in Taurus.

During the more stressful times, to remain calm and attentive to the details with your decisions and duties throughout the day, your timing, schedules, commitments will all part of the test to achieve a more Harmonious life for our futures. Be realistic with commitments. Be realistic with how much time you are giving ourselves to get things done. Be realistic what outcomes to expect from other people who are in our lives during this time. Be practical during these dates, to not cram in more than necessary. Use good judgment with all things cultural, philosophical, conversations, expounding on certain ideologies, concepts or opinions. If you don’t agree with something, or feel a conflict is coming up with another over who is going to be in charge or control this or that, and feel somehow it’s not turning out the way you expected, just focus on the harmony and the collaboration not the controlling part if you can.

In general, this is a hard time for moral, ethical philosophical opinions to be debated, discussed or handled.

It’s not the best time to throw your two bits worth of strong opinions out there, as this tight square in the New Moon period, for two weeks, could instigate conflict.

We’re going to see a rise in conflicts anyway in the world, as Mars is also heating up towards a conjunction to Uranus (accelerating humanity once again, but possibly explosive at the same time) and the Nodes ( social trends and growing conflicts over certain issues) peaking July 26- August 3.

An AFFIRMATION to give, to reverse and dissolve potential troubles

Mighty Divine Presence, You take complete command of all challenging conflicts and replace it now with protection, security, emotional and intuitive intelligence. Help me be at the right place at the right time. I AM Always receiving success with my schedule, my comings and goings, my plans and connections.

This Divine Presence is now taking complete dominion over all my outer activities every day, and I Am Sealed and Secure, Protected and Watched Over, by infinite intelligence, guiding my every decisions and situations all day.”

June 28 Venus in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries

Venus is bringing social friendliness and reaching out to invite, be kind, connect and embrace love, happiness to be with people of like mind. This is because the social planet Venus is in the sign of Gemini, which of course, rules everything related to catching up, re-connecting, conversations, learning, sharing and enjoying the stimulation of others’ company. Sextiles always bring people together and create harmony, connections, or at least, interactions with others whether we think we need them or not!

June 29 – July 2 Mars at 27* Aries square Pluto at 27* Capricorn

A bit of a rough time where we could feel rushed. What are we hurrying about for? What is blocked or delayed? Time to take a deep breath and let go of the situation, and be patient. Calming down and surrendering to the situation which might be complicated, or challenging us with some set backs or frustrations during this period, would be very helpful as energies very well might be challenging, we feel certain things are out of our control. Whether it is from the logistics of projects, people’s opinions and personality conflicts with others, or simply an obstinate energy that can mess up the smooth going of particular goals. This cycle seems to be the hardest June 30 – July 1 but many might be experiencing this already.

July 2 Mercury at 24* Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius and square Neptune at 24* Pisces

Thank goodness an intelligent harmonious and cooperative support enters a situation, Today, it really can seem as if the Fairy Godmother waved her magic wand and brought some facts and legitimate information to the fore. There are still formalities, restrictions, rules or imposed structures and blueprints that need to be respected, but at least some progress is being made today. Normally, this trine brings to all, a supportive and intelligent downpour of common sense and inspiration, especially when it comes to writing, speaking, communications, connecting with groups or teams and basically, maintaining schedules and technicalities.

July3 Mercury at 25*- 27* Gemini inconjunct Pluto at 27* Capricorn

For some, there could be one thing which appears to glitch and it might even show up late the 2nd, into the 4th of July. Inconjuncts could cause a missed piece of information which might just be vital now for everything to go off without any problems. Something at the last minute interferes with what should be a smooth plan.

Don’t let strange information which falls in your lap throw you today. Just keep moving forward and practice detachment from emotionally being manipulated from within.

July 5 Mars enters Taurus up to August 20 and Mercury enters Cancer through July 18.

As Mercury enters Cancer, our thoughts tend to be focused on family, security, home, finance and domestic events or projects. Sharing feelings, expressing our emotions. The concerns for closeness and feeling others care, along with displaying kindness and love, are important during this period which we receive for a few weeks. This theme continues up through July 18.

Mars in Taurus occurs approximately every two years, so as you can see, Mars in Taurus is not a rare occurrence. However, in the next four to five weeks, Mars is quickly moving towards the North Node and and Uranus, which are also in Taurus, so we have a bit of a problem here.

This Mars will be the build up of tension beginning now up through August 3, that could escalate in rioting, explosives, property damage and violence. Martian energies in Taurus conjoin Uranus is truly like a Bull on steroids bashing through a china shop. It triggers individuals, who are vulnerable already by this kind of energy.

Since Mars also rules machines, devices, and interestingly, the brain, and Uranus is connected to the world of advanced weird technology, is it possible, we have a problem here with potential mind control, social engineering and manipulation behind some of these volatile situations? A social engineering nightmare. It’s one thing to experience a bit of a heightened in conflict over issues, but another to resort to extreme physical destruction of property or attacking individuals.

Taurus rules property and territory. Uranus is the planet of sudden explosive electric outburst. So now we are witnessing this potentially volatile and even dangerous energy in certain places, let’s just say, disruptive situations, and this New Moon’s square to Jupiter theme of amplifying issues and not the best judgment used, unless handled very delicately and responsibly, could activate some of these themes.

Something to think about. We’ll have to watch this Mars movement towards Uranus and Node very carefully, as we approach, July 26 – August 3rd. For more information on the July 26- August 3, you can find it here.

New Moon in Cancer June 28, 2022

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