Mars, Mercury Retrograde and Other Astrological Trends
- The cycles of Mars in detail, the potential for exciting changes, increased dignity in life, progress, self-respect; the downside, globally, the potential for war and shocking interference.
- Mercury retrograde in Virgo forms a finger of God (YOD). It’s decision time!
- Jupiter enhances our ability to get the facts, make progress with our ideas put into action, positive collaborations, and getting the information we need to move forward.
- Jupiter squares challenge us to stay on top of our game, not allow others to convince us, sway us or feel overpowered and rushed. Watch your money.
- Pluto’s last leg in Capricorn – good riddance.
- Saturn as a stabilizer to the Mars energy.
- Neptune is back again on the Nodes, bringing otherworldly intervention and unbelievable transformation to the world.
Bear with me as I hyper-focus a bit on Mars today. There is a reason for us zeroing in on the PLANET OF WAR.
We want to take advantage of Mars’ position, where it is now as it will rapidly be moving into a not so easy position in a few months, November through February 2025. Mars is in a good position now. We can notice how much more organized and confidently we can achieve certain necessary things now, as Mars builds momentum throughout the next few weeks for greater mental clarity and desire to act. Mars is the planet of assertion, motivation and action. It instigates things and it’s in the intelligent sign of Gemini right now which increases networking of information and strategizing towards good decisions. This is an exceptionally perfect time for debates and discussions of facts and information.
As of July 20, 2024, Mars has moved into Gemini, an exceptionally mentally motivating stimulated period of time up to September 4, 2024.
So, if you have things to do, arrange your schedule to put your days in order to fit in those necessary appointments, vacations, projects, or important events, you are inspired to do, get it done! Start now. You can have a successful next few week with this energy being more determined and decisive.
Mars brings us to that place, where we may have reached the last straw. Here we stand at that moment where procrastination is no longer allowed. It is the final moment in our minds, that breaking point where we are now changing, fixing something and determined to move forward in a better way.
When we hit that decisive moment, we act, which then manifests in the results we were looking for. Sit with yourself and think, “what is it I really desire to get done, fix, experience or realize in my life?” It should feel like the fusion between will, confidence, the spiritual (other worldly influence) and strategy. All at the same time, a fusion of synergistic one-pointlessness.
Locate where you have Gemini in your chart
If you don’t have a copy of your own birth chart, go HERE
The arrow in the chart above points to the symbol Gemini. Find this symbol in your birth chart on the outer rim of your wheel. It will be between the degree 0 – 29.EXAMPLE:
Mars in this chart is at 5 degrees as of July 28 located in the 11th house in the wheel above, and the Gemini symbol is at 21* Mars is placed just behind the symbol 21*, so it is in the 11th house, not the 12th house.
If Mars were at 23 degrees, it would be in house 12, past the 21* Gemini symbol on the outer rim, do you see? Below is the run-down of Mars dates and degrees as it moves through the sign Gemini.
In the wheel pictured above, Mars is stimulating the 11th house of friends, social life, the world of people in general, an increase of information flowing back and forth between others which could stimulate a sharing of pertinent information everywhere This is what Mars would be doing during its transit through the 11 house.
The table shows the dates on the left column, and Mars on the right-side column. I’m putting this table here so you can track Mars’ movement by degree, in case it moves in your chart from one house to the next house.
As Mars approaches the 12th house, on August 21 (see Mars dates, above, find 21* Gemini August 21) it will cross over the 21* (just a coincidence) point and begin moving into the 12th house stimulating the mind and nervous system (Gemini) with a new theme.
The 12th house theme would emphasize longings, for ideal things to happen, spiritual aspirations, compassion, increase meditative states, feeling one inspired to help others in need. This is just an example of how it’s done. During Mars’ journey, you can track it by house in your own birth chart, and also what it is doing by aspecting other planets.
Mars right now, is making good aspects. We need these good ones, because as we enter the November-February 2025 period, Mars will be heating up.
Mars’ Super energized
Mars will intensify its more war like energy, combative, challenging and entitled authoritative mode…. We’ll be watching Mars’ movement very closely as it will appear to slow down in the heavens, stop on December 6 in the sign of Leo at 6*, and begin to appear to move backwards in a retrograde.
A dangerous, volatile time globally, as with every Mars retrograde period, with all that is going on in the world. We don’t want this Mars to trigger more violence war, nuclear, rash leadership acts, irrational movements during this period.
Don’t let other Astro-predictions scare you however, regarding this Mars, now through November to next April, because Mars is making good aspects to other planets, (unlike the July 12 – 18th 2024 period, when Mars conjoined Uranus) and makes much progress for us regarding smart information, logical mental factual stimulation, rational thinking and many other positive energies we will want to take advantage of during this cycle.
The Archangels and my Divine Presence, takes complete command of Mars’ intensity, cooling down the destructive nature, always resulting in common sense and logical thoughtful actions and decisions for myself and the world, now and throughout 2024 and 2025.”
“I AM clearly utilizing the positive constructive use of Mars’ energy for all my plans and decisions now and in the future. Certainly, only successful outcomes appear in my world!”
More Mars….
Mars sextile North Node on July 28 – August 3rd. 2024
Mars will sextile the Node. This is going on now. This cycle assists us with our friendships and social life. It helps make constructive alliances, negotiations, agreements. It increases the chances of having incredibly positive breakthroughs in meetings and get-togethers of all kinds. It can also clear the way for constructive work to come into our lives, where we are motivated to really bring in more of our resources, income and accomplishments with business, projects, budgeting and logical actions taken for our future security in any way you need. Important decisions can be made, papers signed, a new direction in your life can take place. It helps our brain get smart, clear and focused. The nodes can inspire social friendship favors and harmony, and also many times, financial benefits.
Mars conjoins Jupiter on August 12 – 15 This cycle of Mars is the reason I’m spending time on Mars this morning. I love the energy of Mars conjoin Jupiter because it influences Mars’ tremendous motivational energy with morals and confidence to expand the capacity of what you want to accomplish.
The danger would be the potential for Mars causing accidents, triggering sudden situations which could have been avoided, overextending oneself, over doing it, exhaustion, too casual of an attitude, not paying attention, negligence, cavalier, overly optimistic, overreach or impractical high-octane enthusiasm without restraint or common sense. In other words, reckless.
In the positive sense, it can cause positive outcomes. Mars conjoins Jupiter, can alter people’s attitudes, opinions, correct their judgment of things. It can stimulate an incredibly strong message and warning to wake up, pay attention, be alerted to something important in order to plan for the future, or be aware of something, change one’s ways. It could stimulate a crucial conversation that needs to happen. It can stimulate moral higher vision and insight. It can expand yours or someone else’s’ mind along with the Mercury retro at the same time, and it can inspire you to make clear cut important decisions which can positively alter the way your life goes.
You can expect this to be an exceptionally positive time for taking your thoughts into a higher realm of philosophical ideals, expansive thinking, inspired musical creations, artistic culturally motivated desires. It can cause a situation where an important piece of your project is now 100% moving forward. It can increase faith in yourself.
Mars/Jupiter creates moral motives, ethical and integrity opinions, reaching higher-minded self-examining moments in our life. It is highly philosophical yet logical and systematic process. The only thing I would watch out for could be an increase of frustration over certain things.
It is very good for launching important projects as a new feeling of confidence plus clearer vision of the end goal is achieved.
It adds fuel to your fire, but with Jupiter, it assists in bringing good fortune to your efforts.
Jupiter is the stronger planet, longer lasting, greater impact, mentally stimulating for all of us, also in Gemini, enhancing mental creative focus and sharpness, (Jupiter in Gemini from June 2024-June 2025). Jupiter ensures that you receive the knowledge required for your next steps.
In other words, we are in a period of increase mental acceleration in so many ways, personally and globally. Information will be rapidly downloading into everyone’s outer mind, stimulating logical factual conclusions. We have not covered much of the new Jupiter in Gemini since it changed signs last June 2024. We’ll need to go over that in the future.
With Mars moving across Jupiter during the 12-15th of August, it would be like the gate opening at a horse race, you are the horse and nothing can hold you back now to act and move on what you want and need to do.
Mars continues…
Jupiter and Mars in Gemini at 17* squares Saturn in Pisces at 17* and square Venus at 17* -18* and the Black Moon at 16 -21* in Virgo forming a T-square.
This cycle of the T-square is on August 10 – 25 and peaks August 19, 2024.
Jupiter only, square Saturn, returns December 18 -28, peaks Dec 24, 2024;; Returns again, June 10-20 peaking on the 15th, 2025
With all the Mars talk, we now enter a more sobering restrained energy, forcing caution, pragmatic approach to our situations. Key theme: The potential of being overly optimistic or noticing others that way. It might be a situation where you’re having to manage others’ poor judgment at this time where conflicts of opinions are occurring, and it might be about things from the past, you or others with you are now facing and dealing with the consequences. These issues could be quite strong, along with the overextending of oneself (or others close to you) overly optimistic, lack of good judgment, trusting others who appear smart, competent, dependable and with all that they promote or promise, some of it will be impossible to fulfill. They may not even know that, as they believe what they say.
This cycle forces a re-examination of past decisions, reflecting the results, and should cause a sobering posture of caution. So, combine the enthusiastic challenge you give to yourself now to accomplish great things, with a bit of scrutinizing observation. Can you do this for yourself for the next few weeks?
Concentrate upon the Mars/Jupiter conjunction as it is the focal point for exciting revelation and plans, solutions and action. This means, the enthusiastic energized ideas and convictions, with tempered practical planning (and watch your spending!) should be still the top priority guiding us.
This is not a cycle for experiencing practical common-sense with this T-square from August 10 – 25, and the returning dates up through June 2025! It requires scrutiny and tempering. Again, the dates are August 10 -25, 2024; Jupiter only, square Saturn, returns December 18 -28, peaks Dec 24, 2024;; Returns again, June 10-20 peaking on the 15th, 2025
We need to stay on top of our important decisions, conversations, agreements and money now, as life will speed up even more, and not give you adequate time to figure things out, as people will be tapping their fingers impatiently waiting for your decisions. It could involve paying for something.
It’s a time for concentration upon practical action which can steer us in the correct path, during crucial situations in the world now, where the Jupiter squares could lead to yet expose poor calculations, mistakes and serious aftermath of regret if not reigned in.
Sheer stupidity will be noticed, a theme for 2024-2025 beginning now in the world scene with public figure.
Again, Saturn could also bring facts to light, in hindsight that were overlooked before. The discussion in the world, of regretful misplaced trust in systems, people, organization, assuming people were responsible and morally fit yet lied, overreached, failed miserably, would also reach a peak of shock now, and throughout 2025 up to June, 2025 with the Jupiter square Saturn in Pisces.
If we can harness the positive of the moral ethical higher-minded Jupiter conjoin Mars energy between now and August 15th, it can prevent mistakes in global situations (and in our own lives) around the 17-20th especially of August 2024.
This is a complicated T-square. It’s a time with the Saturn oppose Venus happening at the same period between august 15 – 21, where detailed strategy is required in order to execute a project or a goal. The need to edit words, conversations, and get things correct, is crucial.
The square from Venus to Jupiter, and Saturn to Jupiter can create oversights. Mars/Jupiter, however, would activate a broader intelligence within people to remember to examine or consider all angles of a situation in order to take into consideration other factors, thereby being prepared and pragmatic. Not sloppy. If we applied this to our own lives, just don’t take anything for granted right now, don’t assume anything, don’t be lazy, casual, overly confident or negligent. I believe things will get done in the correct way.
“I AM easily trusting my higher intuition, guidance and insight, holding firm to my own power, yet working constructively with others.”
The big Mars Retrograde is coming.
As you can see in the table below, Mars moves into Leo exactly on November 3, 2024. This intensifies all things LEO which is typically a dramatic, bold and theatrical sign.
Mars and Leo energies-November 3 – January 5, 2025; Returns April 17 –
- Leadership dynamism, respect, dignity.
- Authority and Maturity versus arrogant, reckless, maniacal
- Taking Risks, overly confident
- Taking a gamble, speculations
- Investments of all sorts
- Professional sales, business growth and expansion
- Financial growth pertaining to super charged energy invested in one’s projects
- Confidence
- Children and education, childcare and all things pertaining to babies, the young.
- Creative dynamic entrepreneurship activities accelerated.
- Politics and those governing
- Our confidence in ourselves, our need to be admired, self respect, dignity
- Quality of Life, enjoyment.
Some of these qualities are neither good or bad, simply triggered and high focus during this Mars cycle. Mars will remain in Leo up to January 6, 2025, intensifying the best or the worst of the list above.
It can also reveal positive out picturing of these traits, and expose the absolute worst situations, where something has definitely got out of hand in abuse of these traits.
At that point on January 6, 2024, as it is retrograde which makes Mars appears in the sky to move backwards, it moves back into Cancer all the way to April 17, 2025.
Themes for Mars in Cancer January 6- April 17, 2025:
- Parenting decisions, protection and concentration upon the family’s well being
- Children’s education, direction, childcare, food, health, diet or emotional well being.
- Heightened emotional reactions in 2025.
- Having enough. Budgeting, saving for a rainy day.
- Dynamic world scene theatrics
- All things Money, metals, Crypto and means of exchange for goods and services.
- Something about the MOON
- Something about Underground.
- Food, all things food. Security, storage, acquiring food.
- Commerce, business sales, focus upon personal, national and world economy.
- Security, borders, protection of cities.
- Nationalism, patriotism.
- Cartel and organized crime families (something dramatic occurring here)
- National industry, increasing productivity.
- Military – (even though Military comes under Virgo, it represents protection, defense, which is Cancer). Something big regarding the Military and war.
This Mars moving into Cancer, changes the theme to security, protecting what needs to be secured. Personal finances needing to be accumulated. Food, water, energy and fuel issues concentrated upon. It doesn’t have to be dramatic, but it could.
Issues pertaining to our housing, homes, economics, interest rates, abundance or lack.
Because of
- Mars in Cancer’s trine to Saturn in Pisces – February 6, 2025 – April 8 2025
- Mars in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus – January 20 – April 7, 2025
- Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces – January 14 – April 18, 2025
- Mars in Cancer trine North Node in during this time…. April 1 – 10, 2025
…….it is hopefully a very favorable time for experiencing positive solutions and progress for this Mars.
In the time of January through April 17, 2025, these aspects act as stabilizers and bring out the best opportunities for success and advancement, accomplishing all the positive outcomes for the things on the Cancer list. The Saturn trine Mars, February – April, causes a matter-of-fact sort of attitude or observation that even though we are all still concerned with our security and money, and well-being, Saturn creates a situation where official solutions, bills passed or regulations in a constructive way, could be implemented all February through April 2025. Personally, it provides stability, common sense and at least an organized patient sort of progress, where trust is involved in following a practical yet idealistic plan.
Jupiter will still be in Gemini during this time, causing somewhat of an ethical mind expanding and logical theme for the 1st half of the year 2025. This Jupiter can assist in good judgment against impulsive irrational poor judgment of the Jupiter square Saturn discussed above, and any impulsive Mars triggers.
Mars in Leo, November through January 6, can threaten, bluff or declare a particularly bold and difficult position, mandate or demand, but after Jan 6 as it moves into Cancer that is when it might trigger a knee jerk reaction, a retaliation in defense.
In a positive sense, it will light a fire to get things done, changed, reversed (retrograde) reviewed and re-done. In a challenging sense, it could also mean simultaneously, things are heating up violating borders, boundaries, safety, prices, and in general an escalation of not feeling secure.
It looks to me like a crisis in several areas escalating, where the positive aspects (dates above) can manage and re-direct these more difficult Martian energies in a constructive way.
This Mars in Cancer on or around February 23rd leaves retrograde dynamically exposing problems with those intensely attempting to secure things, batten down the hatches and scrambling to make changes quickly.
In November, Mars in Leo begins a dynamic display of theater, it comes in strong. As we approach January 2025, it moves into Cancer, now dealing with domestic problems of all kinds, with the intent on stirring things up so much, it demands changes to take place immediately.
Here is a run-down of Mars’ aspect to the planets:
- Mars stationary retro at 6* Leo between November 20 – December 15, exact Dec 6, 2024
- Stationary direct February 23, 2025, at 17* Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (stabilizing)
- February 6 – April 8, 2025, Mars station trine Saturn in Pisces
- Jan 20, 2025- April 7, 2025, Mars sextile Uranus
- April 1 – 10 2025 Mars trines North Node at 27* Pisces (conjoin Neptune)
- January 14, 2025 – April 18 2025 Mars trine Neptune in Pisces
Mars’ movements in the signs Gemini, Cancer and Leo
One cycle which is disturbing would be Mars at 29* Cancer to 2* Leo oppose Pluto at 29* Capricorn, October 18 – November 10, peaking exactly on November 3-6, 2024. It returns December 31 – January 5, 2025.
This is an extreme potential of a false flag or challenging event taking place, abuse of power in some obvious way. It could cause an event to erupt at the price of someone’s life, where a situation occurs where the U.S. election must be delayed or shut down. Because it’s so quick, and there are other stabilizing planets aspecting at this time, it might just be an incident which gets handled. Of course, this might also be occurring somewhere else in the world, it does not have to be U.S. related. The other November 4-7 astrology is positive, such as the Saturn trine Sun, and more. We’ll cover this soon. It would not be right for me to neglect this Mars aspect since we have gone so heavily into this planet’s movements.
More Planetary Cycles
September 1, 2024 Pluto re-enters Capricorn until November 15 2024 The final and greatest cycle of Pluto.
This will truly be the final run of the abusive misuse of Capricornian power, the amalgamation and conglomerate insatiable greed which drove a certain society or advanced group into their mad rush to achieve huge agendas, from 2008 up to this year 2024. You can find much info on this Pluto cycle by putting Pluto in Capricorn, in the search window.
Here is a strange hit I got regarding the tail end of this Pluto in Capricorns’ influence. It is possible a very high elite group has passed onto humanity, a message, “You all want to run your own planet? Have at it and good luck.”
It is possible there were two completely unique groups, one very elite advanced technologically way beyond our realm of possibilities group, and this faction finally after many decades, accomplished their goals successfully, their breakaway tech, including all space travel and more activities, and are done with the other lesser groups of individuals who appeared to run the world, appear to actually be the ones in control, but they were not. They were more in the public eye, dictating and orchestrating how things would go, yet taking orders from the higher group. I’ve thought about this for many years, as certain actions didn’t match up. I always felt something bigger was going on that was kept from us.
The more advanced community needed the lesser group of power-hungry individuals to cooperate, follow directions, especially economically, financially.
Now this advanced group has unexpectedly split, having achieved what they wanted, abandoning the lesser and what would that mean to those they left behind? Massive panic, shock, fear, intense fear and confusion and disorder everywhere in the realm of leadership on this planet.
I need to consider this as to what that means for those of Light, those with greater inner spark to take back our world and replace the mess they left us after pillaging our money, with something better. I hope. It requires some thought. This is my own personal insight into the wrapping up of the cycle of Pluto in Capricorn. What we now are witnessing is a new game, and opportunity for positive people everywhere to have the potential freedom to make huge changes in the world, and for us to advance in our own personal goals. It’s an idea – I’m watching to see if my insight could be true. That would just be too science fiction!
The Mercury Retrograde mid-July peaks on August 4, 2024 in Virgo, then continues to August 28, 2024
Decisions to make for being your best self!
Venus and Mercury conjoined once in the week of June 17 at 0* Cancer, and returns the week of August 4 – 8 at 0-4* Virgo along with the Moon in Virgo and Mercury Retro at 3* Virgo on August 4 exact… (the Mercury retrograde date)
This cycle has been going on since June and is about re-programming negative beliefs and deep-seated patterns within oneself and how we reflect it out upon the world around us. It is the Mercury Venus conjunction doing this. Now it is lining up in a finger of God, with a Mercury retro, intensifying the lessons learned so far, these past few months. Have you been paying attention?
Simply put, this time frame between the end of June up through August 7, can be a special time for a particular personal self-improvement goal you want to achieve. I sense this period has been for us to integrate more self-worth, to consciously get over old thought patterns of negative self-criticism and self-talk. It can also motivate us to realize we are totally responsible for some things in our lives that we know are truly up to us to make better and change. We have all the power above and within us to do this, it’s about acknowledging it, tuning into it. But it’s a loving energy and increases our desire to truly love ourselves as we are Divine Love in the physical world.
Look at this period as a challenge for you to not only acknowledge something which you truly need and desire to have in your life, whatever it is, to accomplish, acquire, experience, whatever…and set a time each day to Affirm its reality in your world. Then strategist a new discipline or time of the day to nurture this goal. Even if it is simply an affirmation such as:
“I AM realizing the full power for achieving, realizing this ________________ in my life now, according to my life plan.”
“I AM confident life opens all the doors to walk through for my greatest achievements in this endeavor of______________”.
Mercury is the planet of mind awareness, processing information and making decisions. Venus is always a magnetizer. With the combination of these two running throughout June/July/August, we are more likely to change our habits, bring in new ones for happier outcomes and open ourselves up to greater love, for sure!
Finger of God to Mercury retrograde.
July 25 – 27 Mercury retro, forms a finger of God -(YOD) to Neptune and Pluto.
The Neptune/Pluto sextile happens between July 25 – September 5, 2024, which is special, and is returning in 2025. (future Stardrops).

The Yod configuration above with the Mercury, appears as a Y, and is just for a week or so, starting now, when we have a big decision to make. This decision requires action to be taken, and might be about work, a project, something practical we must move forward on now. Something which we might have vacillated in the past with. It might have been delayed because of stress, inconvenience or money, or whatever it is, it could be involving a job, employment, a project or work, your career. It might be about yours or someone’s situation. Whatever it is, now is the time Mercury downloads a clear logical conclusion based upon reality and you move on it. This is the key of our new Mercury moving into 0* – 4* Virgo retrograde.
Also, because it is in Virgo, concentrate a bit upon the health, body, diet during this time. Concentrate upon the most pragmatic detailed course of action to take regarding anything, even if it is lengthy or arduous, demanding much strategy, concentration and constancy, it’s worth it! Try to shift into trust and confidence by moving through a process to reach some goals, as this is also a Virgo thing. Step by step.
Some larger influential planetary energies
September 25 Saturn semi-square Pluto Simply a day of inner contemplation and feeling prodded to take care of some crucial things.
October 5 – Nov 10 Jupiter sextile Chiron A time of healing, loving oneself, giving oneself a break and re-aligning back to hope, optimism. Care towards others. A healing time of resolution, completion.
And lastly…
Neptune begins to conjoin North Node in Pisces January 10 – February 10, 2025
An incredible time for something higher, magical and transcendent to override normal human predictability. It is a higher law, mandate or supreme wave of energy, dictating a new era. We will go into this later. The chart below, shows the last time something like this occurred.
This is it for today. Please feel free to comment, I love reading your insights. And remember, this life is important, but it is still Theater. See you next time, Christine