2025 – 2033 Trends
This section is for long term cycles and is a work in progress. Last update was January 5 2025. If you are looking for immediate Transit Trends for 2025, Go Here

Uranus in Taurus sextile Mars Retro in Cancer, January 18 – 30, 2025; April 1 – 7, 2025.
(Returns April 1 – 10, 2025)
The perfect mixture between Uranus’ unconventional and futuristic activities being planned, discussed and coordinated, with Mars’ in Cancer’s drive for security, industry and enhancing people’s lifestyle. In other words, the first of the year we will see talks involving innovation and positive transparency discussions surrounding activities involving Cancer security, food, purchasing power, the worlds’ security issues, economics, safety and discussions to resolve potential wars.
Uranus in Taurus sextiles the North Node, April 20 – May 10, 2025
These cycles are promising for innovation and positive change with regards to money. It signifies a new trend emerging everywhere as to how we see money. It brings positive cooperative times for leadership and humanitarian progressive solutions, technologies, working together and more than anything, the possibility of humanity being liberated from archaic systems
This is the start of several years on out, where a higher more advanced motivations take hold of people, to bring about positive global advancement.
Saturn in Pisces, conjoin the North Node at 26* PIsces, and sextiles Uranus at 26* Taurus, March 10, 2025 – April 30, 2025
This cycle returns July 26 – August 5 2025, and again January 9 2026 – January 29 2026. It has to do with money, economy, and financial restrictions, decisions, and changes made. With Uranus involved, it is focusing upon cryptocurrencies. Saturn can create structure, formality, official decisions involving cryptocurrencies. With Saturn in late degrees of Pisces conjoin the node, typically it creates an atmosphere of worries and tensions surrounding money, serious decisions and positions taken by those in control, however, the sextile to Uranus, similar to the other Uranus sextile Mars above, creates room for transparency, innovative solutions and progress, compromise and breakthroughs. It would be an attitude of accepting digital currencies into a more mainstream familiar means of exchange, and the issue isn’t should we do it, but how to do it in the most successful way. With Uranus sextile involved, hopefully, it will introduce a higher format, independent from outside monitoring and personal control.
Groups, communities, agencies or organizations who are progressively advanced in areas of freedom and innovation, are heading up programs and new systems or structures to create advanced ways for people to experience options with nations’ money and personal banking. The nodes typically bring in issues of finance, but also popular trends in any new revolutionary area, and the sextile keeps it positive, open and cooperative, so all sides are considered. Uranus tends to be refreshing and honest with how the Saturnian systems will operate.
Saturn in Aries conjoin Neptune in Aries June 1 2025 – August 23, 2025 …continuing February 7, 2026 – March 4 2026.
This conjunction can force onto the world, a wake up call regarding the truth. It may be a challenging yet necessary acceptance of the financial shifts coming, and a long period of adjustment. This cycle might also show us a revealing truth regarding other situations happening around the world, which are hard to digest, as Saturn/Neptune energies can trigger fear, worries, anxiety and the sense something undermining is going on within the world, that can not be completely exposed, revealed or recognized, but you sense it. Some arrangement, agreement, globally is being discussed, acted on. The first writing of this post was August 2024, and now it is January 5, 2025, with an entire new wave of Neptunianly bizarre and mysterious issues surfeiting the planet. An innocence or ignorance, inability to wrap one’s mind around so many activities which are psychologically hard to comprehend, is typically the issue with this conjunction. Yet, the conjunction is happening, because we NEED to open up and face the inevitable during this time. Saturn forces the reality to hit us, so we can take better care of ourselves and adjust to a new perspective of recognizing what we can not trust outside of ourselves, and need to count upon our own resources and common sense.
Uranus in Gemini sextile Neptune in Aries
July 20, 2025 – August 28 2025. Returns November 20, 2025 – December 17, 2025. Returns June 24 2026 – September 5, 2026. Returns December 21, 2026 – February 13, 2027; Returns May 7, 2027 – June 6 2027.
In the chart wheel below, you can see the positive array of planets, Saturn, Neptune, (and earlier in the year, North Node) all sextile Pluto and Uranus. And of course the Pluto is in a trine to Uranus.
This promises a transformational era for the world. It doesn’t promise the total elimination of problems, conflicts and corruption, but does offer conversations, agreements, collaboration and decisions based upon objective unified benefits if all parties work together, everyone wins. Uranus is the innovative new minds entering all arenas of leadership in the world, and Neptune is about social concerns, idealistic visions and all things related to psychological upliftment, medical, health, virus/genetic/labs, toxins, food and water contamination and tampering, plastics and poisons, preservatives and additives, etc…etc.. This cycle is a sextile which brings topics out into the open for discussion and change. Again, with Saturn/Neptune involved, it forces out secrets, hidden issues, and Saturn/Pluto would instigate new policies.
Saturn in Pisces/Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius, July 10 – August 12, 2025; March 19 – April 6, 2026.
The positive constructive energies of Saturn (*and Neptune ) with many of the global issues talked about above, are finally brought into governmental nations policies. Cooperation and negotiation, support and formal exchange of facts and agreeing upon solutions, peace, respect of policies and implementing new cooperative plans in many areas, including peace talks, arms talks, space talks, health environment issues, weather patterns and global magnetic shifts etc. This is one more positive cycle, yet a concrete set of agreements, rules, compliance set and respected.
Uranus in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius,
August 1 2025 – January 1 2028; Returns slightly all 2028 – 2029.
This aspect from Uranus, always cuts us free from old outworn conditions of Plutonian corruption, ancient pacts, class acceptance of hierarchical positions between Lords and Slaves. It cuts us free from old familiar conditions which have been oppressive in so many areas of life. It begins a purging process of transmjting old karma, past oppression and lifestyles we’ve evolved beyond, but they still hang on. It raises people up above and beyond their normal routines in life, what they’ve become used to, and could never imagine it’s ever going to change and be better.
Pluto in Aquarius harmoniously combined with Uranus in Gemini increases the potential for introducing the reality we have free energy and it should be utilized now.
Pluto in Aquarius sextile North Node
July/August 2024; December 25, 2024 – January 20, 2025.
Pluto can represents, centers of power, IMF, Nato, EU, Federal Reserve, certain factions of Government Power. The sextile to the Nodes opens the way for a greater awareness of where the people are, what they know, where they stand on issues, and how to move forward with plans, if at all. The power (Pluto) in Aquarius could also be shifting to the people….the sextile would be open bold conversations promoting change and progress for humanities’ rights, as Aquarius is greatly focused upon freedom, liberation from inhumane treatment, strives for innovation and improvement upon existing conditions in the world in every way. Especially transparency and improvement upon existing conditions truly escalate as driving issues over the next few years.
Pluto leaving Capricorn, Moving into Aquarius up to 2041
This cycle began March 2023, but Pluto returned back into Capricorn, until its final run up through November 2024, and finally enters Aquarius never to return into Capricorn for another 248 some years.
Pluto in Aquarius – what can we expect?
This is a humanitarian progressive acceleration towards upgrading society. Transparency and freedom, progress and upgrading the material world is what it is all about. A greater sense of fairness is in the air, direct honesty, accountability and a strong attempt by influencers, leadership, prominent public figures to provide innovation with addressing corporate, media, social needs. A trend to attempt at least, to move the world into an exciting future such as all forms of advanced currencies, space, medical, political, humanitarian transformation, space, mining, telepathy, advanced metaphysical/mind revelations as to what is possible for a human to achieve.
This period begins a time where the people demand and expect greater honesty, transparency, and where secrets are revealed, shocking exposures, accountability towards inhumane acts. Transforming existing situations and conditions on the earth towards higher functioning, improved conditions. An infusion of Higher intelligence and innovation poured into society in every way is starting.
Pluto in Aquarius assists with bringing innovations into new policies, structures, organizations and releasing the energy sources, free power sources, zero energy, massive advancements in physics and economically, the money flowing to transform our future. Unexplainable technologies are openly discussed and will be explored, digging deeper into the history as to how and why the financial drain on the country happened etc.. and at least admitting the origin and existence of a secret community utilizing enormous amount of money is real, yet can not be revealed, but acknowledge it has happened, and they do exist, even though they can not come out.
Neptune conjoin North Node January and February 2025
As was felt in 2015 September – December, another wave of Neptune’s idealism and openness to all possibilities can sweep through the worlds watery emotions, along with its downside of confusion, depression and feeling lost. Both energies can be experienced, whichever way you look at global events playing out throughout this time period. Just like the past conjunction (to the south node) there is a tension and build up to this moment over several months in advance. The transit is suppose to release a very high vision and emotional charge of HOPE to the planet, ideally. We’re taking each planets’ aspects during 2025, and separately analyzing their meaning, but the big picture would be an opportunity for a deal to be made among several world leaders and all involved, to negotiate towards one positive outcome.
Neptune Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius , June 2025 – March 2033
An era of productivity, cooperation, growth and innovation in personal, financial, way of life, medical progress, basically crossing all industries, all activities of production, economic optimism, innovation poured into business. It is expansive, and the gross national product of certain countries increases.
It provides cooperation among countries, agencies, even space based civilizations. It opens the way for relationship building, cooperation and exchange of innovative solutions in every area of civilization.
Music and education is beginning to be revisited, transformed and more openly examined, improved. Opportunities to learn from so many sources in addition to university education. Many will be highly inspired for a better life, Utopian ideal during these times, and those born under this sextile, carry the potential for peace, advanced engineering, art, music, media and higher forms of interacting and loving each other across the world. Sextiles’ main purpose is to join together, relate, exchange and experience harmonious sharing, love and to provide an exchange of useful ideas, resources, financial support and friendship. Life tends to feel easier, better during this astrology cycle.
The Zodiac signs both planets are in, determines the areas these will be expansion and progress, so Pluto in Aquarius, Neptune in Aries is a combination of recognizing each others’ dilemmas, needs, interests and priorities, each person’s identity and recognizing each person’s ( or country or world) significance where, the Aquarius creates very advanced, progressive ideas, innovation, technology, along with humanitarian progress in all arts, music, engineering, space and economic issues such as inter-planetary means of exchange (the Universal currencies recognized and used everywhere.)
Past Neptune/Pluto sextiles: 1350-1352; 1460-1483; 1535 – 1540; February 1944 – November 1945; 1950 – 1958; 1976-1986;
This Section of Planetary Trends is upgraded regularly.