Mercury Retrograde, Optimism or Oversight?
Stardrops November 17 2024
Mercury Retrograde
A cycle for expanding your business, reaching goals you have set for yourself, and holding yourself and others to a higher standard.
Nov 17 – 18th Mercury at 17 – 18* Sagittarius is beginning to turn Retrograde, oppose Jupiter at 18* Gemini, and moving back and forth with a square to Saturn up through December.
Last Stardrops’ Excerpt: “(November 25 Mercury turns retrograde to December 15.)
Get ready for the next Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius. Discover where you have Sagittarius in your natal chart, what house it is ruling, and watch how that area (house) will be activated with a motivating inspiring plan and insight. Mercury can help you now up through December, in achieving a new step or progress in this area of your life.“
The new Mercury retro cycle started November 11 -13, as Mercury, our planet of learning, assimilating info, then making proper decisions based upon what we have learned– has been square to Saturn and began opposing Jupiter for around 40 days.
The square brings a seriousness to our decisions and game plans. The challenge would be finding the balance between information, ideas where we or others are quite enthusiastically motivated to launch, to make judgments with, which have consequences.
These decisions and proclamations that are being made, will be scrutinized, run through a hard filter whether they will be the best choice.
We could see this escalating right now in the world, but how is this maybe occurring in your own life? It might be a difficult situation with work, with a project, or a person, typically, with a complicated psyche.
Mercury turning retrograde is highlighting expansion, judgment, opinions made yet very optimistic and confident, yet with an opposition to Jupiter, (an optimistic, judgy and expansive oriented planet) there will be an exuberance to ready oneself for taking on some form of ideal position. It might be a decision regarding an issue before you.
It might be about others in your circle. It might involve expanding your work capacity, a bit zealous possibly taking on even more tasks. A very Sagittarius and Jupiter tendency!
However, Saturn is providing the realism we need to filter, scrutinize and synthesize the situation. It will force us to get real with our judgment or decision.
If that choice is inevitable, we enter it with idealism and sacrifice – the requirement to make a sacrifice in order to achieve a better ideal outcome. For some, especially in the minds of global leaders perhaps, to have an almost Saturn in Pisces magical and great ideal come about as a result of our increased effort.
It may requires facing one’s (Saturn in Pisces) patterns, tendencies, subconscious fall back habits and addressing them so we are clear and real as we expand, make smart choices, act on good judgment.
It looks like this:
Here is a timeline for the strongest impact of this T-Square between Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury retrograde.
You can see the squares (box symbol) and the oppositions (double circle symbol) from November 12 – December 27. This is our time frame to expand with realistic discipline and yet spiritual purpose, compassion and holding a higher vision before us, a motivation to excel, to reach beyond what we have never achieved before. Can you do it?
We might feel an absolute intolerance over others’ irrational behavior. If there are ambiguities with our meetings, interactions with others, or with discussions over any subject, the likelihood of these individuals being called out for evasive messaging, psychological games, vague responses – will be quite strong – simply not acceptable.. Saturn in Pisces can challenge hype, posturing and delays and the avoidance of facts with particular issues which are long overdue for being resolved. The Saturn t-square Mercury and Jupiter, can increase a tendency for overwhelm, overreach, overoptimism, impractical goals, and my simple answer for this cycle, is to focus on Saturn, as the key – with some awareness of the complexity these compromised people and their situations are coming from, combined with the direct approach of expecting answers, truth and progress – is the way of the Saturn in Pisces. I understand many will not relate to this 40 day experience, or it might be a modification of it in some way in your life.
Basically, we’re dealing with Saturn in Pisces reigning in the overexpansion, overly optimistic and overextending of plans, ideas or opinions or judgments during this time – which may be for the most part justified! But in order to actually reach the ideal positive refined outcome, Saturn in square to these planets, are going to demand a level of higher vision, smarter thinking with a softer approach.
Saturn’s Solution
Holding an ideal for another or yourself, yet with compassion and a positive energy can be achieved.
We look at Saturn as the funnel or the way out for the tension between the other two planets Mercury oppose Jupiter. The Mercury/Jupiter is the tendency to be overly excited and optimistic while overlooking obvious issues. Some behave as if on some righteous high (global zealousness?) over confidence with what we would like to think how we would like to judge a situation – and then count upon the decisions which are made around this high optimism. Saturn begs to synthesize facts and logistics with idealism, compassion, and realism within each situation. And! Calling out the negatives of Pisces energies which hide, collude and fake one thing while another is being put into place. Deceptions, delusions denial and overly trusting those who might be compromised themselves.
Are any of you in a situation where you want to expand and move forward on a task, a plan or decision yet not sure it will be the correct path to take?
Or you can see both sides of a situation and feel there is no easy way to solve this predicament?
Morals, ethical issues might be involved, or wondering if you or possibly a person can actually pull something off?
There might be budgets involved, the issue of trusting one’s skills or knowledge in order to execute a project well – or maybe it is an energy of rapid over optimism, or expansion, decisions being made, projects underway, sensing it is becoming bigger and bigger, beyond what you thought. Is it involving someone’s deceptive psychology? Is it involving work project issues, or simply your need to grow beyond what you have been routinely handling every day, and it’s time for more?
Saturn’s energy in Pisces points to subconscious unresolved patterns, potentially blinding us, sabotaging our good intentions, keeping us frozen in some past energy. This is the way forward, sending our light, our love into that part of the unseen world – forgiving it yet still, confronting it and refusing to allow it to remain in charge.
The Pisces Saturn addresses all unfortunate circumstances which one might have suffered. Whether they were parts of our own subterranean subconscious sabotaging our wellbeing, or little bits of compromises and excuses over time, eroding our ideal life, there may be a part of us still frozen there. So we are grasping at the desire to breakthrough and expand beyond, to get above the water line, break beyond that ceiling, yet certain restrictions, blocks keep sabotaging our ideals. With Pisces, as the go to point of this T-Square, sabotaging subconscious patterns are usually at the root of it.
The first thing to recognize, (an idea I have always related to sort of floating around the internet) is that we are a humanity waking up from amnesia, from a long drawn out cycle of Earth with a variety of extreme not so pleasant situations, downgrading and oppression. Sound like Pisces issues to me! We have been pulling at threads and quickly over the past decades asking the right questions, seeking answers, relief and validation that we are more than what we thought in the past, and something happened to us.
Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius is really nice for optimistic hopeful outlook on the future, our future – and its opposition to Jupiter isn’t that bad either! It brings an element of anything is possible, and I’ll be fine – we just need to trust and move forward on this or that and yes! It will be great! But wait – both planets are being forced to filter through the Saturn, as they are both in square to that karmic planet. Saturn really does hold the key to the potential expansion – as we remember what happened, target the source of the setbacks, the interference. We wake up and vow to not let this happen to us, to humanity every again. It is a fresh start – and this Mercury retrograde is challenging us to pull together the lost pieces through realistic and idealistic memory, analysis, remembering…it’s like being in recovery for some, for many!
I AM EASILY FORGIVING THE PAST, THE HISTORY WHICH BROUGHT US TO THIS POINT IN TIME. The dysfunction of the past is consumed. The suffering and blindness is removed. I Am the Divine Knowing of our history that has been laden with sabotage, trickery and illusion. Love is now King. I move forward with vision, a purpose, a calling. I expand and grow with that one vision before me – to live my purpose each day.
We thank Saturn in Pisces for stepping into the middle of this opposition, forcing us to defer to its mastery in synthesizing both the dysfunction, deceptive and delusions along with where we desire to go, the ideal expectations, making smarter decisions. It also may hold the solution to a situation, as it calls us to renounce something – hold onto a position of love and faith, yet go through the routines, the program to become stronger.Anchoring oneself in reality, love, and a higher purpose or calling.
Saturn in Pisces would suggest focusing upon the weak spots of this situation realistically, yet coming to a reasonable solution, even though it might not be ideal, perfect or even brilliant, it’s the repetition of the morning ritual, the life coach or counselor, the regular coffee or lunch with one’s closest friend to bounce off one’s life with. It’s the consistency towards either self improvement or the discipline it takes to bring a dream into reality versus just assuming it will magically precipitate out of the ethers.
It might not completely take care of a problem, or secure a situation, but at least there was some form of addressing what happened, what are we actually dealing with.
This is what is required during November and December, taking one thing at a time and getting through the emotions, the dysfunctions and all the history of suffering, the hidden PTSD and any Piscean sense of victimization.
What’s coming to me is that no matter if this cycle is impacting global, political, economic, disclosure, tech, leaders, etc…these two months are a test to resist extreme polarizing, extreme solutions and harmful extreme judgments. I sense it is the positive time to expose and prove the error, deception and suffering caused from negative destructive people, choices and activities from the past, yet refrain from the embarrassing immaturity that can be seen by an overly judgmental and superior attitude, on a high for vindication.
With Love, and common sense, these situations can be addressed, and the Piscean synthesis would be to understand a bigger picture, all have been fooled. All have been brainwashed. We are now waking up, some faster than others, but it is happening.
It’s time to start fresh with eyes open for healing, yet at the same time – be aware of new forms of trickery afoot.
Think personal situations, how might this be a personal thing? Addressing sources of sabotage, misery, suffering – we face these issues and their source by going to the Saturn in Pisces as it shows the past, the subconscious history as to how these took place, to the sabotaging patterns within humanity, within ourselves and we say, no more.
This awareness, it’s coming from a place of growth, wisdom, a synthesizing with our Higher Self acting on behalf for our greatest happiness. It’s automatic, it’s just something strong and realistic regarding the earth, humanity and each one of our personal lives, that is going to keep expanding for the next two months.
Think Global, think post election whirlwind of overreach, overkill, overly enthusiastic, revenge, retaliation talk and I would say, reckless opinions and posturing. It is definitely a time to temper and caution childish simplistic thinking and finger pointing — it’s dangerous to over do, thinking there is no more shadows? The Higher Presence will add a bit of depth and prudence to everyone’s research, investigating, views and decision making now, for a better future path. keeping one’s council yet confidently moving forward with expansion of ideals would be the way.
Chart for upcoming Mercury Retrograde at 22* Sagittarius.
The Full Moon November 15, 2024
A Fixed Star Capulus, in the sword hand of Perseus can trigger events, circumstances, and cause the decisions of particular people to be ambitious, rash, over zealous, and combative as this star influences a planet with the energies of Mars and Mercury is activated by the Moon/Uranus Full Moon. Mars is impulsive, decisive, action focused, and Mercury deals with blunt, sharp decisions being made. This is the nature of the fixed star conjoining the surprising and unconventionally dramatic Moon conjoin Uranus.
Here we go again, with that same theme of overextending, over reach, overly optimistic, bravado, – as Mercury deals with words, declarations, judgments and opinions in Sagittarius as we learned above – and this Capulus conjoin the Full Moon, has a Mars/Mercury influence pretty much defining the same pattern.
These energies can be very rash and maybe even a bit hypocritical? It might cause blind spots with decisions. The Full Moon could increase these influences from the past two weeks, building up to its fullness overflowing with some of these tendencies during this time. The fact the Moon and Uranus conjoined in Taurus are also involved, these two create the energies of sudden unexpected and potentially controversial eruptions, actions, events with any sort of material engineering, plans, strategies, financial and economy etc..etc.. Uranus of course rules over crypto, tech, etc…
It might primarily be involving currency, money, economy and other material industry since the Moon is in Taurus. and Uranus in Taurus both conjoin. Taurus is the sign of banking. It means explosive change is happening in these areas.
These planetary energies continue to project radical change….extreme exposures, truths and transparencies, rapid transformations of situations, and an upgrading at a rapid rate. The Full Moon simply means these energies have crested from building over the last few weeks. Things are happening….everything the world has suspected and more, is now spilling over at it’s full Apex moment of explosive revelation and change.
This energy peaked Friday/Saturday November 15 -16th 2024, after building momentum for weeks.
…At a personal level,
we are coming to a sobering yet exciting realization, we can transform our own future and personal self, the Taurus old values elevated for new ones – our way we work, do business, maybe our methodology – our goals possibly simplified, clearer. And single out the one thing which matters more than anything else in the world to you, kept that star in mind throughout these next few months with all yourplanning as that will ensure your motive is pure.
Planetary Cycles
November 17 – 30, 2024
Nov 16 – 18 Sun at 27* Scorpio trine Neptune at 27* Scorpio
An optimum time to strategize, collaborate, be inspired and nurture your visions for your future. Relationships are highlighted as deep, supportive and purposeful now.
Nov 19 Mercury trine Chiron
Conversations about how to move into a healing mode, fixing problems and overcoming past challenges with a positive optimistic outlook.
Pluto enters Aquarius
A new era, which has been eking its way into our world since 2023, has finally arrived. This epic cycle will continue into 2042 with breakthroughs upon breakthroughs of firsts of all kinds in every area of our civilization.
Nov 21 Sun enters Sagittarius A nice period of optimistic expansive knowledge, future planning. There will be a key theme involving morality, ethical aspirations, and integrity, and of course with all Sagittarian energy, teaching, relaying knowledge, presenting new material to the world, graphics, art, culture, music production, marketing and spirituality.
Nov 21 Sun sextiles Pluto
Positive interactions with authority figures, those in power, or corporate leadership, the direction those in power want to move, which can be unanimously supported.
Nov 22 Venus at 12* Capricorn sextile Saturn at 12* Pisces
Our social circle, our people, our relationships are experiencing cooperate practical planning now. People get along – constructive social interchange of blueprints and ideals are put out there to be decided upon. Progress is made as Ideal Values are discussed and made practical for everyone.
Nov 22 Mars at 4* Leo trine node at 4* Aries
The power of Mars continues moving quickly towards its peak retrograde moment in Leo, at 6 degrees, on December 6, 2024. Since late November 3, it has been growing in power. The power is seen in confident actions, courageous and bold decisions, creative ideas and self expression we find influencing trends, popularity and spreading as the Nodes deals with the people’s major social tendencies. Personally, it is a positive time for design, the arts, culture, leadership, confidently bringing greater mastery and skill into any area of your life which needs help now. For more insights into Mars Retrograde’s influence in your life and the world, you can check it out HERE.
Nov 26 Sun in Sagittarius also trine Node creating a grand trine from the Sun and Mars, 25th – 26th and 27th of November. This creates an exciting optimistic insight – certain plans just flow now and you are willing to put in the work, receiving the download of inspiration and vision, and execute your talent to make this cycle rich with progress!
Nov 26 Venus at 17* Capricorn inconjunct Jupiter at 17* Gemini
One spot of our life might be out of whack with a person? An awkward situation where serious responsibilities, accountability is out of sync with anothers’ casual attitude. It’s time to go to work to help the disconnected situation come into a better realistic alignment now.
Nov 27 Venus at 19* Capricorn square Chiron
Feelings might be hurt, or tension may arise when one’s values, priorities and even professional expectation are met with victim hood, complaining and excuses.
Nov 29 Mercury at 21* Sagittarius semi-sextile Venus at 21* Capricorn
A slightly constructive day where communication and connecting with the information you need in order to get a better picture, is finally coming together.
Nov 30/Dec 1 Mercury at 19* Sagittarius trine Chiron at 19* Aries.
The month ends with constructive solutions and talks, a plan to move forward with an issue which might have previously been touchy. The hope for healing of any kind can come from these two positive days.
I hope you enjoyed today’s Stardrops! We are working hard behind the scenes on our own Starfires plans to bring you more treasures. I also am relating to the challenges in this Stardrops, as I try to keep a level head through much expansion and website, home renovation and personal study continues to challenge me, expand the possibilities. It’s a lot!! I feel as if my poor brain and physical self can not contain the future potential! I loved a comment someone made a few weeks ago – ” You can’t expect yourself as the quarterback of the team, to win the game all by yourself! ” How true! A new puzzle and challenge to solve – Keep well, safe and expand to your greatest potentials!
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