NEW 2025-2028 report is coming!
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Libra Report for 2023-2025 is 100 pages of personally researched Astrology cycles impacting your SUN and additional information helping Libras to navigate through the next few years. This report took quite a while to create, as much detail went into upcoming trends which Libras need to know.
The Report includes:
- All Mercury retrogrades, the sign Mercury will be in, and the dates it begins and ends, and how it could impact Libra’s life.
- All Eclipses, Solar and Lunar, the signs they are in, degrees, and date of Eclipse.
- All Mars cycles which we all should watch for, as they energize our life, motivate us, create energetic mini-themes throughout the year.
- All outer planets’ impact on Libra Sun, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter, what sign they are in, how they are influencing Libras, specific dates aligned to your personal Birth date and how they might be impacting Libras. Many positive things are in this report you will not want to miss.
- Musical Meditations and Worksheet for capturing your Pluto trine Sun cycle at its best release of power and helpfulness for you.
- Video inspiration links and your own Personal Libra 2023-2025 Video Report Video included to listen to.
- Venus Retrogrades enhancing the love and providing opportunities for happiness like no other planet can.