New 2025-2028 Virgo Report is coming!
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The Report Includes:
- Meditation music
- Affirmation for your empowerment and clarity of direction
- Overview for the next two years for Virgo
- Contains 90 page report on all major planets to your Sun sign for the next two years.
- Includes all Eclipses, Mercury Retrogrades with what to expect during these times.
- The transiting planets in aspect to your Sun from Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter for the next two years, and dates when they enter and leave.
- All Mars transits are noted with the exact dates from start to end of each cycle, especially the Mars Retrograde cycle in of 2022 and 2024, and the Venus Retro in Leo, upcoming.
- A worksheet for Virgo with references, inspiration to get clear and motivated, health, organization, and self improvement ideas. It is specifically to help you to get “in tune” with your powerful theme for this cycle
As soon as you purchase your Virgo report, you will receive an email confirmation of your order, and access to your PDF Virgo Report.
Virgo’s report ended up being a full 100 pages covering 2022 – 2024, Pluto through Jupiter’s major cycles to your Sun. More descriptions of Report, Below.
Also included, every Mars cycle, with starting and ending dates, and descriptions of what Mars could do to stimulate your Virgo energies.
Every Mercury retrograde,start and finish, with descriptions included.
Every Solar Eclipse with dates and descriptions. Solar Eclipses have an ability to zero in on what it is we must pay attention to now in order to keep our lives on track.
Every Lunar Eclipse, to take note of when to be careful and mindful to not make poor judgments or major decisions during those times.
Venus retrogrades are included, which can enhance good fortune with Love, Money, Career or other special events in your life.
An overview of Virgo qualities and challenges to clue you in to your highest potential, and what to watch out for.
Can you imagine holding a special map in your hands helping you plan your next two years? That is what an astrological Forecast is for! Cycle by cycle, month by month, trends come and go and you need to know if it is an incredible cycle for you to take advantage of the good waves or if it’s going to be a challenging one, and how to navigate around it and wait.
One cycle may be ending and a new one opening up. Each eBook is a rich two year Forecast Report for Virgo Sun, including: affirmations, personal video overview of the next two year theme and all major influences from our planets in the solar system, and how they connect with your Sun.
Enjoy! 105 pages updated July 2022 Digital Download.
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