Star Energies Condensing



September is a good month to catch up on all the plans and inspirations you may have had throughout the year so far. It’s a great time to reflect and decide upon those things you would have liked to accomplish. This is because of several helpful planet’s retrogrades and other energies are causing a massive Condensing of powers within our bodies and consciousness. We are absorbing power, inspiration, intellectual and spiritual common sense to come to pinpoint conclusions. Let’s see how this will manifest in our worlds!

The Retrogrades

Uranus retrograde in Taurus (now to January 26 2024) reminds us of our inspirational and individualized unique place in the world, our special thoughts and plans, aspirations and goals. It reminds us of what we would like to experience, bring into our world, and inspires us to review how to get there. We’ll have to be bolder, possess conviction and not care if it is upsetting to some.

It prods us to figure out a way to make it happen. Uranus urges truthfulness, honesty and frank communications about our values. What we need and value in life…the facts as to how we function and what is crucial for us to have in place in order to live our truth. It also reminds us of the circumstances in life which can create anxiety. It helps us re-align ourselves to get clear with our future needs.

Neptune retrograde in Pisces (now through December 6) causes some of us to review our need for a retreat, a reprieve from the hectic energy of the world. Neptune in Pisces inspires us to draw upon our own ritual of meditations, physical rejuvenation and any artistic and musical inspiration. It also helps us to have a higher openness to things unseen which are magical, coming to our rescue when we reach out and ask for guidance. The Neptune Retrograde now supports reviewing our meaning here and inspires us to express compassion, but also turn that compassion in on ourselves first!

Saturn retrograde in Pisces (now through November 3) assists us to review and reflect on those issues which have been unnecessary sabotaging of our greatest happiness, functionality and potential. Unnecessary sacrificing was discussed in the last Stardrops post as it really came out in the full moon in Pisces, conjoin Saturn in Pisces and inconjunct Mars in Libra.

The retrograde continues all month in order to give us pause to reflect, what are we allowing to continue with our lives that frustrate us, weaken us or hold us back from our own personal progress? In addition, it provides time in such a concentrated form, to reveal the absolutely unnecessary sabotaging of our world, humanity through the negative of Pisces’ subterfuge and fear energy coming from those heavy forces which attempt to drain the power of humanity’s’ strength through fear and putting them constantly in a vulnerable position. This Saturn retro in Pisces could also be the attempt to once again re-visit all sorts of oppression, diseases and fear of sickness. Mars in Libra inconjunct Saturn in Pisces from the 31st of August for two weeks, might just be confrontational to a point of questioning the origin of these problems as solutions are presented to certain calamities before the calamities even occur.

Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn (now to October 10) has the capacity to absorb and accumulate our resources, energy, stamina and possibly finances or even review and reflect on our material, financial needs. It helps us hold in, CONTAIN our power and build our reserve back up again.

Mercury retro in Virgo (August 23 to September 15, 2023) which we go into below, is strong in one of its favorite signs. It enhances specific perfected analytical conclusions, decisions. It definitely will help us go back to issues which require re-visiting. The importance of reviewing and receiving that prodding from Mercury’s advice released into our minds to consider doing this or that with our lives, our time and energy, will be crucial now.

Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus September 4 – December 30, 2023) brings practical building skills into play. We are more inclined to yield to Jupiter’s supportive encouragement poured into our consciousness. It desires us to succumb to all those physical, material tasks and add an element of love and vision of why these tasks will pay off, what sort of end result it can bring to us which provides satisfaction and happiness if we would only give it a try.

Jupiter retrograde causes us to come to conclusions deep within ourselves of certain opinions we may need to embrace. These conclusions could help us reach a place of peace. This peaceful resolution, conclusion brings hope that we can make it. Because Jupiter is in the trine to Mercury in Virgo, (discussed below) all issues pertaining meetings, resolutions with justice, legal, money, employment, interviews, negotiating and attempting to decide on practical steps to reach an outcome are very good.

Venus Retrograde in Leo (July 23 – September 3, 2023) …this period of Venus retro has actually been working on our clear values since the beginning of June. It began to become much stronger July 23 through August. The concentration upon our love, heart, feelings and values in life have been influencing the more mental analysis of each of our situations. It has been the undercurrent of what feels right. Getting real with ourselves and mustering up the courage and self respect to finally commit to our personal needs. It has brought courage, confidence and conviction. These states of consciousness are so necessary in order to go after the life we know is to be ours. It’s the start of great things. We are still in Venus in Leo up to October 8, so after it turns Direct (out of Retrograde on September 3) I feel it is the time to finally feel at peace with what we’ve learned about ourselves, and the course of action we now know with all our hearts, we must take in order to be true to our deepest values in life.

Mars in Libra

Because Mars in Libra is the only planet (other than of course the Sun and Moon) which is NOT retrograde, It whips through the sign of Libra faster than all these other planets. It acts as an instigator, motivating us to counsel, teach, paint, play music, write and reach out to others in order to nurture and connect with people. It might only be certain people if you find yourself introverted, however, putting energy into our relationships and encouraging us to invest in these valuable people will most likely happen during this month of September.

Remember, at the end of August through September the theme of adjusting ourselves to a better realistic place in our most prominent relationships will be ongoing. Where do you sit with these people? How can we adjust our situation, our schedule, or even our feelings as it relates to these relationships. Some will have to review how much sacrificing is going on and is it even necessary as it could become detrimental to one’s own psychological and/or physical health. This is because of the Saturn in Pisces inconjunct Mars….(last Stardrops’ post on the Full Moon and in paragraph below).

In general, Mars in Libra is an empowerment throughout September to increase the love in our important relationships, our friendships and value beauty, design, music, increase the love and richness within our lives.

September 1 – 3 Mars in Libra inconjunct Saturn in Pisces

This is part of last week’s Pisces Full Moon post. A continuation of becoming crystal clear on what is required in one’s life in order to function at our best..(and/or anyone else who you are concerned for.) Noting how there is a vulnerability, suffering or sacrifice which could be going on. If you or anyone else you care about is in this situation, ( also global/humanity) this aspect, and the Full Moon last week’s influence produces a very strong sense we’re growing out of that old history and desiring a new way. It can trigger serious frustrations, incongruencies which must get straightened out….adjusted and shifted into a plan which will help you achieve that state you desire to be in. Much of these frustrations will involve implementing boundaries, whether in our personal relationships or as a global community with those who continue to cause massive distress in the world.

September 3-5 Mercury retro in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus.

This has been a supportive work/employment theme since mid August. It continues up through September 25.

Mercury Retro in Virgo is like one long continual reminder to align ourselves to a higher better way, We mentally perfect some skill, some decision, some task or project. We feel compelled to zero in. We could experience an expanded consciousness of going deeper into why this or that thing is so important to do. Details and perfection in our work, service, execution of the task is key. In whatever way it has been calling to you, urging you to get yourself in a better position, the Mercury in Virgo trine Jupiter can assist us with good fortune in our decisions, activities of a practical nature, and our important service and tasks. It enhances good fortune with work, projects and details of our personal and professional goals.

If you desire to make headway with any health/work/projects or tasks which would truly bring to you a sense progress, this is a great planetary cycle to move forward and focus upon these things now.

Sept 6-8 Mercury in Virgo conjoin Sun sextile Hades.

This same Mercury, bringing constructive accomplishments and progress (above) is now conjoin the Sun in Virgo, sextile Hades and trine Jupiter.

If your own cycles in your birth chart look supportive, these days from the 6-8th can be very positive for having conversations and interactions with people where you need their support in order to get something accomplished. Normally, we might feel anxious or apprehensive with this kind of meeting, but because of the sextile to Hades, supportive conversations and helpfulness can happen.

Almach, Mekab fixed stars are conjoined Jupiter in Taurus through the 1st half of September.

Let’s explore how these fixed stars can influence a productive and functional cycle.

Mekab and Almach 14* Taurus conjoining Jupiter adds an additional good fortune, honors and favorable support from others yet with a need for responsibility and discipline applied in the situation. These fixed stars blend a sense of sober reality to our expansive attitude. Are we really ready to do the work or take on the responsibility of this next path we’re going into?

Discipline and realism with your situation would be a major drive during these weeks, since end of August. We get very serious about achieving something and just might decide, it’s the only way, I’m ready! The Almach and Jupiter influence can encourage us and bring helpful vision to our plans. It can also create an easy flow of events to work out the way we need it to go.

Jupiter has an energy likened to the Archangels, and so there is a seriousness and power aligned with the expansive good fortune and protection during this cycle. Happy gains, achievements, acquiring some material possession, financial gain or employment, or even health/body motivation. At the least, these combinations of energies bring a bit more confidence and support.

Jupiter is also very close to conjoining Uranus in Taurus in September, yet will not be close enough to witness its power until April 2024. The last time these two planets conjoined was 2010, three times throughout that year.

What we could sense during this period, in the beginning of this conjunction is a powerful breakthrough building.

Possibly, what we launch or implement in September could find us in a much better position in April.

It would be the building, accumulating in a very grounded practical sign of Taurus enhancing ingenuity with our inspirations.

So even though we are all in a May 2023 through May 2024 Jupiter Taurus period which relates to the material world such as tangible physical achievements, engineering, building business, increasing self worth, your value and worth, your financial goals, physical accomplishments, the additional influence of Uranus steps it up to a more potent immediate release of energy. It supersizes these functional pragmatic activities and inspirations with a dash of spontaneity, community, friendships, connecting with other like – minded people. It enhances brilliance, doing something new, thinking a new way, breaking old patterns and rising above the mediocrity.

September can be the start of unexpected situations erupting more and more in our own lives but also the world. Exposures, revelations, insights and transparency can begin to be noticed like never before about people, situations, our world and our own personal affairs. Also having the guts to make changes.

The end result is for our education and to better navigate our future so we can reach a stronger more secure destination. So look at September 2023 where we’re starting strong with our journey towards laying important groundwork in our lives in order to be in a better place by the end of April 2024. These energies could all be translated into powerful transformational progress globally. This initiates a new wave of unconventional organized activities in order to get down to absolute facts and common sense conversations with strong actions taken to transform our present global situations.

Also, many are discussing the April 2024 U.S Total Solar Eclipse. Below are the Eclipses I’d like to review. I don’t want to rush through these eclipses…I did write about them in March 2023, but will review in detail in the following week’s Stardrops.

Until then, here are the links to the eclipses I’ll be covering:

August 2017 U.S. Total Eclipse in Leo

April 2024 in Aries. Total Solar Eclipse in U.S.

Annular U.S. Solar Eclipse October 14 2023 in Libra

Solar Eclipse March 29 2025 in Aries

Until then, thank you for your wonderful support! and have an amazing, practical week of great accomplishments!


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