The Solar Eclipse Sagittarius
This week’s planet positions create a theme of expanding our positive mindsets in order to reach our greatest goals and potential. It centers upon our beliefs, attitudes, opinions and judgments regarding many things we never seem to question, as “this is just the way I am….“
Within the past week, a strong push to accept new ideals, fueled by more love coming from within our heart is in play.
This expansion is allowing room for greater possibilities than we ever thought we could achieve. For many it will be about ourselves and how we can be better, achieve something worth our effort. It enhances the notion, what we are capable of becoming, no matter what age, background or circumstances, or whatever it is about. For some it will be how much more we can lead, support and advise. For others, self development in some area of life by changing some way we usually respond to something. Others, how much more can we give and share, be generous with ourselves. It starts with what we believe is possible. This is the theme and when you feel it in your gut, this realization, you know you’ve found that spot that must grow. It is the human self connected to the higher self that creates the knowing as to what you need to change. You could say, it’s the place inside you, which is PROPHETIC.
November 23rd and on through the weeks ahead leading up to December 4, 2021, the Sun, Mercury and South Node all conjoined in Sagittarius, the sign of the teacher, the power of positive thought, and technique of expansion and projecting ones’ mind into future times to create a better world for self and others will intensify.
This is a dangerous concept for some, as they do not want people to create and break out of limitations, but to yield to what they are told to think and do which is to shut up that limitless spark residing within each of us to go beyond our condition, wherever we find ourselves at any given moment in our life. Is there something invisible, an energy of some sort, that warns us not to do this or that, even though it would be good for us? What is that thing?
The power of this Sagittarius, building to the Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 4 prepares humanity to bust through our psychological patterns which limit us. It’s the perpetual, “but I can’t because….” that’s going to be challenged and shift. The shift is ready to occur, because the planet Uranus is positioned in an inconjunct to this Sagittarius Solar Eclipse. It almost forces or jolts a new awareness into us, and shifts so powerfully our perception of something, we can never go back to the old way of seeing, again.
Can you also imagine if there were an outworn pattern or mindset existing within humanity, and an event(s) could occur which jolts the people out of that mindset, forcing a massive shift resulting in expanding ones’ perception of the whole world?
Sagittarius pushes us to take on that consciousness of a new way of being for a while in order to reach a brand new, us. It takes effort to push ourselves into a more expanded possibility with our lives. Descriptions of Sagittarius energies include: the athlete, the optimist, hiker and lover of wilderness, the dancer, the robust sports player or fitness trainer, the teacher and instructor. The writer, publisher and coach.
It takes knowledge, learning something new, in order to expand our thinking, and this is why Sag can be a teacher, a scholar and publisher/write. Questioning, learning, receiving and change.
It takes a willingness to share and put out there ones’ beliefs and ideas, and this is why Sag governs marketing, imagery and the mastery of coaching.
It takes a higher Moral Character in order to trust oneself or another person’s guidance to embrace a new and better perception to live by and shoot for, which is Sagittarius qualities. Ethics, morality, a positive self examination (the positive use of the word, good judgment) creating a new boundary or standard level in order to live by. Ethics is crucial to incorporate into ones life.
It takes vision projected towards a goal, a bullseye target in order to have motivation, a reason why one would want to grow and achieve another state of mind, or harness the inspiration daily in order to bring oneself to that achievement and again, this is governed by the zodiac sign, Sagittarius. Many times something painful or incredibly inconvenient occurs to us, before we seek out understanding.
Through that pain and seeking help, we begin to see something in a new light and we need that light to expand.
And the most important, Sagittarius represents the midpoint between the person’s physical existence, our body and all the interior magic residing within that body and that Higher Infinite Spirit whose power is pure Love. in otherwords, here you are in the 3rd dimensional plane, your human self, and something suddenly jolts you out of your sleep. Questioning and seeking help is usually what comes next. We implore the universal love, to help us understand. Which is Sagittarius’ purpose. The Sagittarius energy, is necessary to pull us up into that go-between point, between this dimension and the next beautiful planes of being in order to expand our understanding, and receive direction. Some describe it as being in connection to our Higher Self. This is where we request change. When the insight comes to us, we can never be the same old self again. We’ve changed.
We request this change, understanding, shift and expansion in whatever area that prompts us.. Sagittarius is a zodiac sign which symbolizes human beings’ potential ability to become wiser and to expand. This is why Sagittarius governs over teachers, coaches, ministers, priests, shamans, holy people and the ancient ones who are to have access to that realm of ALL THAT IS. By learning from these kinds of individuals, we study until we recognize within ourselves, our own divine pipeline to the Higher Presence.
Our Higher Self possesses the nuances of refined direction for our lives (humanity’s natural guidance from a higher place). We call these nuances, in between understandings, as secret ray observations. They are more difficult to share with others or explain however, you grasp a more multidimensional meaning to the guidance. These insights come from somewhere else, not your own logical mind. They enhance your path and bring richness to your experience. These are also Sagittarian experiences.
When you access this Higher place, a shift of perception, quite distinct and powerful occurs….Sagittarius is symbolic of the Centaur with the bow and arrow. It targets the supreme goal in order to achieve.
Find that image of YOU, that you love. Now, start the first step towards becoming it, even if you need help.
The challenge of Sagittarius is the bad habit of negative judgment onto oneself, self limiting judgments or negative limiting beliefs. The attitudes and perceptions we live with that are less than that ideal self. Also, sometimes projected outwards onto others, not only limiting us and our desire to grow and be more of what we are today, but it is like a spell which sticks to the person we’re judging, and now they have an invisible thing overlaying their own person burdening their capacity, their own ability to grow and be more.
This is where the punitive harsh teacher, parent, priest or coach, projects shame and oppressive beliefs upon another. We’ve all experienced these projections put upon us from people we have been vulnerable with. We either accept their authority and opinions outwardly or somewhere in our subconscious, it stuck. Now is our opportunity to rid ourselves of these deep beliefs about ourselves. Boundaries and firewalls are not qualities of Sagittarius,but necessary to filter out wrong judgments made by ourselves or others. Yet Morality, Ethics, knowing right from wrong as Standards of behavior, are all part of Sagittarian ideals.
The theme is to break out of limitations and self check ones’ own negative talk and thought, replacing it the potential to advance. Where Sagittarius is, might be where this Solar Eclipse desires you to wake up!
This is number one. Whatever which way you can learn and expand your own life’s happiness and situation is so important during this period.
If you are stuck, expand your mind’s imagination as to how your life could be, in the most positive way. Read something new, talk with someone who can challenge your own limitations.
Avoiding situations which cause you to keep running into the same destructive patterns that sabotage your own growth just might be one of the most important themes you could discover during this time. For others, finding ways to love more, release and expand, organically. It should feel like a natural process of moving away from a self limiting situation, over time.
Sagittarius also holds the wisdom of time/space and philosophical subjects such as karmic conditions. While one is walking through karmic conditions in life, hold fast that knowledge of where you want to be, and keep working towards how to achieve this higher place. You will get there.
And yes, it does make a difference once you achieve these places of a more expanded life.
The cycle of this Sagittarius theme is from November 23 building up to the exact Solar Eclipse moment, December 4, 2021, and carrying throughout the next few weeks. Its influence lasts up to the next Solar Eclipse occurring on April 30, 2022 at 10* Taurus, the builder.
As we all capture a revelation of some sort, we want to practice this new understanding, acting on it regularly up to April 2021, preparing to truly build upon the next stage, with the next Solar Eclipse. It makes sense, the new concept of yourself comes first, then through practice, April comes and we experience a situation in which another gift is given to us that should be more than just a concept but a material tangible goal. (Taurus Solar Eclipse). All these examples can be applied to an actual physical tangible thing you want to have or be.
As we mentioned in last week’s Stardrops, Uranus is in an almost exact inconjunct to the Mercury, South Node, Sun and Moon in Sagittarius (see chart above). An inconjunct as we know, demands a severe adjustment in our way of thinking, and because it is inconjuncting planets in the sign of Sagittarius, it truly is about our perception, our attitude more than anything else, versus physical unexpected shifts and adjustments only. This Uranus tells us, every one of us must change something in our perception or belief, our pattern of attitude about something, whether with ourselves or others. Something has to progress upwards and grow, NOW. Once we become saturated with this capacity to drastically shift our perception, our beliefs or our awareness from one state to a new state, and see our world in a bigger broader perspective, call it a powerful necessary paradigm shift for humanity beginning right now, then we are ready to build on top of this new value, bring it into a physical reality by April 2022. That is the time, under Taurus, we own it, we own or become the new way of seeing what is possible to accomplish. For some, some event might occur which jolts you into this new perception.
In the U.S. Astrology, it is activating the Natal 1789 chart in the 4th house of security, protection, boundaries, land, food and basic survival requirements. This solar eclipse will also expand our awareness of the importance of family and our culture.
Something attempting to dislodge that culture at the core might occur. Survival of a culture, traditions, or heritage might play a part. Since we are moving into the holiday season, preserving our (south node) past heritage or traditions would be crucial at this time, no matter what. Confronting the negative of Sagittarius, judgments and negative opinions, would be part of this situation. Relinquishing judgment, punitive restrictions and intolerance would be the message of this solar eclipse. Not accepting limiting beliefs projected upon our personal bedrock foundations (the 4th house) and preserving what brings a sense of security and ability to thrive.
In the U.S. Astrology 1776 chart, it is activating the 12th house of secrets. Behind the scenes planning, zeroing in on a particular knowledge, then expanding the countries’ capacity to execute that conviction acquired in the 12th house of silent unseen power which can alter the direction of our future.
It represents accessing records (past ancient akashic records of the history of the country) and what has been the primary force which motivated people to establish the country in the first place (including all the past and present public influencers’ ideals, philosophies and higher thought disciplines which very few have any clue about). These 12th house practices of spiritual renunciation, warrior visionary ideals and beliefs are secretly kept within the country’s 12th house, and might soon, come to light. There will be mysteries of the LIGHT and juxtaposed mysteries terribly dark revealed during this Solar Eclipse cycle, now up through December 2021.
Where is this December 4 Solar Eclipse activating your own astrology chart?
The eclipse is at 12 degrees. Check the degrees around the outer rim of your own astrology chart – Find the sign Sagittarius on that outer rim …example below:
Fictitious charts below, showing examples of the symbol Sagittarius, the ARROW Symbol, and where it is on the outer rim. It will be in a degree (a number from 0 -19*) on the outer rim. Find where the eclipse is activating events in your own chart.
In the first chart above, the Solar Eclipse being at 12* Sag, we find it activating, or imagine placed within house number 1, the left side of the wheel see circled in RED. That is because the actual house cusp line, is 6 degrees Sagittarius, so you would put the Solar Eclipse at 12* after that line, on the other side of the line into house # 1.
In the 2nd chart above, imagine placing the Solar Eclipse at 12* Sagittarius, within the 10th house at the top of the wheel. This is because the 10th house line, Cusp, between the 9th and 10th houses, is at the number or degree 2* Sagittarius, circled in RED. So a 12* Sagittarius Solar Eclipse energy, would come after 2 degrees, in the 10th house.
This person’s Solar Eclipse experience, is going to be activating their 10th house of career, responsibilities and professional accomplishments and planning. That means its theme is to alter, change and advance that person’s 10th house issues in some significant way.
So, wherever this eclipse is positioned, it will highlight a theme in your own personal life, especially right now up through December, helping you grow. It will put you in a new mindset for 5 months until the April 30, 2022 new Solar Eclipse comes.
To discover the HOUSE meanings, you can find them, HERE.
If you need your chart wheel, you can get one, HERE.
In conclusion, I’m being reminded to never stop seeking ways of expanding ourselves. Resist being stagnant and lazy, or remaining in a persistent repetitive attitude about people and situations…as it is most likely not only our own karmic conditions, our family patterns, but also external energetic programming of all sorts, which contrive to limit your mind. Acceleration and Expansion is an exciting thing to do! All it takes is a new idea and you’re on your way!
The following Video, you may have seen many years ago, or read the popular book, The Secret Life of Plants. or the concept is nothing new for you. The further into the movie you go, something mysterious takes place within. For whatever reason, this is The Movie which popped into my mind after writing this article. Maybe it is to support the Sagittarian concept of exactly how powerful our consciousness actually is? Welcoming your thoughts and enjoy!
Parts of Stevie Wonder’s Music is blocked throughout the movie…I tried to no avail to find a complete copy for you Here is the final music video scene including sound….
End of Video with Music –
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