Solar System

Global Updates~April 4, 2017

Take a deep breath, you’re entering into the 2nd part of the Venus retrograde. The Venus Retro began mid February.)( Review Articles for description of what the excitement was all about, click Here)

Venus has moved back into Pisces in April for a few weeks, and is now beginning to square the Saturn in Sagittarius. It will be moving back and forth between 29 -26* Pisces square Saturn between 27-26* Sagittarius, April 1-21. The most challenging time would be now up to April 8, as this could be where a reality hits in some way first before the reflections begin settling in after the 8th of April. The entire April 1-21 would be the time for going within and examining what we might have tried to do better, without beating ourselves up.

What is happening beginning April 4 – 8 midnight, is a bit of a delicate emotional review you might be going through. This review could be the need on the light side, to take in how one has been handling their life up to this point, take some notes and make a commitment to change. Venus in Pisces has the capacity for the most sacrificing unconditional love free of any complaints. The square to Saturn is simply mirroring back how we might have indulged, neglected, misunderstood or sabotaged some of the opportunity our heart was given to love so much, not only our own life, but others in our care.

If you live this life not getting how much you need shields, certain energies will ride in on unexpected moments of indulgence or emotional triggers, weak spots and try to wreck something, because that is just what they do.

So now, in April, we all get to repent, heal, and take a sober look at what’s happened in the past four years? Ten years? AND decide to make some new Venus commitments. Venus is just a planet that contains the blueprint for love, relationships, social graces, diplomacy, kindness, sensitivity and all that. But, it is also responsible for economy, money, negotiations, sales, income, precious valuables such as possessions and people we value, and it rules the sign Taurus and Libra. 

Oh, Mercury is going retrograde in Taurus also, right now, peaking on April 9. So Mercury is helping us focus on a brilliant plan to elevate one path among all others now, and commit to this one thing we need to hang on to, to be in integrity. So love is behind all of this, and the Venus moving into Pisces is just a little moment to hang out in the reflection room and re-think ones’ habits, life patterns, social behaviors and things that might be sabotaging something. One never imagined that in order to stay on top of everything in this world, you had to work so hard at just living. It almost doesn’t seem natural in a way, however, it is what it is.

Don’t be discouraged if you are having serious reflections during this week, it will all turn out for the better. Venus has not abandoned you but is helping you see in hindsight how some things could have been handled better, or what has been your vulnerability, your sabotage point, so you can push your re-set button, make some changes and face the reality of indulgences Saturn is showing you in order to get rid of it forever.

I once heard a true Yogi say to his students ” the job of a disciple is to look deep within oneself, find the bad habit and be determined to destroy it.” 

So what is the light side of this you ask? Venus is saying, ” If you could just know what your future potential really is,  you would treat yourself better, your diet, your family, your body, your whatever…find the way see this cycle as an encouragement of how much you are so loved, and the reminder to cherish this and treat everything as if it is more precious…”  I’m only saying this because that is the nature of Saturn in a square. The other side is to be cautious and protect self from the severity, critical and unmerciful energies in general, Saturn square Venus can try to project onto you. Filter, filter filter.

Mars in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn at 19° April 4,5,6, brings to you an incredible energy of will and determination to cut through and turn things around into a new order. You want to be on top of your life now. Will, determination, inspiration, organization, accomplishments and powerful ambition can surge through you for a few days to jump start some projects. This is perfect timing to feel the wind in your sails to also set your ship on the right course again, and fix some things that might have gone off kilter in the past.

Thanks for reading, and have a victorious and successful week  meditating upon your beautiful life now and ahead.

