Mercury and the Shift

Stardrops August 25 2024

(Written August 23/24)


Pluto oppose U.S Uranus

The ongoing energies of Pluto oppose U.S. Uranus, is definitely playing out month by month since last February 2024, as more evidence of separating out from an unwanted system continues. It creates change with age old alignments and identifications with certain groups and causes an uncomfortable yet necessary splitting apart….


“... my concern was the Transit of Pluto beginning to oppose the U.S. Natal Uranus, beginning in February 2024 for a year, then continuing for another year. (ending December 2025). This eventful astrological cycle has never occurred in America before, and its behavior tends to create divisions, clear cut, severe confrontations, accusations and social separations because of identifying with one set of values and aspirations for our future against another set of values and agendas for the future.

With this Pluto cycle just now beginning (February 2024), a new kind of uncontrollable force is starting, where there would be a splitting apart of communities, groups or agencies, businesses, breaking free from another “agency or entity” from certain beliefs, positions people are taking, separation of cultural values or strong opinions and feelings from one community of people against another. In some cases it could appear like an isolated targeting, alienation taking place, and a realization reluctantly, that a new direction must take place for the future. There is no turning back. It separates one system, or consciousness on the planet from another consciousness.

It is occurring in the U.S astrology, however it’ impacts all humanity.

Here is the search timeline and the wheel for transiting Pluto oppose U.S. Natal 1789 Uranus.

The Transit of Pluto opposing the U.S. 1789 Uranus in Leo chart

Pluto, lower outer wheel of right side oppose U.S. Natal 1789 Uranus, upper left 11th house

These polarizing groups typically share a strong unified feeling of being at the end of their rope and have no other choice but to break apart.

When your average individual receives this astrological transit, once in their lifetime to their own birth chart, this is what takes place, either you’re being alienated and shunned, or you’re leaving and pulling apart…and typically it’s drawn out in an agonizing process taking at least a year or longer. Now we’re witnessing this occur within a nation’s birth chart where it’s never occurred before.

The affirmations posted in the last Stardrops’ article was for the mitigation of any disruptive social drama, and we can use these affirmations throughout the year. I believe in diffusing challenging astrology with affirmations as they disrupt and can transmute the conflicting magnetic waves of planets as they create crosscurrents or rippling events which can be devastating for our society….”

As we approach Pluto square U.S. Venus in Mid-January into February 2025, this symbolizes a death and end of the functionality of a role, an old role certain kind of people have played within our country. I don’t know what it is, but in 2025, it will become more clear. It can be one message coming from the 9th house of a posture of judging, a position of judge, of opinions, of standards….is it a consciousness which has dominated the planet or is it a people? Is it positive or negative? I’m not sure….Is it our banking, finances and the old economic systems, and the way they have been handled.? As Venus can also govern over assets, finances, our values, valuables, banking, as it is in Taurus? You can find the excerpt, HERE, and more U.S. Updates.

Kennedy’s switch

Mercury, Venus, Jupiter are making inconjuncts to RFJ Jr’s Capricorn in the 6th/7th houses peaking the strongest from August 8 – 24, yet began building up from as early as July 19th, with the very first Mercury/Venus inconjunct.

Most importantly, is the Mercury retrograde inconjunct. It causes one to take a hard look at the reality of a situation, and even though they don’t want to face it, or deal with it, even though, it goes against their original plan or ideal situation they desire, they must shift, alter their plan and concede to another path.

There is no fighting it, only the shift. Below, the transit dates of the planets’ inconjunct, and the peak dates (exact) where it shows, the difficult and not preferred path and decision which was made to change his direction, when it became final. It is a resigning to another way. It can be seen in life as a temporary adjustment. Regardless of whether it was pre-planned or not, these dates would be the timing of when the pressure is on to complete the shift all the way, and abandon one’s previous course of action. I’m including Venus’ transits also, as Venus and Mercury both have been running parallel for all of us, since June, inspiring a strong message of embracing what we value, and committing ourselves to this new strength and determination to rise up and make our lives (or projects) align with our inner worth and values we cherish.

(Below, you can see the highlighted in turquoise, the first Venus/Mercury beginning to inconjunct his Capricorn planets… Beginning with his North Node, then the Venus, then conjoin his Pluto, then his sun, then finally on July 24, his Mercury – by the time July 24 hit and inconjuncts his Mercury…( his thoughts, logical conclusions, a mental shift, decision, laying out the new strategy – a meeting perhaps, etc..) that Mercury stationary retrograde locked in all the way up to the 2nd date August 15th, inconjuncts his Mercury again.

That’s what makes it so Epic. It is because it locked onto the degree 29 Leo from July 24, up to 4 Virgo, August 5, then backwards (retrograde) to 29 Leo again……the entire process of shifting goes all the way from July 24 – to August 15.

Those are the strongest days when most likely, the decision is being made within his own mind and heart. Mercury in Leo is leadership, authority, royalty, confidence and in command – it also rules the heart. Mercury then moving into Virgo, closer to August, is the discernment, the strategy and mental analysis of all the details, how this is to play out – then on August 15 it returns again to Leo, back to the show, the performance and the heart’s true priority.

This is why Mercury retrogrades are so strong on our mental thoughts, decisions, logical planning, is because it stops and radiates an idea, downloads a message to your mind. It lays out a picture, a visual even, as to what you need to do, to consider and act on it.

it started with the first Mercury inconjunct on July 19th, followed by Venus both began their inconjunct to RFK Jr’s Capricorn planets, but especially Mercury primarily – see the symbol which looks like a saw horse, on table below beginning on July 19th…that is a 150 degree angle, called an inconjunct, and it demands a hard adjustment with your direction.)

Venus was also tracking this same pattern, adding one’s values, love and commitment to the entire path – Venus rules our heart, our relationships, marriage and loved ones…it also has to do with alliances, joining, partnerships and collaboration.

You can see in this table, both the Mercury and Venus were back and forth, making inconjuncts to his Capricorn planets, and conjoining Pluto. The Pluto is the alignment with an organization or commitment to engage in something difficult, larger than life etc…

It will return a 3rd time, as Mercury leaves retrograde on August 28, and goes back over all his Capricorn planets one last time on the table below.

The last run of these Mercury shifts, would be seen as any form of message, communication to others and refining of the path he has now committed to. Would it be the details coming to him within and from others of roles, positions, projects etc….he is formulating? It’s the final adjustment period to why this has to happen and what it all means for the future?

One more thing – Uranus has also been building up to a sextile to his Sun in Capricorn, which is huge. It almost peaks exact on September 1, right after the Mercury has completed its retrograde purpose.

This always causes major invitations and offers, to expand one’s goals in life. It is big. It will continue for another year and a half, well into February 2026.

There are a few other planetary cycles he has been receiving, but I wanted to focus on these main points as the major triggers of the past few week’s events for Kennedy. As with all of us, Mercury and Venus have been relentless at intensifying our own inner worth, elevating our true priorities and values in life, stripping away those things which can be left behind. All of us have come to a new elevation of who we truly are and that we are a gem, a priceless Starburst of love and great value, and now must live our life on that foundation and belief.

The Third Quadrant Cycle of 2024

Quadrant III Emotional – Pink/Ruby July 5 – October 1, 2024 – The New Moon at 14* Cancer July 5 2024 to Next New Moon October 2, 2024…. initiates the 3rd quadrant of the year. This cycle is from following the very 1st New Moon of the start of the New Year, 2024, and moving through 4 quadrants, each beginning at the next quadrant’s new moon. It was an inspiration I had on January 1 2024, and you can find the entire post January 2024.

This quadrant finds us immersed in activities of beauty,, social connection and is primarily enhancing the power of love. It increases themes which evoke strong feelings and infusing our lives with intuitive, emotional events. This cycle is beautiful because our heart felt connections with others, are highlighted now. We are more inclined to infuse our projects or the people and activities we care about with emotional elements. Infusing our projects with joy and gratitude, emotional perfection in a constructive way, nurturing and caring and increasing the emotional relief we can experience with accomplishing things that provide a greater sense of satisfaction with our lives, reassurance and security for ourselves and others, and that even includes real estate, home and family priorities.

The challenges would be tendencies for indulging in excessive emotional issues and difficulty pulling ourselves out of it. Panic attacks, anxiety, intense fears and sense of injustice. Traumas and false flags globally, trigger emotional reactions, some exaggerated. Personal petty complaining and fixating upon what’s wrong with this or that and unable to focus on the positive, the gratitude we could have and embracing opportunities when we see them before us ….these all might be challenges during the emotional quadrant.

Transit of Hades continues to conjoin the U.S. Conceptional Sun at 13* Cancer, from August 2023 – May 2025.

The Table above, shows Uranian Hades conjoin U.S. Sun, another rare never having occurred before in the U.S. transits cycles, attempting to severely challenge and compromise the health and well being of the country and the security of the people, attempting to darken the vitality of America’s real purpose. This cycle would burden the world as many will experience energetically, a heavy oppression attempting to threaten and take down completely what America’s original Blueprint represents.

Simply adopting an attitude of determination to ride through whatever storm is unfolding since last August-October 2023 up through over May 14 2025.

Even if it feels as if we are just treading water, personally nationally and globally, would be understandable and maybe the best advice for this one astrological cycle, as I have been through it, and personally, is to armor oneself with positive vision and affirmations, creating plans, personal challenges. Imagine if a country receiving this rare conjunction, the oppression and determined projection of harm, even unknowingly, upon the vitality and potential positive future of the U.S.. It is an epic threat.


From August 12 – 24, we all experienced the pressure and maybe even some frustration over situations in our lives, conflict between moving forward with a logical heart felt goal or vision, and the burden of the unknown future, how it will really turn out and will it be worth it. This was the Saturn in Pisces square Jupiter and Mars in Gemini.

Mercury retro in Virgo/Leo has attempted to do the best it can to provide the insights and information you need, to assist with factual analysis, meetings, conversations with others in order to make the smartest decisions and commitments for your path without overextending your self, your money, or your heart.

Aug 26 – September 3 Mars in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries

Discussions with others which are helpful, kind, supportive can occur now. New plans and conversations with others bring some relief for future goals working out better than you suspected, People are more inclined to be reaching out to you to provide information as to what is wrong, what requires fixing, correcting, and how to improve on this or that situation. It increases sharing important information, These are all strong during this cycle.

Mars square Neptune

August 28 – September 6, Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces is a strange cycle when certain situations we have found ourselves deep in, we’re crossing our fingers and hoping it will all pay off, but during the last few days of August and first week of September, something strange is definitely felt on the planet which brings a confusion,, an uneasiness and difficult time with maintaining any sort of emotional security. Even though this cycle is only for a few days, Mars has a tendency to go over the dates, where there is a sort of Ghost to the energy, dragging on far longer than it’s last date shows. In this case, more could be said about this bothersome transit.

Some might experience this period of Mars/Neptune by battling negative emotional toxic energies which continue to surface. The negative memories or projections of guilt, regrets, depressive feelings can overwhelm. They would hold pictures of events, people, situations rather than just feelings. Challenging them and throwing them off of us, like a mental/emotional detox is what’s in store. Could some of these energies be curses thrown upon us from the past by people or situations consciously or not, that have persisted to bother us….but now it’s up for a purge? Mars is challenging Neptune’s darker side which tends to carry with it astral low frequencies. Prayers and energy work along with positive affirmations which intend the exact opposite to manifest, counteracting our challenging feelings.

In regards to every day living, you can literally engage in a course of action through this period, to address things which have been neglected as this Mars squares the planet Neptune. Neptune could represent things not handled or confusing things which were hanging out there not knowing what they entail.

August 25 – 31 2024 Mercury stationary turning Direct at 21* -24* Leo trine Chiron at 23* Aries

The trine to Chiron, is assisting with taking back some form of control over specific situations, which provides some sense of progress with a thing in your life.

Aug 26 -28 Venus at 26*- 30* Virgo trine Uranus at 27* Taurus oppose Neptune at 29* Pisces. and trine Pluto at 29* Capricorn

Venus is our planet of relationships, financial issues, product production and all things tied to valuables. It is in one aspect which shows in the big picture, a strong push towards a productive push motivating us to achieve more during this time. At the same time, the opposition either creates a feeling of loss or surrender towards something, and the trine to Uranus increases truth, better efficiency, anything relating to truth, transparency, progress and increasing the value and worth of, yourself? Your business? Your love or friendships? Between the 26- 30th, it’s a mixture of issues however, it appears to be a week of progress.

Aug 29 – 31 Sun at 6-7 * Virgo inconjunct North Node at 6* Aries A quick time where our money, purchases or expenses are maybe not exactly how we would like them to be.

August 30 – 31 Mercury at 21 – 22* Leo trine Chiron at 22* Aries.

Our psychological state of mind, where some healing is in process within ourselves. Our mental patterns, mental state is just in time for recognizing truth and progress is in our favor now.

September 1 – 7 Mars at 28* Gemini to 0* Cancer inconjunct Pluto at 29* Capricorn.

A time of remaining focused upon work, projects, an end goal, in spite of your personal sacrifices required. Keep moving forward, stay practical, continue to plan and analyze situations as they are presented. We’ll be required to be on our toes each day, with new things to consider, analyze and make adjustments on.

July – September 5 1st phase of Neptune in Pisces/Aries sextile Pluto in Capricorn/Aquarius.

This astrology pattern is positive and assists with a more open connection with friends, business alliances, offers or invitations you are already involved in, or coming to you. You can read more about this cycle, here at the end of the page.

September 17 Next Lunar Eclipse in Pisces conjoin Neptune – access description HERE under Lunar Eclipse.

October 2, 2024 Next Solar Eclipse in 10* Libra conjoin Mercury, the Black Moon at 10* square Mars/Hades at 14/15* Cancer

You can also access the description of this Solar Eclipse at the top/first section of the Planetary trends page HERE

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your interest , your minds and hearts’ energy taking the time to digest these cycles! Christine

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7 thoughts on “Mercury and the Shift

  1. fanona grace says:

    Thank you! Brilliant. Much of what u r forecasting is what im hearing from Jacquiline Hobbs (oracle Girl) tho she doesnt use astrology & uses some differing language regarding energies.
    Great take on RFKj. Ive been watching/listening regularly to his interviews & speeches the past several months & saw & felt his struggle. He is truly mission driven. I saw an amazing shift in his physical demeanor this week, less stress more healthy tho very self aware of the complexities of his recent choice. Now if Trump will stop his bs & flip flopping maybe we’ll have the next 4 years NOT to dread. I feel so exhausted of this national & international game. Its been going on so long & a fast downhill into entropy what 4 decades? 5? Sigh. Blessings to you & yours.

    1. Allen says:

      Thanks for the intro to Hobbs, Fanona.
      Don’t hold your breath waiting for DJT to stop being DJT.

  2. Kyrsten Reistad says:

    Thank you for this wonderful entry. I love the music as well. Powerful!!

  3. Carlton Newman says:

    Very insightful and informative post Christine. I am on X (formerly Twitter) posting and reading posts throughout the day. There is so much happening on a MAJOR SCALE, new revelations, new exposures, new alliances, NEW HOPE. People are aware as never before. There is no going back to the same old same old. People are seeing how they have been SCAMMED and they are demanding change.

    They are seeing that the projections put upon Trump are really how the Democrats (Communists) operate. Who voted for Kamala in the Primaries? How can they say that Trump is the threat to Democracy when we are NOT a Democracy but a REPUBLIC?

    1. Allen says:

      Sorry Carlton, but in fact it’s a democratic republic.

  4. Walter says:

    Well done Christine, thank you and Bravo especially for the musical ending! It has been 53years today!
    Amen and Hallelujah !!!


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