Planetary Forces Bring A New Normal

Sun Erupts Solar Flare 9X – Earth impact October 5

Stardrops October 5 2024

The horrific storm impacting the east coast can be seen in the ongoing Pluto opposition to the U.S. Uranus (once in U.S. history) having a serious destructive and separating people from safety and connection theme. An intense impact upon the people of U.S and the world. We have gone deep into this rare astrology cycle over the past year and it can be reviewed in the America U.S. update area HERE. With the erratic behavior of our magnetosphere, solar eruptions are having a harder impact upon Earth, the extreme weather trends and earth disruptions. In the vid above, Ben has an “Earth Disaster ” playlist which is truly worth watching. The trend for solar and galactic events leading to potential magnetic disruptions on Earth is to hit its worst between 2030-2044. Another presentation which was quite old and worth considering, ( I read his book in late 1990’s) is Paul LaViolette’s Cosmic Wave.

Mars Increases Motivating and Intense Energies

Mars’ move into Cancer, just a few months away from turning retrograde, intensifying its power, began its strong theme for home, domestic, land security in September 2024 through next April 2025. (This energy from Mars will be moving back and forth over the U.S. natal Moon/Jupiter areas in the 11th house of the people of America) ( see above wheel, in 11th house for both Mars and Pluto’s impact.) Mars, intensifying the focus and need for greater security, money, food, water, housing, utilities. Check out the full list of Mars’ dates

Along with Mars, were several key planetary energies which impacted the U.S. Natal and Conceptional Charts. We can’t forget the one energy we’ve been watching since the Maui fires, the transit of Hades conjoin the U.S. Conceptional Sun at 13* Cancer, like Pluto, once in America’s history, ongoing up through May 2025. (Full Article Found HERE) and the Mars’ events, HERE. Being prepared for anything as Hades continues to bring us many forms of challenges, and also paying attention to the Mars dates as its volatile plays out from now up through April of 2025, will be key in order to monitor the intense challenges and accomplishments made in the world and our lives.

Transit of Hades conjoin the U.S. Conceptional 1776 Sun and Sirius, attempting to completely eclipse the Higher Purpose of the True Blueprint for America and the world.

These are such hard situations, and I have to say, there are so many key cycles ongoing, it’s becoming challenging for me to just pull these transits up in my mind and have instant recall of them when I need them. I have started two separate areas on the front page of Starfires where I keep track of the key planetary cycles for you.

I will be adding to the Transits and other key events as they emerge so you can always go to these sections on the Starfires website on the HOME page, to keep up to date. Each one of these planetary cycles has its own unique meaning you won’t want to miss, as they can also influence our own personal lives.

This Hurricane, and the aftermath of sadness, loss and destruction, the exposure of public figures and the disgusting activities being revealed, the list of connections about to be exposed, the ongoing escalations in Europe and the middle east and so many other crisis, are the result of these particular planetary events, solar and cosmic energies and their effect upon planet Earth, and the last Lunar Eclipses’ Neptunian Moon in Pisces conjunction September 17, emphasizing loss and grief, 8-9 days later- the Hurricane.

Look at where the Neptune/LunarMoon landed in the U.S. Conceptional Chart! Right on the 4th house at the bottom of the wheel, which is our country’s homes/land/security area of any chart. Neptune was the planet of concern we were mentioning in that Lunar Eclipse Stardrops, involving the possibility of loss, grief, disappointment, just a few articles back.

apr 30 1789 1:30 pm new york

Neptune has an ability to cause dissipation, dissolving, liquification and erosion to whatever area it hits. It can cause deception, undermining and a dissolving of foundation when it moves onto the 4th house. This is covered in the U.S. UPDATE below and you can find the full article on the sidebar of the HOME page.

It’s important to remember the new positive energies pouring down upon us which are also explained in the new area of Planetary Trends . Look for the image to the left, on the HOME page of Starfires for access. These powerful new cycles are bringing uplifting intelligent progress to every area of Earth and we’ll be going deep into these upcoming transits in the future.

Feel free to check out these areas of Starfires as we continue to add new features to our Newly Updated site!

Now for our Planetary Daily Cycles.

October 6 Sun at 14* Libra inconjunct Saturn at 14* Pisces a day of catching up – obligations to finish off tasks, attempt to re-align one’s environment and world back to some semblance of efficiency. Saturn in Pisces inspires ideal goals and expectations are strong, yet others might either not see life that way, share the same visions as you, or, inconveniences attempt to frustrate your plans.

October 7-8 Venus at 18* Scorpio trine Mars at 18* Cancer

Our values, our aesthetics and deeper needs for meaningful experiences can be fulfilled in some beautiful way today.

October 8 Mercury at 21* Libra trine Jupiter at 21* Gemini and oppose Chiron at 21* Aries

The mind is desiring order, balance, collaboration and support an order to count on an event, a date or a task and yet a touchy situations might make it a bit risky. Addressing potentially fragile and vulnerable issues may come up.

Jupiter turns retro at 21* Gemini Oct 8 – 9 You can find Retrograde descriptions HERE

October 9 – 10 Venus at 21* Scorpio inconjunct Jupiter and Chiron at 21* Gemini/Aries

A powerful date for supporting others and experiencing our attitudes to a higher perspective in order for this positive outcome to happen. It requires shifts and adjustments with our time, inconveniences, preferences or attitudes in order to reach some better space which will be well worth it. Make it about an event and an outcome rather than attachment to overly analyzing unresolved issues and feeling the need to discuss it. Creating a finger of God to Venus which requires us to focus upon the true values present, the true priorities and love versus other smaller issues.

October 11 – 14 Mercury at 26* Libra inconjunct Uranus at 26* Taurus and Neptune at 27* PIsces forming a finger of God

This might be a bit of a mixed up few days where our minds are pulled this way and that way. Inconjuncts to Mercury tend to cause distractions with unexpected issues pulling on our attention. Because it is forming a finger of God, zeroing in on Key Priorities now, and setting other issues or pulls aside, would be the answer. Mercury in Libra is the strength of mind to concentrate upon relationships – collaborations, important meetings and agreed upon course of faction with new exciting and crucial pieces of information which now guides us to the next step.

Pluto turns direct at 29* 38′ October 11 2024
We have all been witnessing the increase of corporate, technology, crisis in governments throughout the world, economic challenges, the race for more and more power within individuals, and the witnessing of corruption of power has been crazy ever since Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008. This October 11, when Pluto finally leaves its last retrograde in Capricorn, up to November 19 2024, when it officially leaves Capricorn and finally moves into Aquarius up to 2041, will be such an incredibly challenging yet exciting moment.

Pluto amplifies and intensifies the sign it works through, and as you all know, as we have been discussing this forever!…. Pluto Capricorn rules leaders, CEO’s, Presidents, government, powerful agencies and all systems which attempt to control, dominate through intimidation and corruption. There is an energy which knows this is its last run at locking down its foothold in the Earth, as hard as it possibly could, before Pluto enters the sign of transparency and humanity on November 19, 2024.

This calls for an AFFIRMATION

October 12 – 13-14 Mercury at 29* Libra square Pluto at 29* Capricorn

As we adjust our plans to the next inevitable steps, stay focused upon all the harder details and information including discussions regarding these pieces of information recently discovered.

Mercury square Pluto is a bit of a hard few days also occurring October 12 – 14.
It is either a problem with conversations where you are simply attempting to get some information out of someone so you can make a better decision, or there are problems with contracts, conversations and challenging people with very different agendas blocking our reasonable position, or it is being thrown into the middle of disturbing serious realities and facts which must be handled, regardless of how unpleasant they are. One would think it is NOT the best time for meetings, contracts, agreements and collaborations, however, it might be just what’s needed now to get down to the nitty gritty of issues in order to dredge up to the surface, unpleasant tasks and decisions.

October 12, 2024
Mercury moves into Scorpio
bringing us into to a deeper investigative researching state of mind.

October 12- 14 Mars square Chiron Challenges with our stress levels, our emotional balance, and possible hurt feelings. Be a bit guarded and put your shields up for these days.

Mars semi-sextile Jupiter A helpful energy increasing your vision of how you see something playing out, some key insight you would like to take action on. It is positive now to begin that first step.

Sun opposes Chiron, Confrontations with a challenging person or situation demands careful diplomatic gestures of good will and an attempt to get along!

Sun Trines Jupiter, The best day for feeling up, positive, expansive and confident

Sun squares Mars, creates either the challenging motivation to clear something up, take charge of a dysfunctional situation or at least make moves to face it and plan how it is to be fixed.

Venus opposes Uranus. Socially, a bit distant, guarded and possibly reticent to spend too much time in the company of others. Some personal slights and awkwardness can be connected to these days of October 13-14.

October 20 – 30 Mars sextiles Uranus and trines Neptune. We should expect to be in touch with our intuition, strong feelings and insights into original ideas. Are we being guided to have a special retreat – like experience during this week? Others may be involved, and even approach you with an invite to a special magical event.

October 26 – Nov 6, Mars opposes Pluto. At the tail end of Plutos’ transit in Capricorn since 2008. This cycle is to be on alert for, as we have been watching this transit of Mars for some time now.

To read more about this, go here for a full report with specific dates to watch out for any potential explosive event.

My heart goes out to so many who are involved in such dramatic earth events. Please be safe as we venture through the rest of these precariously triggering planetary cycles. Love, Christine


1 thought on “Planetary Forces Bring A New Normal

  1. Penny says:

    Thank you Dear Christine for your continued guidance and dedication. May humanity and the world transcend these times of trial and tribulation of mankind and usher in the Golden Age.


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