The Pisces Sacrifice, A Full Moon’s Puzzle

STARDROPS August 27 2023


Sacrificing for an ultimate goal, is a way of life. It’s a good kind of sacrifice. However, we’re entering a time where we’re realizing unnecessary suffering is escalating with global events which might have been purposely manipulated.

Untwisting the way things have been distorted and tangled can be the need of the hour when we’re dealing with Pisces energies, which we’ll go into with the new Full Moon in Pisces.

Straightening out contorted situations, news, information is now at hand. The main astrology cycles we’re dealing with in this post will be a combination of facing realities about certain issues which have a theme of suffering, sacrificing, trauma or any condition we have found ourselves in when it’s become too much to handle,overwhelming, and… believing we can stop it and shift.

The subject matter could be in two areas: Personal and World Events.

Here are the astrology cycles we’ll cover:

  • Sun moving into Virgo and oppose Saturn
  • Mars leaving Virgo and moving into Libra
  • Mars inconjunct Saturn in Pisces, covered in the Full Moon in Pisces section
  • Mercury retrograde in Virgo inconjunct Chiron and trine Jupiter in Taurus
  • Mercury conjoin Sun in Virgo
  • The Full Moon in Pisces conjoin Saturn, and inconjunct Mars in Libra.

These particular planetary periods can help us take things apart which are bothering us, sort it out and make good decisions.

The combined energies encourage us to face the sabotaging present or past circumstances, personal and World, and rise to a greater comprehension of what one has endured. Along with this precise detailed awareness of not only humanities’ interference’s, but also our own, comes through an inconjunct from Mars to the Full Moon in Pisces, a strong desire to confront it, face it and end it.

The word which continues to come to me during these new planetary positions, is unnecessary sacrifices. There are necessary karmic sacrifices, spiritual sacrifices, and then there are manipulated sacrificing, where you’re witnessing literal sabotaging and sacrificing of people’s lives, their potential life purpose. For some, they might even feel personally they’ve been sacrificed, their feelings, their well being, respect or values, for other things.

Many issues which must be taken care of now could lay before us. We’ll need that prioritizing quality of Mercury retro in Virgo, along with the power of the Full Moon’s theme to move forward. Bare with me in this post, as several of these specific planetary events are mushed together, as in my own mind, they’re all working together. I might go in and out, back and forth between each one several times, but you’ll get the picture.

There is an inconjunct from Mars to the Full Moon, and with all inconjuncts, a shift is required. We need to shift, change. We need to make an important adjustment. I feel, the adjustment is to address patterns within our lives we’re suddenly seeing much more clearly as sabotaging to our happiness and it’s time to address it and stop it from happening. Also, a shift in how we’ve perceived the world around us, from the past memories of how we thought the world worked, to the new future realities.

Can you see any area of your life where you might be deciding to shift from one state to a new state?

The inconjunct includes an important influence of Mars moving into Libra. Many feel Libra is primarily focused on relationships, harmony between others and basically just a peace loving sign…Au contaire! . It’s theme is about challenging our own or others’ unreality, excuses, skimming through life with the easiest least resistance in order to preserve some sense of comfort – it can address any legal, higher law and Justice…fairness and negotiating. It faces delusions, disconnects, avoiding reality for the sake of maintaining a superficial walking through life. Mars in Libra can agitate that surface disconnected living and force us to look at reality. It can help us face .trauma. PTSD. disassociation and numbing out, overwhelm and any parts of ourselves which sabotage our very progress and peace of mind.

In extreme situations, especially globally, It has the ability to challenge lies and delusions, deception and most of all, criminal activities. Mars in Libra would address silent groups we are having a dysfunctional relationship with as a global community, and waking up to the severe truth about how we’re being sacrificed, which must be brought to light.

This Pisces energy activates our 6th sense, that something criminal, dysfunctional has escalated right before our eyes in the world. Personally, it might show up as a review of our own experiences with distortions of truth….so…it’s time to face these things and straighten them out. Personally and possibly global.

Let’s begin with an easy cycle ….

Aug 23 – 27 2023 Sun enters Virgo oppose Saturn in Pisces

This cycle gives us a few days where Saturn presents a challenge to us, plainly and urges us to continue moving forward on our strategy to handle some issue. It helps us put things in order, straighten out our schedule, diet, house, work, a relationship, money or self.

With Virgo, certainly it pertains to Virgo themes like, self perfection, examining our projects, our work or tasks in detail, the minutiae, taking things apart, focusing upon details and accuracy, organizing and sorting. Tasks in front of us which must be taken care of, and using our powers of discernment.

Whether it is work/personal, necessary tasks or errands, or something much bigger on your plate, this astrology cycle motivates us to deal with all of these in order to make progress. We feel better once it is handled.

The opposition from Sun to Saturn, or Saturn opposing our own natal Sun, (which is much stronger and is once every 29 Β½ years) instigates a strong urge to achieve a necessary goal. This goal is important, definitely not frivolous. It’s a sense of inevitable facing the tasks at hands.

The Sun oppose Saturn theme will play out in the next Full Moon exact on August 30. (below). So it will not only be active August 23 – 27, but continue assisting us from August 30, the Full Moon, for two weeks out. Order, perfection and functionality.

August 27 Mars leaves Virgo, enters Libra up to October 11 2023

Mars is our energizer. On August 27 it leaves Virgo, which has been partly responsible for the drive to get organized and filter through your stuff, your schedule, your projects or options. It colors our outlook to be more discerning, and take action towards self improvement. It can also powerfully dissect injustices and suspicious behavior, the mental powers to solve puzzles in our personal and world situations.

The improvement could be funneled into our work, our home or relationships. But it would be something very detailed and specific…or several tasks which require more detail and thoughtfulness put into them.

It Is a mental action. It intensifies perfecting something. We do this by zeroing in on a deeper desire to achieve something,organize, really get something right, perfected and accomplished. Desiring Justice is part of this Mars, along with the motivation to call out errors, mistakes or anything which just doesn’t sit right with you. Have you experienced any of these drives in the past five weeks or so?

Mars Enters Libra August 27, 2023

On the 27th, the Mars’ drive shifts to the relationship sign Libra. We’ll be more aware of the importance for Karmic accountability, Fairness, Reality versus Delusion, Distortions or Deception. We’ll be strongly motivated to build and nurture our positive relationships based on mutual value and caring, regardless of each others’ character flaws. However, challenging distortions of situations or any form of deception will be quite intolerable now. If we can, negotiating, counseling or sharing would be important to solve issues.

For those artistic creative types working with media, graphics, music and video, this cycle can be amazing. August 27 up through October 11, 2023.

Music, Artistic expression and Beauty can inspire us to take a more bolder self expression now.

Color, design, serenity and balance could be emphasized.

The downside of Mars in Libra is war. Because of the pattern I’ve been noticing in the world, it appears to be a peculiar, almost random seemingly unrelated crisis after crisis, which appear circumstantial, however several of these crisis could be organized… coming from a few distinct sources polarizing against each other. For most, an almost unrecognizable war.

It could be the cycle where people wake up and realize, we are in and have been in, this weird war, nevertheless,a dangerous war. Think of several crisis in the past few years occurring and note how they seem to be increasing. Mars in Libra helps us recognize it.

Libra at times can take the form of polarizing between two sides. Legal issues might also come to a peak where there is a make or break moment for some during this August 27 – October 11, 2023.

Similar to the critical Mars in Virgo we’ve been in for the past several weeks, Mars in Libra also wants fairness, justice and cooperation. It loves balance, accountability, reconciling and love. It likes negotiating. These Mars issues would be strong during this time. Again, we’re looking at August 27th through October 11 when some of these issues show up.

The Full Moon in Pisces August 30, 2023 (Cycle lasts two weeks)

Along with the possible realization of Global hostility in the most confusing hidden Piscean ways, there will be some of us who are also looking at ourselves and waking up to hostile conflicts which continue to sabotage our own well being.

This Full Moon period has to do with addressing our own personal patterns once and for all.

The Full Moon in Pisces theme is about finally getting fed up with all the unnecessary suffering, (personal and global) loss of life, in the world).

From the date of the Full Moon on, August 30, the building up of the theme is now spilling out all over either our own personal life, or you will notice it in world/global traumatic events to be dealt with.

For us personally, we would be desiring to make stronger decisions to remove sabotaging patterns in our life.

Work or personal/family relationships might be on your mind now. Mars is in an inconjunct to the Full Moon’s Saturn/Moon in Pisces and requires an adjustment, a shift away from sabotaging patterns. What a balance between healing, self protection and being there for others…yet, that is a different stage…we’re in the stage now, of recognizing the pattern. The Saturn role won’t let us go until we take care of it.


What is the best way to create harmony and functionality and increase our happiness that we seek in our social relationships?

Having Pisces faith as to how to possibly achieve this, taking that higher way is important, then the action strategy put into place would be the next step. This is where Mercury retro steps in.

Mercury Retrograde in Virgo August 23 – September 15, 2023.

We Need The Mercury Retrograde in Virgo as it is a fantastic analyst, editing circumstances in order to put the pieces of a puzzle finally together. Very specific pinpointing facts we’ve observed or discovered, finally brings a better picture of an issue we’re attempting to solve. Analyze your place in the world. Analyze your top five or so important concerns and make a list. Create a smart action strategy for each one. Things are only going to escalate on this beautiful Earth we love and Mercury in Virgo helps us examine exactly what the details are which require fixing.

This earth was created for you, magnificent beings and angels, but it has been hijacked.

Mercury Retrograde August 23, 2023 – September 15, 2023 ( August 18 – 30, Mercury stationary retro inconjunct Chiron in Aries) ….(August 9 – September 25 Mercury stationary trine Jupiter in Taurus)

The power of Mercury is recognized by your mind suddenly becoming much more exact and precise with analysis the important things in your life. You will magnetize truth, facts, solutions and information now. Mercury is giving us information we need to re-arrange our priorities.

It is absolutely excellent for career opportunities, meetings for work and advancing your perspective, your projects and career.

Perfecting, targeting issues and zeroing in on an exact point which should be the leaven in our minds. This leaven helps support our next move we should take.

Because the Sun will soon also conjoin Mercury on September 5-8, and trine Jupiter in Taurus, It provides information we can count on now. It expands highly credible information.

Personally, it might assist you in the area of your self esteem, desiring to be valued, considered. It will help you take your power back. How? It will encourage you to trust there is good on your side, it is supporting your progress and could lead you to have your next important meeting, job, connection or piece of information which you require to make progress.

Take any one issue which is bothering you, and tackle it. Move away from that impulsive Aries Chiron wounded parts of self which would rather not be realistic and constructive now. .

The issues could be work related, ethical issues since Jupiter is involved, your worth and value….others appreciating your resources you offer.

It can provide a plan to put order out of chaos.

It might involve bookkeeping and accounting. Your money. Inspired to gain a greater knowledge and information about some subject that is time to sort out.

This Mercury retrograde in Virgo, concentrates upon very specific details uncovered. It is constructive because of its trine to Jupiter, which brings expansion and productivity with your tasks and projects now.

It’s excellent for study, examining, taking things apart. It promotes mental accuracy and self perfecting.

Purification of an issue or situation is possible, Motivation to fix something.

The fact this Mercury Retro also inconjunct Chiron in Aries tells me ours or anothers’ wounded self, ego identity will have to take a back seat during this important Mercury retro period lasting up to September 16th.

If this can occur, great progress and healing will take place for our ultimate progress and unity.

I want to use this Mercury retrograde period as a time to listen carefully to my higher guidance as to what is now the top priority/ This discernment and focus upon an exact issue we desire to have, learn, read or discuss and decide upon is not an insignificant cycle for us. Can you see this Mercury in Virgo can also assist us to analyze the unnecessary sabotaging dysfunction which can no longer continue? It helps us strategize, gives us the plan.

September 6-8 Mercury Retro conjoin Sun and trine Jupiter Peaking 4, 5, 6

This cycle is part of the Mercury Retrograde and brings expansion, good fortune and positive meetings, conversations and solutions for us and others we need to cooperate with. Friendships and family oneness is part of the positive experiences through this time.

This is a great time for meetings and any health decisions. This is a positive time to analyze options and pick the right course of action. It provides clear direction, logical options. Health, work, projects, money and accounting, organizing and taking apart issues in order to dissect and sort out issues and information will provide much progress with any complicated issue, even globally. The trine to Jupiter can enhance wisdom and basically an acceptance of these undisputed realities which are being revealed, now require the next steps to take. As we discover more facts involved in any one crisis situation globally, and begin to see how intensely the hidden forces are escalating an extreme sense lack of safety and certainty in our world, our inner voice and Higher Self, takes charge. It brings comfort and a continuous message of trust in a large epic theater playing out at this time that we are a part of. The challenge is to remain in that tethered oneness to our True Path and Higher contact while simultaneously examine the reality of our world.

“I AM forever bonded with my Higher Self,walking through my day, comforted witnessing Its total command of all my outer activities.”

Thank you for supporting Starfires. You are the best! Christine

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3 thoughts on “The Pisces Sacrifice, A Full Moon’s Puzzle

  1. Kim says:

    Thank you so much for putting into words what is happening around us . The guidance is much appreciated.

  2. Carl says:

    Thank you Christine, yes lots of weird and wonderful circumstances in this one. Always a pleasure to read your insights. God Bless.


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