Transition Solar Eclipse in Libra

Stardrops September 22 2024


Table of Contents

  • Daily Planets in Motion
  • Hades conjoin Mars September 25 – 29
  • Annular Solar Eclipse in stressful positions in the U.S. charts

We start with our usual daily planetary aspects, setting themes in life which can be used to our advantage or overcome. Then quickly move into the Solar Eclipse energies. Typically, Solar Eclipses hold a power instigating change in some direction. They shine a light on situations in our life where we must invest our time and action into that area. So if your Solar Eclipse is landing in the 6th house, it targets your work/employment or your health. it naturally begins to reveal the thing we’re suppose to pay attention to and do something about it.

It has the capacity to disrupt, expose and release necessary action in the world, but this time, the aspects to the Solar Eclipses’ U.S. Charts, only reveal an escalation of trouble ahead.

The uneasy and deceptive quiet period mentioned in the last Saturday Stardrops, was not only instantly broken, as soon as the Article was sent out Sunday, but also broke the silence from that weekend on as day after day more escalating of hard news began to play out, and now the entire global energy has once again shifted to one of edginess. Let’s get on with taking apart these new problematic energies, and remember, these are NOT predictions, simply possibilities which can all be reversed.

Daily Planetary Cycles

Sept 21 2024 Sun at 29* Virgo – 0* Libra trine Pluto at 29* Capricorn

A day for stimulating and productive accomplishments – plan the day to achieve at least one practical task which might be at the top of your list to get out of the way. The mind is geared towards details, order, practical work tasks and projects, health and diet, fitness/body or anything related to organizing your life, money or schedule. Pouring our most concentrated abilities, talents and creativity into something useful will feel very satisfying at the end of the day!

Sun moves into Libra September 22 The Sun’s vitality leaves the orderly analyzing and editing sign, Virgo, and now is infused with quality of collaborations, meetings, friendships and building fairness within all relationships which are key for your personal and professional world. We have now up to October 22 to take advantage of the most positive realistic and healthy support and nurturing towards the people in our lives.

Sept 22 Venus at 29* Libra square Pluto 29* Capricorn Be cautious with what you invest in now, spend or commit to. Not the best day for being open and honest with others, as the tendency to say too much or come across too intense can happen. A moment of finalities within oneself. The end of some manner of behavior, self or another. The end of toleratIng or being too lenient towards some situation.

Sept 22 Venus moves into Scorpio A new start for our hearts’ passion, our spiritual quickening and something you desire to invest your whole being into. Something you would fight for, devote much energy into and deeply care about. A time of increase of the vision moved by the heart, for an end goal in mind you are feeling inspired to achieve. Excellent time for research, attunement, investigating.

Love and our values take a stronger position with others now, and even though you are still willing to accept, cooperate and negotiate there could be a strong stance you take, and simply won’t completely bend to some thing which matters too much to you. This Venus intensifies depth of commitments, feelings and sacrifice for a higher purpose up to October 17.

Sept 23 Mercury 27* – 28* Virgo trine Uranus and opposes Neptune Truth and transparency emerges. A time for original truthful and unconventional breakthroughs. In the world of drama, conversations are unusual mind bending facts, where sudden news coming out into the open is startling, uncovering more Neptunian secrets.

Ideas come flowing into our minds. They are exciting, creative and potentially new and innovative. New people, co-workers, new software or tech, new methods or projects bring greater clarity and positive expectancy for successful achievements, however, this Mercury is opposing Neptune. That aspect can create in one area, disappointment, a sense of sacrifice which might feel like too much to ask,. If it is not about disappointment or sacrifice, it could be a feeling of loss, lethargy, confusion or overwhelm. Someone might come across as impractical, unrealistic. Let’s not allow this Neptune density opposing our minds or others we are attempting to share our breakthroughs with, to interfere with the brightness of Uranus’ positive sparkly energy infusing us with a new vision of how to move forward this day.

Sept 25 Mars at 12* Cancer semi-square Uranus at 27* Taurus A slight irritation yet motivated day, to hurry and achieve something. Our emotions are stimulated as we anticipate the need to implement a new plan of action.

Sept 25 Mercury at 29* Virgo trine Pluto at 29* Capricorn Another Virgo energy for order, analysis, striving for something to become more perfect, organized, or a project completion enhanced by Pluto’s power. This day is more mental, infusing our minds with the capacity to strategize out our plan, have successful meetings, correspondence, phone calls or agreed upon plans. It might also involve finances.

Sept 26 Mercury moves into Libra

Now our thoughts and mental inclinations move into relationship concerns. Cooperation and planning with another, becomes key. Artistic or musical concepts, ideas and melodies might flow into your world. Something involving beauty, refinement, financial abundance is positive. Also all forms of contractual negotiating with another could come about. An excellent period for three weeks or so, to settle disputes or discuss mistakes, erroneous ideas, or settle upsetting situations.

Sept 25 -29 Saturn at 14* Pisces trines Hades at 14* Cancer, Mars at 14* Cancer (Mars conjoin Hades at 14* Cancer) Another week of potential sabotage personally but mainly, in the world of drama, as the Mars and Hades both conjoin Sirius and the U.S. 1776 Sun at 13 and 14* Cancer.

In spite of Hades being involved in this aspect, Saturn is our planet of structure, functionality, responsibility and very physical duties, tasks, and physical tangible results. Saturn’s’ attempts to bring about an achievement into the physical in some way. When it is a trine, this tells us, there are positive cooperation with people in positions of authority, agencies, corporate or authoritative positions. Cooperation and honesty, coming clean by many, bring about the reality of a situation.

Could this be in the world, globally or public, famous people? And could it also be something we can count on in our own personal life where we need actual facts on the table in order to make clear decisions as to how to move forward? The fact that Saturn is in trine to Hades, means, the strength of Saturn’s idealism in Pisces and ability to synthesize complex layers of life, events, people and scenarios, is totally capturing the more slippery activities which attempt to hide, manipulate or shape shift into confusion. This cycle is crucial to clear away the garbage in order to prepare for a more challenging energy coming October 20 – November 6, when Pluto opposes Mars in Cancer all week. If there happens to be a major incident during September 23 -29, a manipulation or potential crisis dangerous, Saturn trine Hades could instantly locate, resolve or contain this situation, I’m sensing, as trines lock in constructive acts in order to corral and contain incidences (and particular individuals).

September 28 Venus at 6* Scorpio inconjunct North Node at 6* Aries An emotional perturbation annoyed with money, bills, financial obligations. Take heart, and let’s not allow this small inconvenient energy to bother us, as it is so small compared to the entire year of positive possibilities which can come into our hands. Incongruencies with our own personal preferences, Possible demands, emotional indulgences, impractical needs, habits or ideals are incongruent with others’ expectations, or vice versus. An inconvenient disjointed day for not seeing things eye to eye.

Sept 28 Sun at 6* Libra conjoin South Node at 6* Aries The power of the Sun pulls us back to some memory, some past re-run or unresolved situation. Sometimes in Libra, it is all about an item, a purchase, financial ambitions. Sometimes it is about obligations towards others. Is it real or has that karma already been taken care of?

Sept 30 Mercury at 8* Libra conjoin Sun at 8* Libra
Sun/Mercury fuse to intensify our thinking this day. Communications are powerful, expressing ourselves tn meetings, presentations, writing, musical or artistic expressions, making confident and empowered decisions. This day is good for taking charge over anything involving our personal needs in order to thrive. Money decisions and also important discussions with the important people in our life. You can experience greater clarity, conviction and empowerment with your logic as to what to do about this or that situation, and what you want to do to handle it.

Annular Solar Eclipse 10* Libra

What is an Annular Solar Eclipse?

This Solar Eclipse could inspire you in the following areas:

  • The motivation to create beauty, incorporate music or be involved in some form of art/music inspiration.
  • Design, order, functionality, a purchase of value, quality or something you personally have good reason to acquire.
  • A purchase or expenditure which will be of worth in the future to you.
  • A new negotiation, collaboration, a new start, new meeting or discussion, a plan which is geared towards a deeper project. Dependability upon those who hold a similar vision as you do.
  • This project or desired goal has many pieces, layers and can have a theme which has a healing element to it. Something potentially transformative which might require you to work hard at presenting your own vision, using resources, talents or materials now, yet repurposing them in a brand new light, new way, new perspective or freshness. More people might be involved, financial support, gifting, sharing or joining forces with others, all pooling their own input, their own values, resources or skills together in order to accomplish this thing.

The Eclipse can launch a new start with your relationships, with your businesses, finances, and lock in success for your personal visions and goals to be achieved. Whatever you begin during this time, will build and build, reaching good outcomes. This is for a general description, and it would be a good idea to check where the Libra is in your chart, what house this eclipse is sitting in. That will be the area it will activate. Also, do you have any planets close to 10 degrees, as this Eclipse will aspect them. Remember, Libra governs Reality. The reality of everything and discussing it with others so a straighter path can be walked with them.

The hard realities of what is entailed with this new plan, the new vision and the action required and purpose laid out for all to see, is challenging and requiring sacrifice. This is because Venus, the planet which rules the Libra Eclipse, is in Scorpio on this eclipse day, and Scorpio is not a lightweight fluffy sign. It goes deep, complex, and has many pieces to produce, create, or work on in order to complete the grand plan. Scorpio also needs the help from others, and they need you! Scorpio also is forming a grand trine with Saturn in Pisces, and Mars/Hades in Cancer.

It’s a grand trine in water signs, which always means, an emotional and/or positively financial sacrifice for a necessary outcome. It is hard, potentially long hours, or requires emotional stamina, spiritual stamina, yet the outcome pays off.

The Global Picture

Venus includes people, social situations and their agendas, values, priorities. In Scorpio, it connects to survival, smart strategies, and sometimes, danger. It can govern over one’s need to pull together resources, money, or material items which are crucial for handling the new upcoming social situations. People might be relying on you to prepare for these unpredictable and possibly stressful times.

The adjustment or shift everyone is required to take is so out of sorts with the past U.S. Sun lifestyle and attitude (9th house ) or belief in some form of every day reality – it is going to be hard for many to believe it.

The reality shift forces many to deal with cognitive dissonance as events playing out in everyday situations in the world around us seem incongruent with attitudes of others. Another theme will be with famous people having increasingly disturbing exposures of their lifestyles and activities.

These people are connected to so many other people, more public figures being brought out in the open, and the troubling facts, will spread into so many areas who are tied to these people. Something seriously karmic is going down, publicaly, all at the same time, social chaotic disruptions escalating, simultaneously, as crazy events continue to take place regarding the President, and also economic adjustments occurring all at once.

Where is the law, (9th house Sun) where is justice, ethics, (9th house) who is there to enforce order, what happened with the standard? (9th house). Or those who should possess a standard? These are all 9th house issues.

This Solar Eclipse involving these themes above, is in an inconjunct to the U.S. Natal Sun and Venus in the 9th house of America’s ideal ethical and moral standards, principles and cultural potential. It is also oppose U.S. Mars in Aries in the 8th house. The opposition causes a quick and militant penetration into all 8th house issues, as Mars in the 8th house governs all the unseemly activities in the world.

The 9th house is the environment of the highest potential and expansive cultural integrity, teachings, belief systems, social order, humanity have aspired to throughout the ages.

In a more worldly sense, it can rule religion, judges, the supreme court or those institutions which involve social services. The eclipse could predict a continuation or increase of vulnerability in key areas for danger or corruption to take place. Or it is challenging the corruption that is ongoing wherever institutions, individuals or places are to value and enforce these standards. It can also be showing us, the failure for certain leaders to see the reality of what is going on, the corruption/deceptions which are happening at an escalated rate right before our eyes anywhere.

In the highest sense the 9th house, involves the true pure purposes of those who have moved on from earth who accomplished the great Magnum Opus of divine self realization…..these teachings throughout Earth’s history, have come in many many forms. When a country (or person’s) Sun is in this 9th house, a tremendous capacity to teach or set as an example, a higher moral and fair culture is there. The eclipse shows us something specific is escalating which is incongruent with the 9th house of standards, taking place now. Eclipses mark a time of an explosive event, either on or around October 2, and even building up through the last week of October because of the Mars Pluto opposition.

The eclipse in Libra is shining a light upon the reality of several people, incidences and situations, which are directly incongruent with the morals, the example which was set from the U.S. Sun in the 9th house.

In other words, something is terribly askew and not only is escalating, but being revealed for us to do something about it. Something crazy, inconceivable. Something deluded which is supported by many who are in denial, avoiding this higher standard or law?

The inconjunct from the Eclipse to this U.S. Sun, can also cause the beginning of, not a split within the world of people, (that is another astrology cycle), but instigating the necessity for a severe adjustment, a shift of one’s reality as one knew it. Requiring a shift of plans, such as the president being completely removed from office, and the vice president taking over, and what would that do at this late stage before the election, if also some calamity come to the other candidates coincidentally at the same time? What happens to the election? The eclipse would force an intervention to stop some manipulated trickery from being successfully played out.

This is just one possible situation….. the eclipse in this case, is not good, not helpful, even though, there is a grand Venus trine, ruling the Libra Sun.

Financial change, adjustments and inconvenient situations, regarding all things we need in order to live. Our food, threat of new viruses, financial changes, currency issues and being forced between to undesirable options in life, could occur.

The potential traumatic events unfolding, (again, Venus rules social) of a highly inconvenient infiltration from seriously problematic peoples, infiltrating cities or locations escalating. This might be the Eclipse oppose Mars in Aries in the 8th house of the U.S. Natal Chart.

A Solar Eclipse in an inconjunct, is not good. It means a highly inconvenient situation which REQUIRES a hard adjustment and addressing an unpleasant situation. It is in the U.S. 2nd house. The 2nd house is financial, or all material goods, solid physical things we require to feel secure, live, thrive or function. An inconjunct is out of sync with the higher evolved U.S. Sun means, something seriously out of order, socially (people) is threatening the way of life or the ideals of what the Sun in the 9th house represents. Is the inconjunct the shift towards a new money system? Is the inconjunct yet another huge adjustment to metals, or Fed’s decision with the economy ?

Get your things ready – get things in order…just in case there could be an escalation of civil disorder. A Solar Eclipse is strong for the first month, especially October 2 – 16th, yet one month is usually how long it is at the intensity of a ten, and continues in this theme for 5 months out.

Viruses plus social disruption and violence, plus economic challenges and changes can be handled. Simply have a supply of food, vitamins, your favorite immune system supplements.

This eclipse is not the only reason I am talking like this – this eclipse is occurring just weeks before a major U.S. election, Neptune is about to conjoin the U.S. 4th house of home, property, national security and safety all 2025 – 2026. Pluto oppose the U.S. Uranus which began February 2024 – January 2025, a major threat to the unity of people, and the possible increase of a split between certain peoples and other types of communities and their activities, this is all happening during a challenging time and the most disconcerting Mars oppose Pluto from October 20 – November 6, 2024, a precariously volatile week and a half of disruption, shocking events and direct opposition to our normal functioning process for not just the elections, but even opposition to specific people targeted. Pluto and Mars is severe and can be extremely dangerous on October 22 – November 6, or thereabouts.

And this goes beyond the election.

U.S. Conceptional 1776 Chart and the Solar Eclipse

Along with the increasing inconveniences and forced adjustments in life’s circumstances with the Solar Eclipse inconjunct the Sun and Venus, we have another problem.

We are at an extremely dangerous precipice moment as this same October 2 through November 2024 cycle of the Solar Eclipse will square the U.S. Conceptional Sun , Sirius and transiting Hades.

This creates a severe conflict interfering (potentially) with the Sun in Cancer’s basic purpose which is all Cancerian qualities. Look up the Zodiac Sign, Cancer, to understand again, the original reason or basis for the 1776 motives behind the country. (See qualities of the 9th house Here, for the U.S. Natal 1789 Sun in the 9th meaning, and for the U.S. Sun in Cancer 1776 Qualities Here)

…and the Eclipse is describing a massive power move against all these basic principles and positive Cancerian qualities of the country.

What else might this Solar Eclipse be instigating?

Conflicts within public personalities, delusional personages, distorted fake outer personalities of famous people, stripped as more truths are unveiled regarding their activities. This will multiply worse than Epstein.

Contamination and/or interference with food within the country

Issues with boundaries, borders, security lines, and greater public realization of invasive communities which are specifically, only, geared towards social disruption, acts of terror and releasing chaos within the towns and cities, and other key facilities. Cancer rules over borders, parameters, guarding, secure locations, land and property security, food, water and distribution of energy, oil, electricity (typically with Aquarius/Uranus) and all things which center upon the safety and thriving of families, housing, real estate or cities security and functionality in all ways.

The Solar Eclipse squares (causing conflicts and interference activities) in these situations.

Cancer is also related to abundance, supply, food, money and economic health of the country, and the well being of families.

The Eclipse also conjoins the U.S. Conceptional Saturn, in the 10th house of President, which directs all eyes, attention upon the office of the President, the existing President – which indicates a possible serious event suddenly occurring with this person’s position, safety or office. The underside of Libra, is involved in organized crime, deception, greed, criminal activities and also delusions, slight of hand and acts of deception and lies.

The positive qualities of Libra always have to do with straight on facing reality, truth and honestly, as it is a Karmic Sign, as Saturn is exhaled in Libra, and, Libra rules the Karmic Scales and Justice. Perfect accountability and cosmic Law. The Eclipse sitting on the U.S. Saturn could either enforce severe karmic justice to several out of control situations, or the eclipse exposes to the people, corruption occurring at this top level.

A potential triggering of an event involving the president, from the Solar Eclipse’s conjunction to the U.S. Saturn, could occur anywhere between now up through November 1, even as close to November 6.

I’m not meaning to beat around the bush, I simply hesitate to go into a drama rant about the upcoming next three weeks and think the worst, but I would be prepared for anything at this time, including any potential need to leave one’s home. So that means, do you have a bag to grab, just in case your neighborhood is turning bad? If you are located in a good place, just focus then on your food, water, gas in your car, your heat since we are heading into winter up North, and anything else you might need.

As far as I can see, since our first major challenging Eclipses from 2017 – 2023 – 2024, plus the extreme splitting Pluto oppose U.S. Uranus, the 2021-2024 Pluto in Capricorn conjoin the U.S. 1776 Pluto, which was the start of the 2nd global revolutionary wave of freedom for humanity ……we have so far been able to manage our lives and the functioning of the country. Yet, can you see how escalated social dangers and struggles have become so quickly?

On the one hand, I will continue to applaud our ability to bend and adjust to not only the increase of stress and intensity in the world, but also an apparent shrinking of the hours in the day, creating a sense of less free time at hand we have been used to even a decade ago. People are adjusting as more and more is being revealed.

On the other hand, it’s time to jump back into the hard astrology, which is in part, because of the last Pluto in Capricorn up through end of November, which has been ongoing since 2008, and so many other planetary cycles escalating this September – December. The party is over, and other than the July 12 -14 Mars conjoin Uranus, we had a bit of a reprieve. Now we’re back into it again, and we are heading into a Mars Retrograde.

Yes there are positive astrology cycles coming for the next six years, we just have to get through, the next five months and see how it goes.

Stand firm within that power which is contained inside of each one of us. Standing firm and one with a bigger power than all of these lesser powers in the world. The Fixed Stars below, hint at an exposure occurring in a big way….

Fixed Stars conjoin our Solar Eclipse

Vindemiatrix, and Porrima Fixed Stars, both conjoin this Solar Eclipse, Sun, Moon and Mercury in the sky –

It lends an additional theme to our concerns of the sudden disgrace to president, people in positions of fame, public figures, politicians, famous people in all areas. It can indicate deceptive personal lives exposed and the misleading of the public…anywhere, and in the U.S. Chart. It can also promote energies of hedonism, social corruption. Scandals and an increase of distrust among society for their favorite public figures can escalate. Ill Omens to Heads of State are defined by these fixed stars conjoined the Sun.

PORRIMA on the Eclipse indicates, whatever is being targeted or exposed goes along with it willingly – or concedes and cooperates. Involvement in intrigue. Scandalous public figures.

In order to hold steady within this pillar of light we all stand in, let’s spend the time to formulate an affirmation, a prayer or call including any divine Invincible source you desire, to shield yourself, your family and loved ones, home, town, city and all you include in this call. Let’s demand this shielding action be impenetrable, 24 hours a day.

Thank you for being there! Through our usual empowered faith in a bright future, all potential crisis, will fail. Be prepared, but not scared! Have your backup, but live for the positive each day!

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5 thoughts on “Transition Solar Eclipse in Libra

  1. Jeanine L Luna says:

    This is the best insightful /realistic reading ever!
    Buckle up! We have been trained for this on the inner. We are prepared in our hearts and souls. Stand fast and immovable in Christ. Always Victory to all Light bearers!!

  2. Carlton Newman says:

    We live in interesting times. But, does it have to be this interesting?

  3. Walter says:

    ALSO : The “Ring of Fire” Solar Eclipse in Libra on 10-2-24 at Sun Down marks the start of Rosh Hashanah, while the 4-8-24 Great American Solar Eclipse at Sun Down marked the start of the Hebrew Calendar. 10-2-24 also marks the brightest appearance Comet C/2023 A3 labeled the “Comet of the Century” all out picturing Christines deliberations.
    Much to ponder, fearlessly face and make our calls on!
    Let us remember the give the Fatima Rosary.

  4. Patricia L. says:

    Hi Christine,
    You posed the question: Could the Solar Eclipse inconjunct indicate a shift towards a new money system?
    There is a shift towards a new money system by the BRICS nations. BRICS Summit is taking place Oct. 22 – 24, 2024. They will likely discuss the a new currency that has been in the works for years.

    Thank you for this astrology and your insights!
    Always Victory!


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