Uranus in Aries-The Shepherd Kings

As a student of the stars, a sensitivity develops for the  nature of the planets, their movements in the sky and their relationship to each other by degrees and geometry. There is a quality of honor that is building within the many on Earth and it is a courage to face whatever may come, knowing this is the culmination of an ancient spiritual conflict.

With the movement of the planet Uranus into the sign of Aries,(summer 2010; March 11 2011 through March 8 2019),  much has been written on its volatile nature ushering in a time of upheaval and change.  Its square to Pluto batters away at archaic structures in every area of life. ( 2008 -2016  exact  June 2012 through March 2015.)  Land, Mountains, Governments, Economy, Policies and the Underworld of Secrets. Some secrets so strange most would rather not know, and so those in power keep them hidden.

Everything will be shaken, for Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius, and we’re in the Aquarian Age now officially, and Aquarius and Uranus are the vessels of the Violet Fire of change and transmutation.

Uranus’ relentless magnetismic rays disrupt everything that has been a structure of power, even the unholy “gods” throughout history who have claimed earth for their own uses.

Aries has been known as the Power of the Sun, Helias, the Shining one and the True Sons of God.

This is why we think of Christ, Krishna, Knights on magnificent missions, the unmovable Abraham and the name of God, I AM.

Uranus entering the sign of Aries ushers in the era of the Kings who have always carried the bloodline, from lifetime to lifetime.  This mysterious race of the pure in heart, so beautifully depicted in the idealist novels, Templars, Knights, and Cathars, are the true shepherds of the people; custodians of the Earth.  You and I are Uranus in Aries.We are everywhere on the globe, in every nation.

You know you are one by the emotion of justice, the defense of compassion and a true sense of knowing you have the right to be free, a true power lies within your soul’s identity, and not in those who abuse and flaunt their powers. Somehow you know a patient dignity that the Earth, your nation, your world around you is really in your care.

Uranus in Aries is a group connected by invisible cords which are passageways of information, guiding you each day, each year what to do, what to think, how to interpret the times, all for the end goal of believing a dream of a Golden Age.

Uranus squares the Pluto representing the corruption of the mechanical mental machine of the ego and the limited cut off perception within an ancient race who have not the DNA of Light.  The more we call  and pray for the Truth and transparency, the more you will see it come out in the journalism in the media.

The Square becomes the battle of Light and Darkness, not only externally, but any bit of the artificial part left within ourselves known as the ego/dweller. This April 3 as Uranus officially enters Aries during this most unusual time in history, can we really compare it to any other Uranus in Aries cycle?  Or Uranus square Pluto cycle?  How can we?  We can go back and see in history, the disruptive and sudden unexpected calamities which occurred during these cycles and some have had such long term impact up to this point, we are still suffering under some of them, but nothing in my view compares to this one.

The body of the Shepherd Kings has become awake and are in the millions. They know the voice of their true Spirit, their one God.

When you sleep at night, call to the Archangels to take you to your beautiful retreat of light where magnificent teachers download your assignments for the next day, the coming week, the year ahead.

We are all receiving what you could say our marching orders and upon awakening in the morning, the emotional state you are in could very well be the piece or fragment of the entire message that has been delivered to your inner self. No matter what circumstances we have to endure in the physical world, no one can disconnect our tie in the inner world.

Life in this physical concrete world can seem confusing, limited and mechanized, and that mechanical mind would aggressively move into every area of our lives but! the nature of the planet Uranus at this time, can not do it.  It is charged literally with an electricity of Freedom and so much God Stuff, particles of Liberty, and intelligent communication with the true Word.

At the end of the day, call to your Archangel, and fly through the night to your true home in the heavens, sit at the feet of those great teachers and return in the morning with your marching orders, and notice how many of your friends are sharing the same views as you that day.